6 essentials every investment beginner should know

6 essentials every investment beginner should know

Shelly Das

Investing money in different plans, be it mutual funds, the fixed deposits, or the fixed deposits, are the best way to grow money. However, as lucrative as the name sounds, in reality, the investments are loaded with risks and hence need proper planning.

This is where most investors make mistakes. They invest in the plans without thinking about anything and, in the process, pave the way for their losses. If you want to invest appropriately such that you don’t suffer the loss or minimal investment returns, here we have described some ways that will help you.  

1.  Investment goals and plans need to set before the real action

You also need to plan the investments properly. Knowing more about the plans and what kind of schemes you are looking for can never make the deposits profitable and in good faith.

2.  Compounding investment plans are more profitable

Compound investment is the same as that of the compounded interests. Here, you will get the interest based on the basic principle plus the added interest after every period ends. For example, let’s say you have invested your money for three years. In the first year, the interest is calculated on the principal amount for one year. At the end of the first year, this interest amount is added to the basic principal, which becomes the second year’s capital, and the interest is calculated on that amount. This is why compounded mutual fund schemes are more profitable than normal ones. 

3.  Always learn more about different investment types

Before you plan the investments, learn everything about the options you have. You need to focus on the market variable types that determine the success of the assets, the advantages and flaws of various schemes, and others.  

4.  Diversification of the investment portfolio is essential

If you want to make more profits and know further about the investment market, you need to diversify your portfolio. Many investors usually stick to a single or a limited number of plans thinking that they are the best, and if they invest in some other scheme, they might make a bad deal. This is where you make a mistake because the same profile over the years will bring in redundancy. This is the reason for diversifying your investment portfolio and introducing more schemes and plans like tax saving investment, compounding investments, short-term investments, and others. 

5.  Always have an emergency fund deposit

You don’t always need to get continuous cash flows. In case some emergencies arise, you need to have at least one channel from where you can have the input. So, have an emergency fund deposit from where you can have the cash inputs even if your savings are nil. Moreover, if the market price drops below average, this emergency fund deposit will help you a lot.  

6. Your risk tolerance limit should be evaluated

Lastly, it would help if you increase your risk tolerance level. If you want to grow your money by investing in different schemes, you need to be aware of the risks and have backup plans to mitigate them or handle the consequences.  


When choosing mutual fund schemes or any other kind of schemes, you should keep the above-discussed points in mind. These will help you consider things before making real investments.

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