5 Laws That Can Help The Ghost Immobiliser Car Industry
BMW Ghost Immobiliser
The Ghost uses the CAN data bus to communicate with your vehicle. This stops thieves from replacing the ECU or adding a new lock to bypass the security system.
The Ghost is unique to other immobilisers as it does not use key fobs or LED indicators. Instead, it uses the buttons on your vehicle to allow you to enter a specific disarm sequence that you only are aware of.

Stop & Start
If you've been in a BMW or used its stop-start feature, you might have noticed that the engine continues to run for 30 seconds after you have released the brake pedal. This is due to the BMW engine management system continuing to monitor your vehicle for signals from the ignition key, and if this is found it will continue to run. The Autowatch 2 Ghost immobiliser prevents this from happening by stopping the car whenever you push a button sequence.
Our BMW ghost immobiliser is a unique next-generation device that doesn't require cutting OEM wires or adding an aftermarket alarms and key fobs. It is connected to the BMW's CAN data network and is programmed with a secure, unique PIN code that can be accessible via buttons that are installed in your car. This lets you enter the key sequences which aren't accessible through the standard menus for media. For instance, volume up/down or source controls, air conditioning, cruise control, etc. The PIN can be between 4 and 20 digits and is therefore difficult for thieves to guess or break.
We can also add a service/valet mode. This is activated while your car is being serviced so that the Ghost is kept from view by the garage. You can do this by pressing the service button 5 times on your infotainment unit (the system will flash with confirmation) and the Ghost will automatically rearm when you return.
High-end cars being more targeted than ever we strongly recommend the Ghost immobiliser to be installed. It's totally undetectable and does not require cutting any factory wiring and can disable the engine of your vehicle when the wrong pin code is entered. It's a simple but effective method to stop your car from being taken - even with cloned key. Check out social media sites to see just how quickly new vehicles can be stolen using tools for cloning available online for less than PS80.
Service / Valet Mode
The Ghost is a top-of-the-line immobiliser designed to stop your vehicle from being stolen by key cloning or hacking. It works by utilising the factory buttons on your vehicle to create an individual sequence of pushes which only you can identify, much as the pin code security of your mobile phone. It's incredibly secure, discreet and deters even the most obstinate thieves!
If you're at home and in an event where you meet and greet, In a meet and greet situation, the Ghost can be switched into service mode which allows you to start the car with your keys normally, but prevents the engine from starting until the proper code is entered. This is ideal for those who need to hand over their cars to valet service companies or trusted family members or friends. It also allows you to bring the vehicle into the garage for maintenance or repairs without worrying about it being damaged or stolen by a mechanic while you wait.
When the service/valet mode is enabled, your BMW will not be able to drive after it is started. This stops anyone else from attempting to drive it while you're away. When you return, it will return to normal driving, stopping your car from being damaged or stolen again.
The Ghost can be installed on any BMW. All you need are the correct keys since the device doesn't utilize the original remotes, but can be used with them. We are TASSA registered, DBS security checked and fully system-trained so you can be assured of the quality of our installation and that your new Ghost device will function according to the specifications. Your vehicle will also be registered on a database and you will receive documentation that you can show to your insurance company. they will love these devices and you will often see substantial discounts!
We can also supply an optional Bluetooth tag that can be used to disable the Ghost via an App for your smartphone (IOS and Android) or in case you don't have a phone or aren't comfortable with it just press the emergency card once. This is an additional cost and requires a separate Bluetooth pairing.
Ghost created this subtle, unobtrusive device to combat the growing sophistication of hi-tech thieves. It is designed to stop thieves from using a brand new key or replacing the ECU in order to start your car and then drive away. Ghost is connected to your CAN network and uses buttons on your vehicle to create a unique push-sequence that must be entered before your engine can begin.
If the anti-hijacking mode has been activated, any attempt to restart the engine will be blocked. The system will sharpen the horn, flash the indicators and stall the vehicle in the event that the code cannot be found. By entering your push sequence, or entering service mode, you can cancel the Anti-Hijack feature. This allows your vehicle to start temporarily without entering a PIN.
If you own an GPS device that is connected to your BMW it is possible to use it to disable the Anti-Hijack feature, so you can still use the navigation system in your car whilst the vehicle is parked and unsupervised. If you own a smart-phone, you can also hook it to your Ghost app to control the anti-hijack function and other functions.
This is a Tassa certified product that is recognised by most insurance companies and will help reduce the chance of your treasured possessions being stolen. It is completely invisible and will not affect the functionality of your vehicle. It doesn't require any programming expertise to install or use. It is completely undetectable by the tools for detecting that thieves employ and is completely invulnerable to key cloning because it is directly connected to your vehicles CAN data network.
Remote Control
We can connect the Ghost device with your mobile application to allow remote control of keyless start and go functions. This is helpful if you are else and a mechanic or valet needs to start your car. The system allows you to turn the vehicle on by selecting drive and then quit service mode without needing keys. You can also track your vehicle's location on the map in real-time using your smartphone.
The Ghost can be placed under the dashboard or in the centre console, it is completely hidden and tamperproof and does not require any extra wiring. The device is connected to the CAN Data Network of the vehicle (similar to Ethernet cable) and a unique pin code is inserted into it. This pin code needs to be selected prior to the vehicle's start. This will prevent thieves from gaining access to the system using a cloned or replaced ECU.
If the vehicle is stolen in any way, the Ghost will enter a service mode and disables all functions unless the PIN code is entered or you utilize the mobile app to dearm it. This is a feature that was designed to protect your vehicle from high-tech thieves who are now utilising relay boxes to steal your vehicle. It also stops thieves from being able to use their mobile phones to activate your sat nav or MP3 player to track your vehicle!
Ghost can also stop 'Relay Style Frequency Amplification'. This is the most typical way that a vehicle is being stolen with a key-fob that was copied or stolen through hacking. Ghost allows you to stop this by installing a security device to prevent theft in your vehicle, called Secure-A-Key. The device is installed inside the key fob of your vehicle and then disconnects the battery after a couple of inactive minutes. This can be done with most modern PKE keys.
We are TASSA accredited (Tracking And Aftermarket Security Systems Association) A recognized body that some insurance companies recognize and offer discounts for when you fit the device. We are DBS security screened, and have been fully trained to install Ghost. This ensures that the installation is done to the highest standard. You will receive documentation that you can take to your insurance company to prove the installation. This will enable you to get the best price on your car insurance.