7 Ways To Find Clarity Following The Death Of A Loved One

7 Ways To Find Clarity Following The Death Of A Loved One

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Nothing is quite like that feeling when we are first in love. The electric feeling when your partner touches you, the hot looks over the dinner table, the warm fuzzy feeling knowing that they are yours.

Worse, your PC might stop working and you will suddenly see the dreaded blue screen of death. Have you already experienced and seen it? If not, then let me describe it to you. It appears when your computer is full of errors already and once it appears you will not be able to start up your PC again if you do not know how to repair it. So, what does a common a person with no technical know-how does? Call up a technician. It is okay, that is the way to go, but imagine how much you can save up if you only knew how to prevent this and would not have to resort to DLL repairs, right? A couple of hundred of dollars maybe per quarter or per year. That is a lot!

death continues west, searching for the one bent on cheating death. Wreathed in shadows, Death approaches the base of the hill atop which the alchemist stands. The alchemist, an arrogant and selfish man, has discovered the Elixir of Life. But no one can cheat Death.

Jesus said something even more shocking earlier in this passage. He clearly proclaimed his divine nature to them. "If you knew me you would know my Father." (John 8:19) Jesus had made very plain to them that he and his Father were in perfect agreement as to what his purpose was when he took on humanity and came into this world. "For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him". (John 3:17) His enemies were shocked that Jesus would claim to be God, they were astonished that he claimed power to bring salvation to their souls. This was a day for them to remember because they had never heard any man utter such outrageous things.

Do nothing. Sit and cry. Don't feel guilty about it, as this is an important step in healing. Conversely, if you do not feel like crying, don't beat yourself up about it. Everyone experiences grief differently.

When our dies physical bodies can no longer keep up with the demands of this time space reality that which defines us as physical will cease to be able to function. However, at that precise point in time, the life source which is our essence will be released from the body and will ultimately join like energies.

The second way (the right way) would be to understand that death is one of the most important parts of life. You have to die. You have to die because this is the nature's way of clearing the old and making way for the new. Try to imagine that life is like a train. A train of life that never stops and goes forever. Now imagine that you have won the 'gift of life' train ticket on the 'the lottery of life' and that you have boarded on the train. Now, as we all know, train tickets don't last forever so you'll have to get off the train at some point in the future. Well, death is that moment when you walk off the train. The point of this example is to understand life as a GIFT that has been given to us.

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