7 Up Vintage Series

7 Up Vintage Series


“Give me the child until he is seven and I will give you the man”
"Give me a child a untill he is seven, and i will give you the man" 

Seven up started of to be a glimpse of the future of England then turned in to a time capsule that was reopened and evaluated every seven years. This series shows glimpses of a certain peoples

lives at every 7th stage of there life (1964).
This episode was taken when the participants were 7, hence the name, even at 7 there personalities were shining threw for the future. Some loud and creative others quiet and mischievous. There personalities still shone threw there seven year-old self’s and we had achieved what we had intended to achieve, a glimpse of the future.
Instead of using just upper-class people or just lower or middle class people they decided too use a verity of people from all backgrounds, this was very beneficial because we could compare the richer to the poorer and see who had a better outcome in the end.

Suzie is a typical upper class girl who seems to get what she wants when she wants. She doesn’t seem to think about others as much as her self in this episode. In the interview Suzie was asked if she knew any ‘coloured’ people she replied “ No, and I don’t particularly want to meet one.” She was also asked if she would like children and how would she raise them she replied “ I would like 2 children (pause), and I would like a nanny to raise them".(after being asked if she wanted a nanny or if she would look after them). These 2 particular comments gave a great incite to who she really was at that time and who/how her parents raised her, I think one of the reasons Suzie is like this is because of her parents. In my opinion and I’m sure that my peers would agree Suzie was a little brat, one of the main reasons I think she was like this because this was how her parents raised/influenced her as a child.
I think that Suzie will fail life in her parents/peers eyes I think she will try and escape the rich life but will still scab off her parents for a living. I don’t think she will reach university and I don’t think that she will get married or children let alone a nanny to look after them.

John is another typical upper-class boy, who seems to have an opinion on anything you ask him about including why people should pay for schools, “I think people should pay for school because if they didn’t schools would get awfully crowded” . He also reads the news papers both the …”headings then the stuff underneath” .
John seems to be acting too old for his age, it’s more likely that that you would find a 14 year-old or an 21 year-old human being reading the news paper rather than a seven year old. This gives a good look into what type of childhood john might have had, I think his child hood was very integrated as in the man do one thing and the women do another and that’s how the world goes around type of child hood I think that’s why he acted more sophisticated than his age.
I think john will achieve his ambitions/goals in life but will have a hard time achieving them , he wont get married or at leat have a happy one.

Andrew, Andrew was the one that seemed to actually have a clue about the world, he clamed to read the “financial times because they had the shares in them, but I don’t read it on Monday because they don’t change” I later learned that this was something that he had repeated from his father who was asked the question earlier, this still gives a good look at who Charles looked up to at such an early age.
Andrew was also from the upper class he seemed bubbly and happy for his age, he seemed to act his age and he wasn’t as ‘ snobby’ as Suzie or john were, the money he had didn’t change what type of person he was going to be.
I think Andrew will have a good life, the one his parents intended him to have, I think he will marry and have three children.

Charles was a more quieter specimen he give the impression of that he always did what he was told and did nothing more or less of that. I think he would have been attached to his parents and the separating from at the age of 7 so he could attend a prep school would have been horrific. During the interview He didn’t seem to confident or talkative as john or Andrew, Charles didn’t really answer the questions he more listened to what Andrew john and Charles had to say this wasn’t very helpful to giving me an idea of what he would have been like at 7. He could have been either very thoughtful or very shy because of the cameras
I think Charles will have a more relaxed career not what his parents or peers would of seen him doing or wanted him doing but something that still pleases everyone and himself, I don’t think he will get married only because he seemed to be to shy.

Peter was part of the upper middle class he was very quiet in this episode only because his friend Neil wouldn’t let him get a word out. He didn’t seem to be interested in the programme at all (he looks / reminds me of my dad when he was younger).
I don‘t really have any thoughts on what his future might be like only because I didn’t really get a feel for what charter he had.

Neil went to the same school as Peter, Neil was very bubbly, creative person, when they asked him what he thought about coloured people he responded to the question “I don’t like the term 'coloured people’ it sounds funny makes them sound like there a purple person with red eyes and yellow feet it just doesn’t sound right” and his opinion on children was “I don’t want children, there always doing naughty things and make the house untidy” these comments gave me a great clue to what I think Neil might be in the future. His comment on children was really interesting because children mainly just repeat what they hear, and at the age of 7 your parents are who you usually are around with, I don’t think his parents were very loving or supportive towards him I think that they just had a child because they felt it was the right thing to do at the time, but as soon as the time came they regretted (not fully) there discission and all Neil was, was someone who caused a lot of trouble and created a lot of mess.
I think that Neil will have a job that lets him express his creativeness sometime in the future, I don’t think he will get married but might have a few unexpected kids.

