50 Ways To Tease Your Lover

50 Ways To Tease Your Lover


50 Ways To Tease Your Lover

Here we also offer you some practical tips for teasing your boyfriend:

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A little teasing never hurts – every once in a while you’d want to spice up your relationship to show your boyfriend you are really inventive and passionate to keep it rolling. The following guide will help you discover your inner coquette and bring diversity to your romance, let alone your sexual life. Keep reading for some tricks and, eventually, treats that will leave your boyfriend craving for more.
Um, it’s a girl’s territory too. Building the tension between you is one of the most rewarding ways to make your every day different. Even if you have achieved a certain level of intimacy, this is never enough to reveal all the secrets about you and your sensuality. So here is some advice on how to tease your boyfriend properly.
Understanding what sexual tension is in the first place is helpful: its ever-present ingredient is the promise of future gratification, or release that is somewhat deterred for an unspecified period of time. The perks of delaying his gratification is in allowing his mind to wander off and conjure up images with you in the main role so that he could later play off his fantasies. Compared to immediate gratification that involves no tease, this approach helps you acquire new qualities in his eyes and make you more desired and sex appealing. So don’t rush into offering yourself up on the plate, let him build pictures in his head first.
Timing is essential . If you are up for building the sexual tension between you, try to frame it chronologically – set a few days or even a week with a much anticipated release afterwards. You may even want to leave the city for a couple of days, so that you have all the benefits of dirty phone talks or messages without ever having a chance to touch each other.
If you are curious about how to tease your boyfriend when he is beside you, don’t underestimate the power of talking supported with some provocative touches and flirty glances . Strike up a seemingly innocent conversation about his first sexual experience, or share stories about first discovering your pleasure zones during your adolescence. Without revealing your true intentions, these small talks will help you both establish a higher level of trust by demonstrating your genuine sexual drive and the desire to share intimate details with each other. Also, he is most likely to end up dreaming about you masturbating, and so are you. You will hardly notice how quickly it turns you both on!
Choose your looks smartly and never show too much. Let your strap fall easily off your shoulder, suck a tip of your pen as if absent-minded, or wear a silky dressing gown after a shower, with your skin still a bit wet.
Even after the hottest night together, try not to be too grateful for the pleasure he gave you. Instead, behave as if nothing happened until he starts wondering how to give you even more.
The infamous 1980s erotica Nine 1/2 Weeks can teach us a lesson of ultimate tease. If you don’t casually don a tuxedo or a man’s suit but want to know how to tease your boyfriend, just wear his shirt with no bra underneath. It will set off his imagination immediately!
This hardly requires any explanations. You know.
This intimate gesture of you touching yourself gently – first your neck, then your cleavage while he’s looking is bound to bring you closer and give him a few sweet moments of marveling at you.
When he’s in the middle of his working day, send him a dirty message with quite straightforward statements. He will long to get to you early to release his tension.
PDA, or public displays of affection, is a good way to show that you don’t care a dime about other strange people around when it comes to wanting him. However, the fact that you are in public won’t let him go too far, for which he will have to wait – and waiting is the best recipe for building the tension.
It’s a dangerous method, but mentioning your exes may cause a bit of jealousy – which is always good to fire him up wanting to prove he’s much better.
The old game of naughty pictures is as good as always. Add a few playful images with a varying degree of nudity to give him something to think about. Also, he will be very much flattered if he sees you can trust him that much.
No list of tips on how to tease your boyfriend would be complete without the art of provocative glances. Sometimes they can say more than words, but try not to blush or avert your eyes – this will spoil the whole effect.
Now it may seem a bit trivial to you, but it genuinely works! Show off your beautiful feminine curves and flexibility to your favorite tune. Stripping is optional, but is highly recommended!
Seal all your teasing efforts with a hot kiss, but end it abruptly to make him wonder. It will have a short-term effect though, because he would definitely act to get what he wants. Still, it’s a nice start for a foreplay that will surely follow.
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Florence is a happy wife and passionate writer who blogs about health, love and life. Read full profile
Misunderstandings are the biggest problem in most relationships. Sometimes it can be solved easily, you just don’t know what it is exactly. It could be that she doesn’t feel loved.
When you love someone, you can easily take it for granted. But love is not something to think lightly about. It’s one of the most important things in life, because every other aspect is touched by it.
But how do you show it? It may not come easy to everyone. Appreciating a person can be done in many ways. So I will help you on your way. Here are 50 ways to show her you really do love her:
And of course, almost everything on this list can be ways to show him you love him too!
Florence is a happy wife and passionate writer who blogs about health, love and life.
Florence is a happy wife and passionate writer who blogs about health, love and life.
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Case Studies


How likely is your marriage to succeed?

