5 June 2023 Progress Report

5 June 2023 Progress Report


The Gospel of Luke Progress Report for 5 June, 2023

Greetings to all of you who may be reading this from Learn Scripture dot net :)

I promised previously to create a blog post each month, on the fifth of each month, relating what kind of progress I am making in working on the Gospel of Luke.

I've mentioned before that I'm doing this to help myself to keep my focus on the goal. My long-term goal is to bring all of the Gospel of Luke to a "fully learned" status. Yes, I know :) This will take many, many years to accomplish :) But the overriding purpose for me is to meditate on and absorb as much of the Gospel of Luke as possible, and to remain focused on that goal. I'm also working on other parts of the Bible.

So, without further ado, here I will post an image of a spreadsheet showing a breakdown of my progress so far in chapters 1-6:

Top row shows the range of progress percentages. Following rows show what percentage of verses have reached each level of progress.

As I've noted before, Luke 1 has a lot of fully learned verses and many also in the 90s range. That's because I had worked on them a long time ago, I don't remember when, but sometime between 2015 and 2021. Learn Scripture dot Net saves individual verse progress, even if you stop learning on a verse. If you go back to it, the progress is still there.

My short-term goal is to bring all the verses in Luke 7, 8, and 9 to at least a 50% progress by 5 August. I'm hoping to have all of Luke to at least a 50% progress percentage by 5 June 2024, while simultaneously working on all the preceding verses as well.

We'll see how it actually goes in reality.

I'd mentioned before using points as a means of setting a daily work goal. I think that's a viable and potentially beneficial idea, but I've gravitated instead to using a spreadsheet to administer my review queue and to track what my daily tasks should be, in order to reach the goals I've set.

Hopefully, as time permits, I'd like to make another post related to how I use a spreadsheet to manage my Learn Scripture dot Net review queue.

I pray for each of you that our Lord will bless you and speak to you as you meditate on His Word. May you and we and I, listen to Him very, very carefully, and act upon what He teaches us. See the end of Luke 6 :)


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