5 Foods That Were Invented by Accident

5 Foods That Were Invented by Accident

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The earliest reference of beer in history is from the 6th century BC in Sumeria. No one is 100 percent sure, but most people believe beer was invented by accident during bread making. Horst Dornbusch, a beer consultant and author, told that someone was probably making bread outdoors before stopping for rainfall. Then, after forgetting about the wet dough(влажное тесто), they came back to a fermented liquid.

Corn Flakes

Dr. John Harvey Kellogg and his brother, Will Keith Kellogg, operated a sanitorium in Battle Creek, Michigan back in the late 1890s. While looking for foods to feed their patients that were part of their strictly vegetarian diet, the duo accidentally left wheatberry(ростки пшеницы) cooking in the kitchen, causing the kernels to flake(ядра распались). They continued to experiment with their newly discovered breakfast food, eventually experimenting with corn and creating the Corn Flakes we know and love today.


Back in 2000 BC, people found dried grapes on vines(сушеный виноград на лозах). These raisins were used for decoration, before becoming popular trading items, prizes at sporting events, and even medicine.


If you’ve ever let a milk container sit out for too long, you’re kind of on your way to making yogurt. That’s the theory many people believe about yogurt’s accidental creation, at least.


Although not verifiable(проверяемый), most people credit Dom Perignon with the creation of champagne. The Benedictine monk(монах) was responsible for overseeing wine production at the abbey. He was asked to get rid(избавится) of bubbles(пузырьки) forming in a few of the wines. He couldn’t, and instead tasted the bubbly drink. Perignon reportedly said, “Come quickly, I am drinking the stars!”

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