7 Health Benefits of Owning a Pet

7 Health Benefits of Owning a Pet

Pet ownership has nearly tripled in the United States since the 1970s, with over 60% of households having at least one pet as of 2012. Americans spend a whopping $50 billion on their pets annually, according to the American Pet Products Association (APPA). However, owning a pet is not just a financial investment - it also comes with a range of health benefits.

Lower Blood Pressure and Stress

WebMD reports that owning a pet can lower blood pressure and reduce anxiety. With about half of American households having one or more dogs, man's best friend may be especially helpful in this regard.

Boost Your Immunity

Owning a cat or dog has been shown to boost your immune system, according to research by Dr. James Gern at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Dr. Gern found that having a pet in the household reduced childhood allergies by more than 30% in some kids and resulted in more robust immune systems later in life.

Increase Sociability and Lifespan

Owning a pet can help prevent isolation and depression, which have been linked to a shortened lifespan. Dogs, in particular, can be great conversation starters while on walks or at the dog park. Owning a pet has been correlated with a three percent reduction in the chances of dying from a heart-related condition.

Stronger Heart

Owning a pet has been correlated with lower blood pressure and better cholesterol and triglyceride levels, which in turn indirectly reduce the risk of heart disease. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that owning one or more pets significantly reduces the risk of heart disease.

Stick to Fitness Goals

Dog owners are typically less sedentary than those without pets. Walking, jogging, biking, or running with your dog can be great exercise during the warmer months. The National Institute of Health found that dog owners who walked their dogs themselves were far less likely to be obese.

Keep Your Head Up

Owning a pet can provide a sense of purpose, especially for the elderly or those who are unable to work consistently. Pets can also provide companionship and help lower feelings of loneliness or detachment.

Surprising Findings

Research into pet ownership and health has uncovered some surprising correlations. For instance, the Delta Society found that having brightly colored fish improved the appetites and reduced disruptive outbursts of Alzheimer's patients. Pet ownership has also been correlated with better psychological profiles overall and reduced anxiety about home invasions.

Great for Kids

Owning a pet can enhance the intellectual development of children, improve their self-worth and nurturing behaviors, and make them more resilient to the death of a loved one, according to recent research. It can also improve their immune systems.

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