5 Common WordPress Errors And How To Solve It Individually 

5 Common WordPress Errors And How To Solve It Individually 

It usually feels annoying whenever we open a website and encounter an error, isn’t it? This happens with our visitors too who come to our site but couldn’t get the required information. In that case, their bad experience results in our bounce rate increment thus, terrible site reputation.

These errors are of different types, some are in the 100s category, some in 200s, and so on. Though it may look like an intricate task to deal with, it isn’t actually the same. All you need to do to fix this is to carry out investigative work and figure out the root cause of the problem. Once you have done this, the only activity left is to troubleshoot the problem and then your site is ready once again for your audience.          

In this blog post, we will sift through most common wordpress errors and its solutions so you can bring your site back to serviceable state. But before you enter the list, I would like you to be conversant about a client-friendly web design company in Los Angeles - SFWP Experts. Beyond providing excellent services to businesses around the world, they also offer useful tips to facilitate the process of reaching out to their global audience. Some areas where they are doing well for a few years now include WordPress web design, web development, plugin development, theme design, and SEO among others.           

With that out of the way, let’s have a look at what HTTP error codes actually are and the five categories in which they fall.  

What Is An Error Code In WordPress? 

When a visitor lands on a site or clicks on a page link, their browser sends a request to the server to access the information. In the meanwhile, if they find some issue with the server all that they get is an “error code” or a “status code”. This represents the problem that has actually occurred and each error has a different meaning. You can use the displayed response to understand the reason why your page isn’t rendering well.  

Here, we have divided the common WordPress error codes into five categories. Let’s check out each of them one by one:           

1. 1XX: 

Error codes in the 100s form are the informative codes that means the request sent by the browser is received by the server and now it is working on it. 

2. 2XX: 

Codes in the 200s lineup signals that the request sent by the web browser has been successfully perceived, received, and accepted by the server. 

3. 3XX:    

Status codes that are of 300s class are the redirection codes that resemble further action is required.

4. 4XX: 

Code that lies in this department passes the information about a client or browser error and describes that the request has bad syntax or the server is not able to suffice it.   

5. 5XX:

500s pattern codes denote internal server errors that happen when the server is not able to execute a valid request. 

While being educated about all the errors listed above is important for you, we will be focussing on the last two categories only, specifically 400, 401, 403, 404, and 500 error codes. The reason? These are the WordPress errors you generally come across while browsing the internet.       

Is your WordPress website facing technical glitches? What does it display - a blank page or an error code? Well, whatever is the case, we have a solution for each - you just need to get in touch with us to leverage it. At our Los Angeles web design company you will get an amazing service no matter what you avail - software development, website repair or search engine optimization.         

Read More: 5 Common WordPress Errors And How To Solve It Individually 

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