7 Inch Dick Pic

7 Inch Dick Pic


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Anonymous asked in HealthMen's Health · 1 decade ago
its 7 inches long and 5 inches round is that big? or medium
i meant to say its 7 1/2 inches and its 5 inches round is that big or medium?
i meant to say its 7 1/2 inches and its 5 inches round is that big or medium? and im 14
the only reason that detail was repeated twice was because i didnt know that it went through
thanks for all the answers but i was looking for a womens response and what i learned was im about average
and to the ladies that answer what is big to you?
even though im 14 im 6'1 only weigh 160 but i think im done growin
my dick is 7 inches long is that big?
It's the normal exaggerated length for guys on this site.
Source(s): Increase Penis Size Naturally : http://penisfull.zourg.com/?mEW
my dick is 7 inches long is that big?
its 7 inches long and 5 inches round is that big? or medium
Source(s): dick 7 inches long big: https://tr.im/0nRYy
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Average is 5.5 to 6.2 inches long. So your 7.5 inches compared to one that is 5.5 inches would be a huge difference. 5 inches around is on the high end of average, but overall yours would definitely be considered BIG.
Source(s): Here's a video on the subject you'll be happy with: http://youtube.com/watch?v=JWqX3rBxBeI
between 5 to 6 inch are normal size, but 6 -7 inch are best size for making love, not too big, just perfect...if too big could be hurt...what's your size, if you bigger than 7, what you need to do are during sex, don't take out your pants to quickly, kiss her give her oral sex, when she getting hot, she will take almost any size between 5-8 inch. If you bigger than that use some lubrication.
Trust me big better than small (like Pee wee)
you meant to say 7 1/2 but you typed 7 twice?
Naturally Increase Penis Size : http://longpenis.uzaev.com/?CbQW
7 inches is above the average for an adult male. so at 7 or more, you are definitely above average. So stop worryign about your size and go learn to use it.
The Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM IV) defines premature ejaculation as a persistent or recurrent ejaculation with minimal sexual stimulation before, on or shortly after penetration and before a person wishes. Wow, that’s not a sexy definition. Personally, I define it as you come quicker than you or your partner wants. Luckly this is a great solution for premature ejaculation https://tr.im/770b8
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