Nicholas lives in the Arncliffe, a tiny village in the Yorkshire Dales, he is the only child in his neighbour-hood(besides his brother). His father is a farmer so he is educated in a one room school. When asked about girls his reply was “ I don’t, I don’t answer question’s like that”. He was a shy closed off charter, yet he still seemed happy bubbly and creative just like any normal child of his age. “ I go for a holiday in the town when people from the town come for holidays down here for a holiday”
I think nick will have a successful career in something creative also and will marry but have no children. I think that he will go threw a depressed stage in his life and this will hold him back from his ambitions for a while. He might end up working on his fathers farm.

At the age of 7 Bruce was living in a high quality boarding school, he said his “hearts desire is to see my father who is in Africa” ( Rhosesia, Zimbabwe ). He said that he would like to be a missionary an to help people in poorer circumstances. He also has a Girlfriend in Africa but he doesn’t think he will ever see her again. Bruce seemed attached to his parents at that age I think that at the age of seven you shouldn’t be separated from your parents so early, I think it makes you less confident as a grown person because you don’t have that security when your younger I think when your at least at the age of 10 you should then be ready to attend a boarding school. I think this separation of Bruce and his parents will hold him back for a few years, it will make him a more quiet kid with deeper thoughts. His view on Christianity at such a young age was amazing I don’t know if he was just repeating something or if he was actually considering becoming a missionary.
I think he will Dream big dreams, but fail most of them but achieve his most biggest ambition in life, I think he will get married and will have many children.

Jackie is a loud, bubbly charter, she’s sort of the ‘leader’ of the trio .
Sue is a little more deeper with her thoughts than Jackie but she is still just as loud and fun-loving as Jackie can be at times.
Lynn is the ‘tag-along’ of the trio, she is very quiet (or Jackie an sue wouldn’t let get a word in) and seems to be considering others from a young age “ I want to work at Woolworths” she said in the interview.
Jackie Lynn and Sue all have a caring heart ( some more than others ) they all agreed that if they had more money than they needed that they would give it to the poor. When I first saw this I didn’t think that they were sane because they virtually had nothing them selves yet they all want to help people who have less than them.
I think that all three of them will remain being friend for the rest of there lives, I think that they will all have there differences in what there life will be like. I think that they will all end up working for the community in a way by the end of there life times. And I think that they will All get married and have children (one of them will divorce and remarry again).

Tony is a very loud, cheeky and brutal character he has clear views on everything at a young age. “ I want to be a jockey ”… he said. Tony lives in the east ends of London he had what he needs and nothing more. He has a girlfriend who he denies that he goes to the pictures with. All the children were brought together taken to the zoo, they then had a party and then went to an ’adventure’ park, afterwards they asked the children what they thought of the other children, Tony’s response wasn’t positive, I think he wanted to bash all the upper class children up.
I think that Tony will Become a Jockey or if he doesn’t he will become a tradesman I think he will always have an east ender look on things (money…ect). He will marry and have kids and will give them everything that he couldn’t have.

Simon lives in an charity home he was born in a marriage (mixed race) he never got to meet his black father and at the time of the filming of this episode he was leaving to live with his white mother. Simon seemed to be like an average kid I think he did everything he could when he was living at the charity home that was possible. He didn’t seem to be very bright, his communication skills were very poor he didn’t seem to understand the questions or was able to answer back to them clearly. I don’t think that this is his fault he probably didn’t go to the highest quality school at the time but I think this will improve in time he will communicate more when he is older.
I think Simon will live a happy life, he will marry and have lots of children and he will have a career in a trade.

Paul also lived in a charity home , the same one as Simon in fact, I didn’t see much of Paul. When asked if he would attend university he replied ” what’s university ?” . he didn’t seem really bright like Simon, his communication skills were also very low. I hope he will open up to the camera in later episode’s.
I think he will grow up and have a normal life marry, kids, career.

Great work. I liked your summation of what the series is about. Well done!
2,160 words ,... I cnat belive it !

