7 Top SEO Trends for 2021 to Focus On

7 Top SEO Trends for 2021 to Focus On

Mazie Beahan

One of the most important factors for digital marketers is SEO or Search Engine Optimization. The SEO enhancement enables the website to feature higher on the search engine results. It uplifts the website's visibility in the search engine result pages, which further results in the more natural traffic to the website. You can constructively attract visitors to your websites through Search Engine Optimization (SEO) if you use it properly. 

The medium of SEO is continually progressing, and it has become a formidable challenge to stick on the top. The best SEO Company in Asansol uses different metrics like social shares, backlinks, and traffic to ensure a high ranking SEO performance and powerful traffic. It is essential to focus on fundamentals to develop and boost your SEO without ignoring the SEO trends. To help you improve your SEO strategy, we have listed down the top search engine optimization trends for 2021- 

Voice Search

Voice search has actively developed within the past few years. Along with the emergence of A.I. assistants, voice searches are becoming more individualized and highly accurate. With this, users can now receive quick answers to their voice search queries. Hence, voice search optimization would be one of the most significant SEO trends in 2021. A.I. assistants like Siri and Google Assistant are evolving as they are an integral part of every smartphone. Therefore, it is of extreme importance to include precise search terms and long-tail keywords to cooperate with this significant SEO trend. 

Try to place yourself in the position of visitors or customers and view from their perspective. Another thing to consider is that short answers are preferred more on Google voice search. The minimum result of voice search is around 29 words long.

Mobile Friendly

Another popular SEO trend this year is mobile-first. This means one should build a mobile-friendly website! Your website should have the ability to be fully-functional and respond accurately to smartphone devices. Moreover, the website loading speed should be optimized for smartphones too. Website pages that run slowly on smartphone devices won't show up on top of the search results, leading to a not-so-good user experience. Because of the simple browsing experience in mobile and enhancements in mobile networks' speed, people highly rely on browsing on mobile. 

High-quality Content

High-quality content would attract more traffic and would simultaneously lead to higher rankings in search results. Moreover, the A.I. can find out the relevance of the heading to its content. Content that is of no value and has no relevance to its heading has possibilities to result in penalties. Also, the content should have relevant target keywords. Make sure the content is crafted not only for the search engines but also for the visitors. If the visitors have a good experience on the website, they are more likely to rank higher in search engine optimization. Connect with the leading Virohaa Internet Media for the best and enriched content for your website SEO.

Machine Learning

With web analytics tools and the concepts of machine learning, nowadays, one can find out the user's behavior. Even Google uses this feature to display search results! Moreover, this is also helpful to figure out site crawling, ranking predictions, opportunities for keyword ranking, and much more. All these aspects can highly optimize your SEO. Therefore, with machine learning, you would create your complete content strategy using the targeted keywords. 

E.A.T. Concept

Expertise, Authority, and Trustworthiness is the "E.A.T." concept. This is also one of the primary SEO trends for 2021. Google regularly checks whether users are getting proven and relevant data or not. If the content is abusive or improper, your website might never show up in SEO rankings. Moreover, there would be lesser traffic, which leads to no rank show! Specific algorithms are set to detect abusive or faulty websites, which means accurate and proven content is essential. 

Zero Click Searches

Google regularly changes its search engine result pages' layout and design to offer a more constructive and fast user experience. This leads us to zero-click searches! It is the result that displays on the top of the first search result page. In Google, around 50% of searches are zero-click searches. Specific content should be included in a way to display directly in the results of zero-click searches. 

Website Security

Google focuses on the status of website security, along with analyzing its ranking and relevance. So to make your SEO strategy effective, adding security features is of great importance. The security features include an SSL certificate and specialized plugins. If your website isn't secure enough, your visitors would have a bad experience, resulting in bad SEO. 


SEO trends are always changing. Therefore, it is essential to keep a check on the current trends. Mobile-friendliness, voice searches, and machine learning are some of the biggest trends of 2021. Use these techniques and improve your SEO strategy for better results.


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