6 tips for perfect house coloring

6 tips for perfect house coloring

Do you like to change your hair color? What if you got into house coloring? Sensual blonde or spicy brown, pastel pink or flaming red, you are spoiled for choice in terms of hair dye. But you still have to master the basics to avoid stains and other disgorgement concerns. How to achieve your house coloring? Follow our advice for a perfect color.

1. How to choose the right hair dye?

The first thing to define when you want to color your hair yourself is the desired color.

The colors are classified according to a very precise tone scale, used by professionals. It distinguishes 10 main shades, ranging from the lightest to the darkest shade. To these nuances are added reflections. We distinguish warm reflections (golden, copper, mahogany and red) from cold reflections (ash and iridescent).

To find out what type of shade you can adopt, simply consult the tables located on the coloring boxes. They tell you in a simple way which colors are best suited to your natural shade.

2. Should we prefer permanent or temporary coloring?

A temporary color fades between 6 and 8 shampoos and a tone-on-tone or semi-permanent color lasts 6 to 8 weeks. Permanent coloring, on the other hand, does not go away: you have to wait for the hair to grow again to find its natural color.

You should know that the first two types of coloring do not contain ammonia, because they only tint the hair. Therefore, these are products that damage the hair fiber less. However, they only partially cover gray hair.

Only permanent coloring can both cover a large part of gray hair and darken or lighten it.

3. Are there any precautions to take before home coloring?

- Check that you are not allergic to certain components of the product. In particular, ammonia can irritate or burn certain scalps. The safety instructions provided in the box will help you decide.

- Avoid contact with the eyes as it is not a shampoo. After applying the color to the hair, rub your forehead and hands with half a lemon. This will allow you to wipe off the coloring that does not come off easily with the soap.

4. Successful hair color

Before you start coloring your entire hair, give it a try 48 hours before. If this is your first time, this application on the skin will allow you to be sure that you are not allergic to the different products contained in the coloring that you want to use.

Remember to prepare your mixture just before applying it.

Little tip before coloring: apply a greasy moisturizer to the location of your hair on the forehead and temples. If temporary 1 day hair dye overflow it a little, it will prevent the color from getting fixed on your skin and it will be easier to clean up afterwards.

Follow the instructions carefully (don't skip a step!) And don't forget the famous gloves.

For coloring all over the hair

If you dye your hair for the first time, then you have no roots. Distribute the product evenly over the lengths and ends, leave on for 10 minutes (the pause time varies depending on the

products. Read the instructions carefully). Then apply the coloring mixture to the roots and leave to set for the time indicated on the instructions. Rinse thoroughly after application.

For localized coloring on the roots

Is your hair already colored and sensitized? Apply the coloring mixture only on the roots and leave to act for 20 minutes (the pause time varies according to the products. Read the instructions carefully). At the end of the break time, distribute the entire product over the lengths and ends. Leave on for another 10 minutes.

When the pause time is over, lather with a little warm water, mix, add a little warm water again, mix and rinse. Finish with a special shampoo for colored hair.

5. How to take care of its coloring?

Just because the “dyeing” stage is now behind you doesn't mean that you should not maintain this pretty hair color that you are sporting now. For a superb mermaid mane and a color that lasts longer, bet on suitable care with shampoos and masks special colored hair to fix your color. Finally, to complete your daily beauty routine, you can also bet on a hair oil. To be used before shampooing, brushing or simply finishing, it is ideal for keeping a bright coloring.

6. Mistakes to avoid for a homemade nickel color

- It is very important that you follow the safety instructions before coloring your hair. Do the allergy test 48 hours before applying the coloring.

- Avoid chaining discoloration and coloring as these procedures damage the hair.

- Henna coloring does not correspond to everyone. White hair coverage is less effective with this technology. In addition, henna colors do not catch up with conventional colors. Indeed, henna has the effect of sheathing the hair which will prevent conventional coloring from having its effect, you might be disappointed with the result. We therefore advise you to wait until the natural henna coloring disgorges before going back to a classic coloring.

- If this is your first color, avoid choosing a color that is too aggressive or too dark, as it will take time to adapt to your new head.

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