5 Tips to Consider Before Developing an iPhone App

5 Tips to Consider Before Developing an iPhone App

Keval Padia

Working on a brilliant idea won’t guarantee success. Many apps fail not because of a bad idea but primarily because of usability issues. Luck, competition, budget, resources, etc might have the final say on the outcome whereas lack of support, performance, and features cannot be excused. Creating an iPhone app can be very challenging but there is no doubt that if it is built on user demands and expectations, it definitely yields successful returns. iOS UI/UX guidelines provide great in-depth information to iOS developers designing apps that can integrate seamlessly on Apple platforms.  Boost your user interface before commencing with coding and follow the guidelines because Apple’s app store has certain set standards if not followed can result in suspension. Along with design lets take a look at some other factors that can help you build a successful app. 

Tips for developing iPhone apps

#1 Ideation 

Before putting all the pieces together, concept proof your application. An app has to bring forward solutions to existing challenges or problems otherwise it ceases to exist. If there is something already in the app store that is quite similar to yours, then take a breather and try to make it unique for it to be recognized out there in the market. 

#2 Know your Audience and Market

An app could never be successful if it misses out on its target audience. Now that end-user behavior is monitored, businesses are bombarding every type of application for everyday needs.

Ask the right questions:

  • Why would anyone use my app? 
  • What's my target audience?
  •  What will they get out of it? 
  • What I can give that my competitors can’t? 

Your iPhone app also needs good market research. Since your competitors will be located globally, with some exhaustive homework you can craft a unique selling point that others haven’t even though to do. Considering the robust competition, an app that stands out kills the competition instantly. Measure the strengths and weaknesses of your idea coupled with your challengers and curate a user-friendly app.  

#3 Design 

iPhones require a lot of nuances and designers should be really attentive to create an amazing app. It's highly recommended to get acquainted with design guidelines that can be accessed through Apple’s official website. One will find all the necessary instructions to place content and create high-quality apps. Apple introduces new screen shapes, pixels, ratio, colors and UI almost every other year and they should be leveraged by the iPhone development team to its full advantage. The more user-friendly design, the more conversion rates. Unnecessary elements and extra input fields could distract and result in terrible user experience. A design should be clean that tickles with the audience’s imagination. 

#4 Security 

Your iPhone app users will be valuable assets for your business. They are the endpoint for customer interaction and are quite vulnerable to a wide array of threats. Securing data and application is crucial to prevent brand damage, financial loss, and fines from the store. Apps have to be designed with the idea of supporting compliance requirements. Ensure to make an app code extremely difficult so that it cannot be reversed engineered by bad parties. Use white-box cryptography to encrypt and protect vital communication keys and data. Protect an app through a configurable guard network methodology so that the code is obscured and hardens the app. Securing an app with biometric authentication, text message confirmation, password types, etc can prevent unwanted loss of data and gives the user to take control of the app. 

#5 Monetization 

There are lots of ways by which you can monetize your app:

  • Freemium Model:  It is a mix of both free and paid apps. When the free model gets a good amount of attraction, you can ask the users to upgrade that will unlock more features. 
  • In-App Purchases: In-App purchases have done well to boos profit with gaming and dating apps. Users tend to make small purchases while unlocking objects in apps etc.  
  • Native Ads: One can also generate revenue without disturbing the user experience. Native advertisements are compatible with apps visual and other related elements.  
  • Affiliate Marketing: Gain revenue from affiliate marketing campaigns that help your convert leads effortlessly. 
  • Selling Data: If your app utilizes key metrics on customer’s preferences and habits, assuming that you are catering a large user base, your data can be leveraged by other companies to direct products that will not only boost your revenue but will also give your users enough products and services to choose from.  
  • Partnerships/Sponsorships: Partner with other successful apps to build your user acquisition and achieve revenue growth and work with social media influencers to direct your app to a specific target audience. 

Wrapping Up 

Keep your app to date, fight bugs and have robust security in place so that your users know that you care about them. Opt for an iPhone app development company that takes care of your app from ideation to a successful rollout and tailors the entire development process on your needs. 

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