5 Ways IVF Can Help Couples Facing Infertility
Radha Singh
Before a person is tested for infertility, they would do best to consult with the doctor about their sexual activities and life so that the doctor understands that they are not going wrong anywhere. If all these little things fail, then the doctor will screen a couple to understand the cause of their inability to parent a child. You should consider and rethink the whole issue over again because IVF treatment cost is very high.
Apart from the costs, IVF treatment is very uncomfortable and can involve a lot of pain. It can also drain a person mentally and physically. The couple is already emotionally drained out at not having the ability to naturally bear a child, and then the treatment takes away a lot from every couple though the end result is a very happy one.
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How Can A Couple Benefit From IVF Procedure?
Today there are fertility clinics all over the country, but if you are living in Chennai, then you could visit the fertility clinic in Anna Nagar. By visiting them, an infertile or childless couple could experience the joys of parenthood. The benefits that any couple can derive from such treatments include:
- There may be a blockage or damage in the fallopian tube, which prevents the sperm from reaching the egg that is waiting there. In such cases getting in touch with a competent IVF centre is the best solution. They can help to fertilize the sperm with the egg externally and insert it back into the uterus of the mother, or it can be put into a surrogate mother if the mother has some complications with her body. Surrogacy is a benefit that you get with this mode of treatment.
- In some instances, either the male or the female in question are not having sufficient eggs or sperm. In their case, they can make use of donated eggs or sperm to conceive a child. In some of the patients, they are suffering from some inner conditions that are preventing them from conceiving. Sometimes you may question yourself, “can yeast infection cause infertility” and then you will have to consult a doctor for that. That is a temporary disorder that can be rectified with a doctor’s advice.
- The timing of your child is in your own hands. You can choose when to become parents with this mode of treatment.
- The embryo can be tested and screened for genetic disorders and fetal abnormalities that might endanger the lives of both the mother and the child. This is supposedly one of the biggest benefits of IVF treatment. Doctors in various IVF centres use the technique of Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis to screen the child.
- You could be a source of joy for many other childless couples like you. When you undergo IVF procedures, the doctors always fertilize more than one embryo. The spare embryos could help other hapless couples who are trying to become parents.
There are so many benefits that a couple could derive from IVF procedures. The IVF cost in Hyderabad is also quite reasonable, considering the amount of joy a couple is likely to get at the end of the entire long period of waiting in anticipation for a child.
Also, Read - Why couples should opt for IVF