5 Reasons Why Your Doctor Wants You to Learn Full Body Massage - And the Drug Companies Don't!

5 Reasons Why Your Doctor Wants You to Learn Full Body Massage - And the Drug Companies Don't!

The therapeutic value of a truly good full body massage has been known for centuries and is still recognized by medical experts worldwide as an excellent way to fight pain and strengthen resistance to disease naturally, without painkillers. Medical research now provides strong evidence that massage drastically reduces stress and related illnesses, boosts the immune system and gives you an all-over detox that increases energy and revitalizes the body.

So it makes sense that when you learn to massage, you can apply its healing power to everyone close to you - your partner, friends and relatives - giving them the ultimate gift of health.

Here's 5 reasons to learn full body massage and help keep the people you love away from their doctor and prescription drugs!

Massage alleviates neck, shoulder and back pain and prevents headaches. Massage stretches and kneads skin, muscles and joints to release trapped tension in tight knotted muscles and soothe muscular pain. By learning to massage, you find out how to dispel the tension-related aches and pains in the neck and shoulder that cause the majority of headaches and migraines.

Massage reduces anxiety, lowering blood pressure and heart rate. Relaxing both body and mind, massage helps the body produce endorphins - nature's painkillers and 'feel-good' neurohormones. The release of accumulated stress helps your massage subject breathe more deeply and easily and feel calmer and happier, so that they can think more clearly and get a good night's sleep without pills.

Massage flushes out toxins from your muscles that cause fatigue and soreness by increasing the flow of oxygenated blood. Massage speeds up natural healing by circulating oxygen and nutrients to tissues and vital organs, encouraging cell repair and renewal and promoting tissue regeneration that helps reduce scars and stretch marks.

Massage enhances immunity to disease by boosting the lymphatic system - the body's natural defence system that strengthens resistance to illness. And because massage reduces stress, which experts claim is the root cause of more than 90 percent of disease, you are protecting your subject's health and preventing any existing ailments from worsening.

Massage increases joint mobility and flexibility by stimulating the healthy production of the joint's natural lubricants. Massage naturally eases the symptoms of stiff, tired joints and reduces stiffness and pain caused by arthritis and rheumatism.

This is only a sample of the ways that learning to full body massage can improve the life of those around you. Massage offers many more therapeutic qualities through the ability to stimulate the body's natural pain-fighting and healing mechanisms. More here 양산출장안마

When you learn to massage, you are actually encouraging the body to depend on itself to fix nagging pains and recurring ailments and illnesses, even long-term and chronic ones, rather than resorting to sole dependence on prescription medicine or over-the-counter painkillers.

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