A rousing your man sometimes involves getting creative and exploring the edges of the forbidden zone.
Now, that sounds enticing, doesn’t it!
But it is true. I often get queries from my female clients he ask me things like:
“ Chris, what can I do to really get my man aroused?”
“I am ready to explore the wild side with my boyfriend, but where do I start?
“Chris, my husband says I don’t do enough to arouse him. I have tried everything and feel like I must be doing something wrong. Help me?”
As you can see from these questions, women are dying to know that else they can do to keep their man happy, even thrilled.
Ah….but the answer to how one facilitates arousal is really not such a simple topic.
And it is not always what the woman does for her husband or boyfriend to create arousal. There is much more involved when we are dealing with the relationship arousal equation.
That is why I have written a 4 post series on this topic. For example, if you wish, you can check out my latest post on the subject.
But today, you are really in luck because first we are going to take you down the path of the Forbidden Zone.
We are going to keep all of this PG-13!
Then after we travel through this Land where arousal is foremost on the mind of your man, I will walk you through some other very important insights.
After all, you came here looking for advice on how to arouse your man.
So, whether your guy is your husband who is complaining of being bored or a boyfriend that needs a bit more satisfying….we will tackle the topic head on.
Perhaps we should call this section of the post, “ arousing the beast in your man “!
Women feel stimulated when they know their man is highly stimulated and vice versa. Remember this point. We will come back to this theme a little later.
But let’s get on with your man’s most primal of desires.
It can be very stimulating for both the husband and wife if you are open to exploring new sexual encounters (with each other) and experiences.
I will often tell some of my female clients, “ look, you need to try some things you have not done before, but you also need to use a bit of psychology.”
A man sometimes thinks about having sexual encounters with his wife that just might take them to the edge of the Forbidden Zone.
Just him focusing on such thoughts can stir up arousal. It is like a call to his “primal” self where he thinks in terms of a raw, sweaty, wild and exhilarating sexual encounter.
Of course, it need not be quite that way, but thinking in those terms excites your man. You can leverage those thoughts.
And if he believes that you too might be thinking about exploring the edges of the “ forbidden zone “, that notion can be very exciting to him.
Later we will talk more about why your man thinks this way. But for now, let’s explore ways in which you can capitalize on his fantasies.
The key is keeping things vague. Less is more.
Allow your husband (or boyfriend) to try and fill in the blanks with his own imagination. If you are very sly and a tad bit naughty, you can paint a masterpiece of arousal.
You could for example, an hour before he comes home from work, send him a somewhat cryptic text. Or, you could slip him an envelope for him to discover later.
You could say, “ honey, when you get home, I want us to talk about getting very naughty tonight” . Or, you could say, “ let’s color outside of the lines when you get home tonight “. If he responds back for clarification, wait an hour and then send him a pic of something that is mildly suggestive. But keep it mysterious.
Let it all sink in and slowly build. This is how arousal in your man takes shape. It starts in the mind as a sliver of a thought.
Certain colors can be highly arousing to a man. Wearing red, for example, can suggest your readiness, which in turn gets your husband or boyfriend aroused.
But we are not here to simply talk about the influence colors have on your man’s mood. But if you must know, “black” works as well.
I always like to find new ways to ask the same question. Often we can get locked into one way of doing things, unless we challenge ourselves to expand our knowledge and experiences.
The act of asking the question, over and over, sometimes can help you find new and creative answers.
If you like what you found here in this post, then go read more of my articles. You will discover there are many ways in which you can whip up your man into a sexual frenzy.
But I am not through with you yet! Before you run off, let’s talk about some of the underlying science that speaks to this topic.
So what else do you need to know to be a better wife and companion to your husband (or boyfriend) in the area of sexual intimacy and arousal?
The more you know about this hormone the better.
It is both a hormone and a neurotransmitter. Your pituitary gland releases this wonderful chemical. I have discussed how this brain chemical can influence your love life elsewhere on this website.
But, just in case you forgot what Oxytocin is all about, let me give you a quick crash course!
Oxytocin is a hormone released by the brain and is thought of as a chemical messenger that is important to human behavior. It contributes to making us feel aroused to a point where even the most subtle of touches or glances can cause us to feel turned on.
Ah…there is that phrase again, “ turned on “.
And that is exactly what you came here to learn about. Even the slightest of touches or even a wayward glance can stir up a chemical reaction within the brain.
This amazing love hormone helps us with perceiving things. 
It enhances our ability to see and experience things more clearly. 
We can grow to trust and confide our deepest of secrets because of the effect it has on us. Due to the release of oxytocin in our brain, we are able to form the deepest of attachments (bonding). 
Oxytocin is also known to reduce stress and promote relaxation. 
The challenge is figuring out how to naturally produce it because once it is loose within our brain chemistry, we feel a high like no other.
I guess that is why so many people refer to it the “ love hormone ” or the “ cuddle chemical”. 
Sounds pretty good, don’t you think. But I think I know what else you are thinking!
You are probably wondering, “ How can I get this juice flowing in my mind and in my husband or boyfriend’s mind ?”
