600 Test 400 Deca

600 Test 400 Deca

Jennifer Lonergan


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#1. It's pretty clear now that most people do best on minimal test, high tren (I've even heard of guys dropping test and just using HCG or Masteron with fantastic results). Made me wonder why not with deca/NPP. . similar issue of both excess e2 and prolactin doubling up in the body. And just in general. 1,000mg Test E 600 mg Deca for 4 weeks. Then I upped the doses to 1,500 Test E 800mg Deca for 2 weeks. That was too much so I reduced down to 1,000mg Test E 600mg Deca for a final 6 weeks. I used a little bit of Adex the whole time and was very lean from a Summer cut. Stayed very lean and got crazy vascularity, especially in my quads and calves. STATEN ISLAND, NY. Posts. 575. 800 mg test 600 mg deca. thinking of runnin a cycle like this: every tues and thurs. 1cc test 400. 1 cc qv 300 deca for 10 weeks. anyway to do it better. 800mg of test and 600 mg of deca. 02-16-2004, 02:42 PM #2. Consistency. Extraordinarily Exorbitant. Join Date. Oct 2003. Location. Tenn. Posts. 4,286. Nov 13, 2016. Messages. 4,202. Reaction score. 827. Jul 22, 2017. #1. I'm very inexperienced with Deca, ( only used it once ) but much more experienced in things like Tren use, and dosages. For my own personal education, and curiosity, please share what the highest Deca dosage is that you have ever used. Aug 4, 2019. #1. Hi guys, I've read mixed feedback on stacking Mast with a Test and Deca cycle. What's your experience and thoughts between: Test E 300/w + Deca 600/w or. Test E 300/w + Deca 600/w + Mast E 600/w. I would really appreciate your input, pros and cons. Thanks! Bullseye Forever. Elite. SI Founding Member. Joined. Apr 14, 2012. Messages. Depending on your cycle lenght, I would definitely drop the amounts. I agree with the others who suggested 600 Test and 400 Deca . You could even front load with a higher amount of Test and then go down to the 600. I think you'll still see great results without as much wear and tear on your body at 1000 test per week. And 600mg test a week and 400mg deca. Likely will increase deca to 500 if no big sides are noticed. Also considering ramping up to 40mg Ed of dbol. Cycle will be 12 weeks total with option to extend to 16 weeks if I feel I'm still making progress steadily. Starting stats. 5'11" 200lbs. 13%bf. Bench 1rm 295lbs. Home. Anti-Aging Discussion. Anabolics. 400mg/Deca---600mg/test e cycle questions. Wildbill901. Aug 12, 2012. Wildbill901. New member. Awards. 0. Aug 12, 2012. #1. Ok, so this will be my first official injectable cycle. I've done two dbol cycles and two mdrol cycles both with pretty good results. From week 3 to week 12 the test subjects got a weekly injection of 600 mg nandrolone decanoate. From week 12 to week 16 the researchers reduced the dose, giving the subjects 400, 200, 100 and 50 mg deca per week respectively. The men ate a typical western diet, with just over 16 percent of their energy derived from protein, and about 50 percent . #1. Should I go with test 500 mg for 14 weeks and deca 400mg 12 weeks or should I do test 600 mg 12 weeks and deca 400 mg 10 weeks? Warchild. Registered User. Joined. Oct 6, 2013. Messages. 701. Reaction score. 588. Oct 20, 2013. #2. I would advise going the longer route. Decca likes a long run. ad. End of a glorious cycle: 12 weeks on Deca 300 and Test 250 (taking 300 of Deca a week and 600 of Test) My strength shot up, most noticeable on my overhead press where I got up to 185lbs, 3x10. Here's my stats. Before: Started: Dec 30, 2011: 190 lbs. neck - 15. biceps- 16. chest - 42. midsection - 39. calf - 14. 5. thigh - 2. hip- 38. 5. Cycle Advice - 600 Test C & 400 Deca. Pharma / TRT. MurteyB February 19, 2023, 4:25am 1. I'll be running a cycle 600 weekly test c + 400 weekly of deca. I have arimidex, nolva, clomid, and caber on deck. Looking to understand dosages of arimidex and caber throughout cycle. Numerous prior cycles. 600 Test 400 Deca | Human study: the effects of 600 mg nandrolone decanoate. depenafetodehis. Test Deca Dbol Cycle - Dosage, Benefits, Side Effects, PCT. On the basis of the information they collected, the researchers gave the test subjects 200 and 400 mg of Organon Deca-Durabolin in week 1 and 2. First cycle? Training? Diet? Good job researching the dosage and PCT, a step above most. When are you planning this? BigSquirrel June 4, 2008, 1:17am 3. Be aware that the deca runs around 21 days for a half life and the cyp is around 12. This will influence your pct start time, something to look into. xXDevilDogXx June 4, 2008, 1:29am 4. Should I take 400 or 600 mg of Deca a week for my cycle ? I was planning of taking 500mg of test a week but it give me sleeping problem, nervous and agite. So I drop it to 250 mg a week. What is the difference between 400 and 600 mg a week of deca ? Thanks ! Attached Thumbnails. 01-28-2006, 01:49 AM #2. goalseeker. Anabolic Member. Join Date. 150 test, 600 deca - big and full on cycle, water weight drops off when off cycle and there's still a decent amount of LBM gains just not as much as your on cycle weight suggests. 150 test, 300 deca - less big on cycle, about the same LBM gains when coming off as the higher dose. 450 test, 450 deca - big and full, not as full as 600 but harder . weeks 1-12 600mg test. weeks 1-10 300mg deca. weeks 1-4 dbol 30mg/day. weeks 1-12 armidex 1mg e3d. weeks 3-12 hcg 1000iu/week 1 inj. weeks 15-16 nolvadex 20mg aromasin 20mg daily vit e 1000iu. weeks 17-18 nolvadex 20mg clomid 50mg daily vit e 1000iu. or. weeks 1-12 800mg test. weeks 1-10 450mg deca. weeks 1-4 dbol 30mg/day. 12. 43 comments. Papa_Shango • 9 yr. ago. I just finished my 24 weeks of test / deca / mast. I absolutely loved it. I'd run more mast. SwoleScientist • 9 yr. ago. How much more mast? Papa_Shango • 9 yr. ago. I'd say 500-600mg a week. I ran 600mg and was very happy with results. A test deca cycle is one of the most common in the fitness and bodybuilding fields, and if you ask most fitness buffs they will tell you deca durabolin should always be used with test. In this guide we're going to take a look at the benefits and why a lot of fitness buffs prefer this combo. An Overview of the Test Deca Cycle.

