7 Tricky Riddles To Tease Your Brain

7 Tricky Riddles To Tease Your Brain


7 Tricky Riddles To Tease Your Brain

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Bright Side / Quizzes / 15+ Tricky Riddles That Will Rack Your Brain
Solving riddles for the brain is like lifting weights for the body. Exercising your mind every day will help you increase your concentration and memory, and will keep you more focused on your daily tasks. This compilation of riddles will help you get your brain juices flowing.
So, buckle up, and get cracking on these 19 riddles Bright Side prepared for you.
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These tricky riddles with answers will bend your brain! Test yourself and see how many of these deceptively tricky riddles you can solve. Then challenge your friends, family and coworkers as well and see how well they can do. Look carefully and try to approach these with an open mind, for you already know they are designed to play tricks on you. Make no mistake, these are definitely not easy riddles but they will certainly be fun and entertaining. Some of them are funny, some are silly, some are long and others are short tricky riddles. In addition to the collection below of tricky riddles and answers , we have also included a special section of tricky riddles for kids . Get ready to have your brain teased!
How can you add eight 6s together so that the total adds up to 750?
A little girl goes to the store and buys one dozen eggs and, as she is going home, all but three break. How many eggs are left unbroken?
Friday, Jason and Jeff went to the store to buy some bread. The total of $12 was divided equally among the friends. Jason paid $4 and Jeff paid $4 as well. Who paid the other $4?
In a one story house at the corner of the road, the bedrooms were yellow, the kitchen was blue, the living room was orange, the garage was green, the entry hall was red and the sitting room was purple. What color were the stairs?
There are no stairs in a one-story house
People make me, keep me, change me, raise me, even though I can be very dirty. What am I?
Do you have what it takes to solve these really tricky math riddles ?
A grandmother, two mothers and two daughters went to the cafe for some tea. They ordered one cup each. What was the total number of cups that they ordered?
Frank was born in 1933 and died in 1946 at the age of 57. How can this be?
He was born in the hospital room 1933 and died in room 1946
Which of the following is not white? Egg whites, The White House, polar bears, golf balls, milk, marshmallows and white onions.
Polar bears, because their fur is colorless. Each fur strand is actually transparent and pigment free with a hollow core which reflects light.
After an 8 hour flight from Los Angeles’ LAX airport to the Manila airport from what direction would you be landing in Manila?
None, because you’d still be somewhere over the ocean because it usually takes about 13 hours from Los Angeles to Manila
What was the longest river in the world before the Amazon River was discovered?
The Amazon, because it was still the longest even before anyone discovered it
I am a few inches long, a couple inches wide and most women would love to get their hands on me. What am I?
The mad scientist wanted to take a person who had 5 heads and remove 4 of them and sew them onto a clown’s head. He estimated that it would take 43 minutes per head. How long would it take him to complete the entire procedure?
He can’t complete it because no person has 5 heads
Check out our Santa-approved Christmas riddles
Ivanka is smoking an e-cigarette and blowing it on Jared and it is bothering him and follows him everywhere he goes. What can Jared do to avoid the smoke?
Nothing, because e-cigarettes do not produce smoke
There has never been a single airplane that has successfully landed at the airport in Cincinnati. How can this be?
Because there is actually no airport in Cincinnati. The closest airport is across the state line in Kentucky.
If you paint a brown house white it will become a white house, if the stop light changes from red to green then the light is green. So, if you throw a white shirt into the Red Sea, what will it become?
It will become wet. There would be no color change because the Red Sea is not actually red
If turkeys are for Thanksgiving, jockeys are for horses and monkeys are for the jungle, then what is for rednecks?
If a male tiger is to tigress, rooster is to hen and bull is to cow, then a male dog is to what?
A girl who is super rude (if you don’t get this, you might just be too young)
How many birthdays does the average Jehovah Witness’ have?
None, they don’t celebrate birthdays
If a military camp has 183 soldiers and a military rebel has one shot to get them all, what would the rebel do to make sure one shot got all 183?
He would ask all 183 to stand close so that they all fit in the photo
Want more? Try these tricky riddles for adults answers included
It is transparent, because it is made of glass
4 rubber ducks were floating in the bathtub, 2 floated away and 2 drowned. How many rubber ducks are still alive?
Zero, because rubber ducks aren’t alive and cannot drown
A pair of shoes and and pair of socks cost a total of $1.10. The shoes cost $1.00 more than the socks. How much do the socks cost?
If you buy a rooster so that you can harvest and eat eggs every morning and you expect to have three eggs every morning for breakfast, then how many eggs would you have after 10 days?
Zero, because roosters do not lay eggs
What goes up and down and circles around at blazingly fast speeds?
The Earth, the sun and most things in the universe
Which of the following is correct: 1) Ostrich can fly, or 2) Ostriches can fly?
Neither because ostriches can’t fly
Know people? See if you can guess the answers to these who am I riddles
If E + 1 = 4, D + 1 = 3, E – D = 1, then what do you get when you put E and 3 together?
Something that looks a lot like the number 8 (when you combine them side by side)
What has hands but cannot wear gloves, a face but cannot look?
What is the smallest: a meter, 3.2 feet or a yard?
It depends on whose yard it is, but most house’s yards are much bigger than a meter or 3.2 feet.
Among the numerical numbers 1-10, what number is most likely to be the fattest?
Wow! You made it through all of these really tricky riddles? All hail your might brain! Level up and check out these super hard riddles
→We really hope you enjoyed these challenging, fun and funny tricky riddles with answers! Feel free to share them with other parents, educators and people who you think will enjoy them.

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3, one for each person (the grandmother is also a mother and the mother is also a daughter) – OR – 2 (both people are mothers and daughters and one is a grandmother)
Everyone loves a challenge and, even more, we love it when we can rise to a challenge and give it our best. These tricky riddles for kids will help you challenge your children and students to think creatively and observe closely. Exercising a child’s brain with something like tricky riddles can help nurture a sharp and discerning mind. While some of the very tricky riddles from above might be considered by some to be tricky riddles for adults only, the riddles here were specially crafted to be more appropriate for children. Also, take a look at our largest selection of riddles for kids .
If a yellow brick road is yellow, Blue from Blue’s Clues is blue and the White House is white, then what color is a greenhouse?

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