Good question. It is not something we can pass out like candy. Nor can we bake it into a batch of cookies.
There are triggers that cause it to be produced.
So what are these triggers that cause oxytocin to surge?
I know that is what I would be thinking if I was you.  
Well, let’s talk about that. Here are some things you can do with and around your lover that have been demonstrated to represent triggers for releasing oxytocin. 
I know! I know! It sound almost blasphemous. I mean there is a whole industry that revolves around pick up lines.
But did you know that words account for only 7% of the communication which ultimately lead to attraction. So it is not words that your man is hanging on.
But let’s explore this more. What does it really mean when we say “words” are not the best way to produce attraction and arousal?
Well, essentially, research has revealed that talking is overrated. 
All those pick up lines we hear about usually flame out. And when you start breaking down and identifying all of the ways in which we communicate and align them with what creates attraction, it’s the non verbal forms of communication that rule the day.
So what does that look like, numbers wise?
It turns out that our tone of voice accounts for 38% and body language (e.g. facial expressions, posture) accounts for about 55%.
Now, it is important to note that this numerical breakdown applies when people are talking about their feelings and levels of attraction for another. It seems we pick up more cues from a person through non-verbal communication. 
Another interesting thing is that people tend to make up their minds rather quickly as to what they find as attractive.
If something turns you on, it usually happens almost instantly. And if you are trying to decipher if you are attracted to someone, that does not take very long either. 
It is said that a person usually knows if they are attracted to another within 90 seconds to 4 minutes, once the conversation has started.
So, as you can see, this puts a premium on the first few minutes of whatever you plan to say to optimize attraction levels.
There was a very interesting experiment performed by Arthur Arun (Professor of Psychology at the State University of New York) regarding love and attraction. 
He asked his volunteers to find a complete stranger. Then he told them to do 2 things:
At the end of the study, he found numerous subjects had formed a very close bond and felt deeply attracted. Two of the couples got married.
So, if you are seeking to ignite that spark of arousal in your man, consider peering deeply into his eyes, while sharing something very intimate.
While non verbal communications seems to lead the parade on attraction, I am a pragmatic kind of thinker. 
I figure, “ Hey, we all can’t just walk around and not talk much” .
People are always chattering about something. But there are telltale differences in how men and women talk in general.
You will be served by understanding these differences. 
Go to any playground and observe the differences in how boys and girls interact and you will see the girls more often pair off, talking to each other to form a connection. 
The boys will be running around, usually playing rough and tumble games. The boys will tend to create competitive, combative situations. 
Whereas the girls, while they may be involved in activities, are usually carrying on a more intimate conversation and creating cooperative, social interactions.
Though boys grow up to be men, some things about our nature does not change a lot. Some of our preferences do not grow more sophisticated as we grow older.
Also, men are not known as being as social as women in some respects. They tend to retreat into themselves. We often literally and figuratively prefer to retreat into our man cave to decompress, then later come out swinging.
Guys are often criticized for not wanting to talk much. 
Don’t be too surprised if your man becomes impatient with listening to you. In many respects, it is simply how men are wired. Often, your guy would prefer to be on the move, seeking out opportunities, challenges, and solving problems. 
It is a lot like the days when men tracked and hunted game and fought for survival. 
Women tend to talk through their problems, seeking prospective solutions. Men tend to keep them bottled up, internalizing the issue. 
A guy has his cave that he retreats to. A gal is more inclusive and prefers to talk about the relationship openly and constructively.
Most men tend to have a pretty short attention span. They like to solve problems. This is how we are programmed. 
If your husband is listening to you discuss an issue you are experiencing, he is wired to find a way to conquer the problem. After your husband has offered solutions to your problem he feels empowered and is ready to move on to the next challenge or activity in has in his mind.
But here is the rub. What most men don’t understand is that if he would slow down and simply listen to you, you will feel safe and supported and loved. So tell him how when he listens to you, it makes you feel a certain way. 
Many women have told me that when their husband or boyfriend really listens to them, it literally turns them on. Sometimes it is in that very moment. Sometimes it is later. But the connection and bond they feel for their boyfriend (or husband) in the moment is unmistakable. 
Time and time again, I have been told that often the best sex women have had with their husband (or boyfriend) was after he patiently listened to what she had to say and offered support.
Communication between the sexes is the greatest of things and the worst of things.
I realize that is a wide spectrum of outcomes, but I want every couple I coach to understand that communications in a relationship is something that is imperfect.
It has to be worked on. To progress, it helps to know something about the differences in communication preferences between men and women.
Remember, deep in our primitive brain, guys are hunters and protectors. And when we need downtime, we often want to return to our cave or spend it with our male friends.
Women tend to be much more intuitive and can read between the lines. 
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