  1. https://diary.by/~nikitagusevhi/testosterone-enanthate-300-mg-side-effects

  2. https://groups.google.com/g/41jock66/c/v-x_7rAdKvs

  3. https://groups.google.com/g/ripped-reckoners/c/RHIqtGA9Z88

  4. https://groups.google.com/g/84athlete27/c/xEWynbgCkHk

  5. https://groups.google.com/g/aasreview/c/0o-e2r6MUq4

Human study: the effects of 600 mg nandrolone decanoate per week
Thoughts on Test/Deca/Mast? : r/steroids - Reddit
Picture: End of a glorious cycle: 12 weeks on Deca 300 and Test 250 .
What's the highest Deca dosage you ever used?
big amounts of test e & deca - Steroid . com
Test and Deca Cycle Guide | 7 Benefits for Users in 2023
Cycle Advice - 600 Test C & 400 Deca - Pharma / TRT - T NATION
Public Lab: Print
[Compounds] Nandrolone Decanoate aka Deca : r/steroids - Reddit
test 400 and deca cycle | UK-Muscle. co. uk Forum
Test E And Deca | Bodybuilding, Muscle, Fitness and Health Forum - TMuscle
600mg of Cypionate & 400mg of Deca - Pharma / TRT - T NATION
400 mg or 600mg a week of DECA - Steroid . com
Test/deca/dbol classic cycle bulk. | MESO-Rx Forum
Cycle Test E 300/w Deca 600/w > how about adding Mast E 600/w
800 mg test 600 mg deca - Steroid . com
Low Test/High Deca | Professional Muscle - Bodybuilding Forum
400mg/Deca---600mg/test e cycle questions - AnabolicMinds. com
Test/deca? | Anabolic Steroid Forums

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