6 Ways to Keep your ESA Cat Happy and Healthy

6 Ways to Keep your ESA Cat Happy and Healthy


Wondering how to keep your feline friend happy and healthy? There are many ways to make sure that your emotional support cat comfortable and happy. While dogs are a lot easier to see through and manage, maintaining your ESA cat will need some work.

Without further adieu, below are some easy ways to keep your kitty happy, content and healthy but before that get your esa letter.

1. Make a Private Place for It

Like you, your cat also needs some private place to relax and have some me-time. This place could be anything like a cozy cushion in the corner of your living room, bedroom or a basket in which it could sleep any time. Cats are somewhat private and do not like to be bothered unnecessarily.

2. Healthy and On Time Diet

Food is important for your feline family member also. However, instead of giving it just anything, consult a veterinary doctor and ask her to give a complete meal plan for your cat. 

They know what is good for your cat and make a routine for its meals. Healthy food will keep the diseases at bay and keep your cat healthy and active.

3. Regular Grooming

Your cat may not need daily bath but it definitely needs daily and proper grooming. Long haired cats will need their hair to be brushed regularly while them and other indoor cats will also need regular nail clipping. You can also take your cat for a spa treatment.

4. Proper Medical Checkups

Cats are very private and chances are that you will not know about their condition for a long time. The best way of making sure that it is healthy and fit is to take it to the doctor once a month. Keep track of its vaccinations and have a regular checkup routine for it.

5. Playtime and Treats

Playtime is very important for your cat. It will help you bond better with it and keep it fit also. Additionally, you can also arrange a ‘playdate’ with your neighbor’s cat or someone you know when you took your cat for a walk. Special cat treats will keep your feline motivated and happy.

6. Freedom to Move Around

Cats are extremely independent and self sufficient. This is why they do not need as much attention as dogs. Instead of restricting it too much, let it roam around the house freely. Plus, do not try to force your affection when it is not in the mood.

However, to have the joy of caring for your cat, you will need an ESA letter. There are many sources from where you could get it but go through a free emotional support animal letter sample beforehand.

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