5 mapb

5 mapb

5 mapb

5 mapb

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This substance is an amino-methylated derivative of another substance, 5-APB. The toxicological or physiological properties of 5-MAPB are yet to be evaluated. Therefore, chemistry students and research chemical scientists have a big chance of discovering more of its potentials. This product coming in crystalline solid form has a stability of up to two years if stored in a room with an ideal temperature of C. While it is less stimulating physically than other euphoric stimulants, nystagmus, jaw tension and other effects were reported. It is slightly more potent than MDMA, based on many reports. For instance, 50 to 70 mg of it may be equivalent to mg of MDMA, but because each user reacts to chemicals differently, dosage is only tentative. What may be safe dosage for one may be dangerous for another user. Then, his experience turned into a different high versus MDMA. There was euphoria, slight visual change and increased social activity. Do you have an interesting experience on 5-MAPB? Share it with the community by writing below or sending us a review today! Your email address will not be published. Research Chemicals 5-mapb , research chemical. How do you purchase? Leave a Comment Cancel reply Your email address will not be published.

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