5 Effective Real Estate Marketing Ideas and Strategies

5 Effective Real Estate Marketing Ideas and Strategies

Marie Angeline Tadeo

Real Estate Marketing Ideas are very important concepts for your marketing plan. This marketing plan of a real estate business will be the road map by how you reach your goal.

Every marketing idea comes with strategies to execute your business plans.

To start the marketing process, you should establish a mission-vision for your brand. It will be the direction by which everyone in the organization will act upon.

Next, you have to define the customers you would want to target. All marketing efforts should speak to your ideal buyer. Marketing is effective when your message communicates to the right audience.

In the real estate industry, a lot of businesses would be speaking to the same audience. With this in consideration, you should identify your unique selling proposition. What are the things that make you stand out from the rest of the same real estate business? How do you set yourself different from all others in the industry?

After these steps, you choose the tools to execute your real estate marketing plan. These marketing tools should be able to measure performance. By then, it will be easy to distinguish which strategies are effective from those which are not.

The trend these days is not about the quantity of marketing activities. It is more of effective marketing. Brand name drop is effective when it becomes top of mind.

Here are some Real Estate Marketing Ideas and Strategies you can adopt for your business.

1. Build your online network

a. Create an impressive website

As a business in real estate, people will get to know your brand through your website. It will act as your curriculum vitae to those who would want to transact with you. You should project clear and complete information about your real estate business. Your credibility lies in how you present your brand name on your website.

To build your audience’s confidence in you, here are some things that you should inform them about:

● Specific services you offer

● Areas you cover

● People’ll be transacting with

● Work location and environment

● Professional credentials earned

● Partner companies

● Success stories of your clients

● Informative industry blogs

b. Have your Google my Business page

Google is one of the main go-to’s of everyone who searches online. Make sure you have your brand on Google my Business page. It should give out the basic yet important information on how people can reach you. It serves as your online business card.

c. Send out Newsletters

Newsletters are modern-day newspapers. Most businessmen read through details to get the latest buzz on what’s happening in the industry. Voluntary sending of newsletters gives your audience confidence in your

brand. Up-to-date and relevant news will make them believe that you know the industry well.

d. Set Up Drip Email Campaigns

Nurture your target market to become actual clients through drip email campaigns. First, you introduce your real estate business brand with basic information.. Next, you help them figure out their needs that you have service to provide with. The following steps then will walk them through your business process. Guiding your audience step-by-step leads to actual clients you will be working with.

e. Use a chat service

You present almost all the details on your website. Still, there are things that people would want to ask you directly. They need answers to their queries in real-time. A suggestion for this is to use a chat service. It is an important tool to engage with your customers online. Oftentimes, they convert to actual real estate clients.

f. Build a Blog

Information is vital in the real estate business. It matters that you share real, updated, and useful stories that your audience can relate to. You can also make use of partnerships with influencers in the industry to your advantage. Guest posting on other websites is an effective way to promote your brand too.

2. Establish your Social Media Presence

a. Enable Social Media Sharing to pages

Being present in Social Media will give you a big advantage to reach your customers. You will be able to build and maintain your customer relationships online. Include social media sharing on every page on your website. Whatever good item or article people find on your site will leverage its reach. You build your customers’ confidence in your brand when they can reach you everywhere.

b. Create Social Media Ads

The algorithm of Social Media platforms changes from time to time. There may be times that they see your posts. Most of the time, social media displays them to only some followers. The solution to this is creating social ads. You can tailor ad posts to be visible to your selected audience. This way, you can target specific people you would want to show your posts to.

c. Improve your SEO ranking

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) helps improve searchability for your real estate business. People rely on search engines for stuff they would want to know about. You would want your brand to be visible and searchable to them. Work your keywords to rank high in Search Engine Optimization. Your website which carries your brand will show up once people search for keywords linked to it. Searchers most often click the ones which appear on the first-page search.

3. Work on your Offline Marketing

a. Partner with local business

Partnering with business online is important in this digital active industry. Also, working with local businesses in your area is essential. You would want to partner with companies that provide services that work with yours. You have the same target market but you don’t offer the same exact services. With your partnership, you will be able to broaden your both networks. Real estate businesses often share best practices that are useful to both companies.

b. Join special events

Special events are effective networking tools in your local area. Your brand being present on special events is part of your business’ public relations. A lot of people take part in occasions to know more about the crowd and the latest happenings in the industry. A real estate business can take advantage of this by promoting its services to the public.

c. Be knowledgeable of your local place

When you know your area, the better you understand the people there. Familiarizing yourself with demographics gives you the advantage of targeting your perfect customers. You will be more effective in communicating with your prospects. Also, you get to understand the competition in your community. Invest in that knowledge to maximize your marketing and to find a niche for your business.

d. Combine digital and print

Continuity in marketing collateral designs is key to brand recognition. Offline and online advertising should always be consistent. This very much important when you are working on your brand awareness. People familiarize themselves with brands that appear the same on any platform. Digital ads target those who are active online. Print ads attract traditional customers. It would be great to get the best of both worlds.

e. Be prepared with a killer business card

Once you step out to meet people in the community, it is a must that you bring with you a business card. It gives the feeling of your personal touch to people you’re reaching out to. You give the initial impression that you are reachable and so, it builds the trust of your customers. Also, you can use it as a marketing tool. A killer business card will represent your business brand well to prospective clients.

4. Represent your business with irresistible content

a. Create Attractive Images

In real estate, images are a great factor in igniting first customer interest. People will check out your business profile when they see attractive photos of what you sell. There is a big difference between raw photos from edited ones. Unless you have a good camera to use in capturing photos, it would be better if someone edits them. Edit filters add more drama that captures the audience’s attention more.

b. Create Engaging Videos

Aside from interesting images, you can connect with your audience with engaging videos. There is what they call experiential marketing. An example of this is a virtual tour. It’s like an open-house walkthrough using video/s. With this, you give your audience a feel of an actual experience inside the property. Another sample is doing live video. You get real-time engagement and responses from your viewers.

c. Written Valuable Content

A lot of informative content has become available with the increased use of the internet. How do you make your content stand out? Check out these tips:

● Content should be timely and relevant

● Use bullet points for emphasized enumeration of items

● Target your audience’s emotions through storytelling content format

d. Share your former and existing clients’ success testimonials

Your clients’ success reflects your success as well. It is in helping other businesses flourish that you can gauge your effectiveness. Ask for success testimonials from your former and existing clients. Share this with the public then. These are the things that add up to your credibility in doing real estate business.

5. Have a person to handle your marketing

You are in the real estate business because you are good at dealing with people. You have a special skill set that works well in the real estate industry. Focus on performing tasks that you are an expert in. There are tasks in real estate marketing that your local employees in your area should do. But, there are also tasks that you can delegate to those who have competitive talent perform such. For more competitive marketing, it is advisable to hire a real estate virtual assistant. Here are the jobs you can assign to virtual assistants:

● Web Development

● Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

● Customer Service

● Content Writing

● Graphic Design

● Video Production

● Social Media Management

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