6 Surprising Benefits of Massage Therapy

6 Surprising Benefits of Massage Therapy

Yes, massage therapy can aid in relaxation -However, it is more than that.

1. It could counteract all the sitting you do.

"Most individuals are dealing with some kind of postural stress," says Aaron Tanason, registered massage specialist, kinesiologist, and owner of Paleolife Massage Therapy in Toronto. "More often than not [that stress] tends to manifest in the shoulders and neck." However, those who work at desks should be aware. Postural stress manifest as weakness or pain in the lower back and gluteals due to prolonged periods of sitting for long periods of time.

When you consider the benefits of massage therapy , it's rather unexpected, but fortunately massage therapy can help to counteract the harm caused by sitting. That means you can continue your job at work for as long as you can schedule an appointment for a massage every week.

2. It helps ease muscle pain.

Have you got muscles that are sore? Massage therapy may assist. "massage near me helps improve circulation and increase blood flow. Similar to the act of rubbing your elbow after you knock it over the table, it can help alleviate discomfort," says Tanason.

A study from 2011 that was published in Annals of Internal Medicine discovered advantages of massage therapy as beneficial as other techniques of treatment for back pain.

3. It helps ease depression and anxiety.

"Human touch, in a context that is safe, friendly and professional, can be incredibly therapeutic and relaxing," says Tanason. Women who were diagnosed by breast cancer who were treated with massage three times per week were less stressed and less depressed in 2005, as per a research study that was published in International Journal of Neuroscience.

The study, which was released in Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry found that people who suffered from anxiety and depression felt happier and relaxed and also had lower levels of stress after massage therapy.

4. It aids in sleep.

The benefits of massage promote a peaceful sleep, but it also aids people who cannot otherwise relax. "Massage promotes relaxation and sleep in those undergoing chemo or radiation therapy," states Lisa Marie de Miranda, certified as a massage therapist, kinesiologist and massage therapy with Paleolife Massage Therapy. Massages also aid infants to sleep better, less cry and feel less stressed, according to research conducted by at the University of Warwick.

"Most RMTs can do infant massage," says de Miranda. And for parents who want to take on the task themselves, it's a natural thing to do. "There's no particular method. What parents do in their normal way to calm their child will be efficient."

5. It improves immunity                                                                  

A study in 2010 that was published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine discovered that massage can boost people's white blood cells count which play a significant role in protecting the body against disease. In addition, it "improves immune function for individuals with HIV," de Miranda says. de Miranda.

6. It eases headaches.

The next time a headache is a problem, you can book an appointment for a massage last minute. "Massage decreases frequency and severity of tension headaches," says de Miranda. Studies conducted by Granada University in Spain found that one massage session instantly affects the perception of pain among people suffering from chronic tension headaches.

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