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A stimulant, empathogen and analog of MDA. Users often report a slightly more psychedelic headspace as well. Psychedelics are drugs which alter the perception, causing a number of mental effects which manifest in many forms including altered states of consciousness, visual or tactile effects. Research chemicals are drugs with relatively little history of human use, and thus particular care should be taken if choosing to ingest them. These drugs pose a higher risk of causing habit forming behaviour, take particular care with the amount and frequency they are taken. Feelings of empathy, euphoria, and a general sense of well being. Light to moderate visuals are also reported with most users. They would not exist without him. Factsheet data is now cached locally - if you have visited a page you can now view it offline! Are you a harm reduction organisation using TripSit? Let us know about you! Summary A stimulant, empathogen and analog of MDA. Stimulant Stimulants excite the nervous system and increase physiological function. Read more on TripSit Wiki Psychedelic Psychedelics are drugs which alter the perception, causing a number of mental effects which manifest in many forms including altered states of consciousness, visual or tactile effects. Research Chemical Research chemicals are drugs with relatively little history of human use, and thus particular care should be taken if choosing to ingest them. Habit-forming These drugs pose a higher risk of causing habit forming behaviour, take particular care with the amount and frequency they are taken. NOTE: Do not exceed mg in a night. Effects Feelings of empathy, euphoria, and a general sense of well being. Aliases 6apb. MAO-A inhibitors with amphetamine can lead to hypertensive crises. Caution Mushrooms Stimulants increase anxiety levels and the risk of thought loops which can lead to negative experiences LSD Stimulants increase anxiety levels and the risk of thought loops which can lead to negative experiences DMT Stimulants increase anxiety levels and the risk of thought loops which can lead to negative experiences Mescaline The focus and anxiety caused by stimulants is magnified by psychedelics and results in an increased risk of thought loops 2C-x The anxiogenic and focusing effects of stimulants increase the chance of unpleasant thought loops. The combination is generally uneccessary because of the stimulating effects of psychedelics. Combination of the stimulating effects may be uncomfortable. Cannabis Stimulants increase anxiety levels and the risk of thought loops which can lead to negative experiences Ketamine No unexpected interactions, though likely to increase blood pressure but not an issue with sensible doses. Moving around on high doses of this combination may be ill advised due to risk of physical injury. MXE Risk of tachycardia, hypertension, and manic states Cocaine This combination of stimulants will increase strain on the heart. It is not generally worth it as cocaine has a mild blocking effect on dopamine releasers like amphetamine Caffeine This combination of stimulants is not generally necessary and may increase strain on the heart, as well as potentially causing anxiety and greater physical discomfort. Alcohol Drinking on stimulants is risky because the sedative effects of the alcohol are reduced, and these are what the body uses to gauge drunkenness. This typically leads to excessive drinking with greatly reduced inhibitions, high risk of liver damage and increased dehydration. They will also allow you to drink past a point where you might normally pass out, increasing the risk. If you do decide to do this then you should set a limit of how much you will drink each hour and stick to it, bearing in mind that you will feel the alcohol and the stimulant less. Extended release formulations may severely impede sleep, further worsening the hangover. If the stimulant wears off first then the opiate may overcome the patient and cause respiratory arrest. Opioids Stimulants increase respiration rate allowing a higher dose of opiates. Unsafe DOx The combined stimulating effects of the two can lead to an uncomfortable body-load, while the focusing effects of amphetamine can easily lead to thought loops. Coming down from amphetamines while the DOx is still active can be quite anxiogenic. When combined they can result in tachycardia, hypertension, vasoconstriction and in extreme cases heart failure. The anxiogenic and focusing effects of stimulants are also not good in combination with psychedelics as they can lead to unpleasant thought loops. NBOMes are known to cause seizures and stimulants can increase this risk. In extreme cases, they can result in severe vasoconstriction, tachycardia, hypertension, and in extreme cases heart failure. The combination is generally unnecessary because of the stimulating effects of psychedelics. DXM Both substances raise heart rate, in extreme cases, panic attacks caused by these drugs have led to more serious heart issues. PCP This combination can easily lead to hypermanic states. Empathogen Habit-forming These drugs pose a higher risk of causing habit forming behaviour, take particular care with the amount and frequency they are taken.

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