June 6, 2019 5:38 pm(Updated October 8, 2020 2:18 pm)
In 1964, a documentary series on ITV began, examining the lives of a group of seven year-olds and their hopes and dreams for the future.
Almost six decades later, the 7 Up series is one of the longest running real-life programmes on television, thanks to its dedicated director, Michael Apted.
Now the show has returned for its latest installment, 63 Up, to catch up with the people a whole generation have grown up with – that original group of seven-year-olds, who are now 63.
63 Up is on ITV for three consecutive nights, Tuesday 4 – Thursday 6 June, at 9pm.
Led by director Apted throughout the decades, this unique, acclaimed series has now reached 63 Up, allowing it to gain further illuminating insight into its original premise of asking whether or not our adult lives are pre-determined by our earliest influences and the social class in which we are raised – an issue as relevant to our society now as it was when the series first aired.
Across three films, 63 Up reveals more life-changing decisions, more shocking announcements and joy and tears in equal measure.
7 Up featured the children talking about their hopes and dreams for the future. As members of the generation who would be running the country by the year 2000, what did they think they would become?
The result was ground-breaking television and the follow-up films – made at seven year intervals – have won an array of awards.
Apted has charted the children’s progress through life with his series and now, as the group reach retirement age, we will discover what they have been doing over the last seven years.
Here’s a catch up with all the cast:
London cabbie Tony told 7 Up that he wanted to be a jockey. The films followed him as he chased his dream but said at 14 that if he didn’t make it he would become a taxi driver. By 21 he was on the knowledge and at 28 he owned his own cab.
The films followed Tony as he married Debbie and started a family. At 49 they were filmed at their holiday home in Spain and at 56 Tony said he wanted to open a bar there.
When the series last saw Tony, he and his wife were looking after one of their grandchildren for their daughter. The couple talked about their marriage and their hopes for the future.
When Andrew was just seven, he told the series that he read the Financial Times. The public schoolboy went on to become a solicitor with a wife, Jane, and two sons.
When the series last saw Andrew, a successful lawyer, he spoke about his marriage to Jane and his second home and family life.
Sue first appeared in the series with her two East End school friends, Jackie and Lynn. Since then Sue has shared details about her marriage, her divorce and raising her two children.
In 42 Up, Sue was living as a single mum and spoke about her life and the fulfilment she got from her children. By 56 Up, Sue and her partner Glenn had been engaged for 14 years and Sue laughed about their long engagement and how they were in no hurry to marry.
At 56 Up, Sue spoke about her work at the university, her relationship with Glenn and how proud she was of her son and daughter. She also talked about her new hobby, amateur dramatics.
When farmer’s son Nick was seven he told the series that he wanted to learn about the moon and refused to answer any questions about girls. In 14 Up the shy teenager made the same comment.
But by 21 Up Nick had met Jackie and in 35 Up the couple had married and were living in the USA, where Nick was a professor at a University. At 42 Up the couple had a son but by 49 Up they were divorced and Nick had a new wife, Cryss.
In 56 Up, Nick took Cryss back to the Yorkshire Dales, where he grew up, and he talked about taking part in the films and living in America. He became emotional when visiting his family’s graves and thinking back about the death of his grandmother.
Public schoolboy Bruce was just seven when he said he wanted to be a missionary so he could work in Africa and “teach people who are not civilised to be, more or less, good”.
The films have followed him as he graduated from Oxford before going on to teach in Bangladesh. At 35 Up he was not married but confessed that he hoped he soon would be. In 42 Up Bruce revealed that he had met a fellow teacher, Penny, while working in London’s East End, and the pair were now married. They expressed their desire to start a family and in 49 Up they introduced their two sons.
When the series last saw Bruce, he talked about his sons as the trio planned a camping trip together. Bruce was still teaching maths and enjoying playing cricket.
Jackie was one of the three East End girls interviewed together aged seven. The films have followed her as she moved to Glasgow and had three sons. By 42 Jackie was living alone with the boys after splitting with her partner, Ian, father to her two youngest boys. At 49 she told the programme that she and Ian still lived near to each other and he was still a big part of her sons’ lives.
In 56 Up, Jackie spoke openly about her ill health and her struggle to find work because of it and the effect on her benefit reviews. She revealed that Ian, her former partner, had been killed in a road traffic accident.
Liverpudlian Peter left the series after 28 Up. At the time he was married and teaching at a school in Leicester. He was quite outspoken about his views about the education system and after coming under-fire in the press he decided not to take part in the series anymore.
Peter, who at seven told the programme he wanted to be an astronaut, remained in contact with Michael Apted, who asked him to come back to the show every seven years. So at 56 Up, after setting up a successful country music band, Peter decided to re-join the Up series to continue his story.
Aged seven, Lynn was filmed alongside Jackie talking about how she wanted to work in Woolworths but she ended up as a children’s librarian. The series previously saw her battling a life-threatening brain condition and, in 56 Up, she had lost the job she’d dutifully held for 30 years. Lynn spoke about how her priorities had changed since 49 Up, after she became a grandmother to a grandson who was born prematurely.
Lynn sadly died in 2013 and will be paid tribute to in the new documentary.
Seven-year-old Paul lived in a children’s home and wanted to be a policeman but feared it would be too hard. By 28, Paul and his wife Sue had two children and were living in Australia.
In 49 Up Paul and his wife, Sue, talked about their two grandchildren and their daughter, Katy, who was the first member of their family to go to university.
And in 56 Up, Paul looked back over the most recent seven years of his life and talked about his job at a retirement village.
Symon was also brought up in the same children’s home as Paul. When he was a child he dreamed of being an actor. By 28 he was married with five children but by 35 had divorced. By 42, Symon had married Vienetta and they had a son together. By 49 they decided to train as foster parents.
At 56, Symon talked about his six children and how he and Vienetta were fostering other children as well. He talked about his job as a forklift truck driver and how he didn’t feel as though he had fulfilled h
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Seven Up! Series - IMDb
7 Up (TV Series 1984– ) - IMDb
Up (film series) - Wikipedia
Seven Up Series - Nostalgia Central
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