7 Everyday Items You Had No Idea Were Made By NASA

7 Everyday Items You Had No Idea Were Made By NASA

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Memory Foam

You know the stuff inside of your mattress that makes sleeping in your bed infinitely more comfortable because it conforms to your body? That’s memory foam, which was developed by NASA in 1987. Despite being beloved by sleepers worldwide, memory foam was originally created by space program researchers looking for a way to keep their test pilots cushioned(комфортно) during flights.

Digital image sensors

It was NASA who integrated digital image sensors into your smartphone camera, GoPro. In the mid-1990s at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, scientists discovered technology to build sensors that used less power and were easier to mass-produce than the methods of the time, helping usher in the world of digital photography.

Precision GPS

You may remember a time when GPS was a little less than perfect at finding your position. Beginning in the mid-1990s, the Jet Propulsion Lab’s staff began developing precision GPS software that could correct those errors, which not only helps pilots and sailors, but phones, cars, and—believe it or not—self-driving farm equipment.

Healthier baby formula

While developing meal replacements for astronauts traveling to Mars, researchers stumbled on a form of omega-3 fatty acids previously only found in breast milk(грудное молоко)—and vital(жизненно необходимо) to infant(младенец) development. Now the fat is added to more than 90 percent of infant formula on the market.

Invisible braces

You’re no doubt aware of invisible braces are a great way to avoid being labeled Brace-Face. Thanks go to NASA, who helped develop the clear ceramic in a partnership with 3M Products.

Plant-air purifiers(Очистители воздуха для растений)

A gas released by plants tends to build up in the closed-off environment of a space station. That’s why NASA scientists developed an ethylene scrubber(устройство для поглащения этиленовог газа) for the International Space Station—and now the same technology is used by grocery stores to keep produce fresh longer and winemakers to avoid spoilage(порча), among numerous other uses.

Space blankets(космические одеяла)

NASA’s space blankets save lives in the wilderness every year: They were first developed by in 1973 when the Skylab-3 Mission required a sun shield to insulate the satellite itself. Now they’re found in every decent emergency and disaster kit.

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