52 Places to Go in 2023

52 Places to Go in 2023


Tom Jamieson for The New York Times

Andrew Faulk for The New York Times

Andy Haslam for The New York Times

Susan Wright for The New York Times

Beth Coller for The New York Times

Susan Wright for The New York Times

Jessica Sarkodie for The New York Times

Nerd Nomads Travel Blog

Poras Chaudhary for The New York Times

Tony Cenicola/The New York Times

John Burcham for The New York Times

Jen Guyton

Christopher Miller for The New York Times

Andrew Faulk for The New York Times

Lauryn Ishak for The New York Times

Adrian Wilson for The New York Times

Marcus Westberg

Joann Pai for The New York Times

Poras Chaudhary for The New York Times

Robert Rausch for The New York Times

Andreas Meichsner for The New York Times

Matthew Abbott for The New York Times

Paul Castillero

Tony Cenicola/The New York Times

Robert Rausch for The New York Times

Joann Pai for The New York Times

Maria Mavropoulou for The New York Times

Federico Rios for The New York Times

Clara Tuma for The New York Times

Maria Mavropoulou for The New York Times

Robert Rausch for The New York Times

Federico Rios for The New York Times

Gordon Welters for The New York Times

Robert Rausch for The New York Times

Emilio Parra Doiztua for The New York Times

Federico Rios for The New York Times

Andrea Wyner for The New York Times

Tony Cenicola/The New York Times

Benjamin Rasmussen

Todd Heisler/The New York Times

Sean Catangui and Gabriel Gianordoli

Danial Adkison, Stephen Hiltner, Suzanne MacNeille, Morrigan McCarthy, Fiona Murray, Nancy Ramsey, Tacey Rychter and Amy Virshup

Phaedra Brown

Baden Copeland

A photograph with an earlier version of this article misidentified the city shown in the image. The photograph depicted the province of Tarragona, Spain, not the city itself. The image has been replaced.

The article also misstated the size of the Barrio Viejo neighborhood of Tucson, Ariz. It is more than 150 acres, not 150 blocks.

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