4chan Cheating Porn

4chan Cheating Porn

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why would they want to do this? I mean, these people are just saying things like " I like regular milk" or "moot's nose looks like a twerking woman." what's next, someone getting banned for saying "hi?" this is just so childish.
Just happened to me now, banned for failing to "keep /new/ out of /soc/" when I hadn't done anything which would give this any sense whatsoever.

Corrupt moderators everywhere on that site.
Exactly this, mods are completely childish and pathetic. Banning people randomly for nothing, allowing cp threads to 404
New Tip: Janitors do it for free, so don't expect them to be kind to you since they sit on their ass 24/7.
Some thing, even racism, is funny. This isn't.
Disrespectful. What if that was you.
I like 4chan, because its like the wild west, an untamed landscape of what ever people want to say, I also hate 4chan because of child abuse. Its not something that should be accepted even on 4chan.
Agreed, but isn't CP and excessive amounts of porn fit into the same category? Who wrote this list basically putting the same thing down twice?
I have never or seen CP or 4Chan and never do!. If you ever see CP make a CyberTipLine Report to the National Centre For Missing and Exploited Children
it's kids man. That's All, I just stay clear anyway, mosey my way around those threads, and move on to the interesting stuff.
The n word is way over used on /mlp/. Its way to much its said like once every 2 boards.
If you ever wanted to experience contrarian hell, just spend 5 minutes on almost any board, that is if you can tolerate the arrogant hive mind that will shut you down for saying anything remotely positive over a piece of media
Outside of random (where nothing matters anyway) users accept nothing but what the community seems to think is the best at the time. Discussion will never go beyond maybe three or four topics a month and then some oddball disscussions here and there, anything else is shouted down and/or ignored.
They think they are "the internet" and feel free to say what the don't like is cancer, and when it becomes popular, they say internet is dying.
I think I am better than you. Because I have no proof to back up my statement
I wouldn't take much issue if it was on rare occasions, but almost every 4chan user uses it so frequently, it's like they worship the word. They seem to love using it as a suffix ("furfag", "ponyfag", newfag") on some of the most ridiculous words to use it as a suffix for. It's the main reason why I believe 4chan mostly consists of 13-14 year olds (even though I've heard that adults use it). Not to mention the fact that the word is actually a derogatory word for LGBT people (primarily homosexual men). It's like if the just decided to add the n-word (with the "er" ending) at the end of random words. The word "autistic" seems to be just as overused as an insult.
When its really another word for cigarette haha.
I was going to say gore, but hatred covers that one and several others, such as racism and superiority complexes.
A place that glorifies racism, terrorism, Nazism, et all. Very nice.
What is with all the CP on it? If every other website has it banned for safety/legal reasons, why should 4chan have it? Answer me that, mods.
The porn makes me want to regurgitate every time I see it (not really, but you get the idea).
I've heard that all types of porn...ALL feces underage animal crushing
Especially the CP, if that goes Fourchan would be far better off in my opinion. If anything weed out the worst stuff.
OP never contributes anything useful
He is always the one getting them coques..
This should be Number One on this list because how outrageous it is. I mean, how would its wroker like it if that kind of humor is used on them?
Especially stupid shock humor revolving around Pedobear or Hitler/Nazism.
Weeaboos are just the worst, they spam the forums with anime, manga and hentai that no one even likes. all I see is DOOHOHH SAKU CHAN I love BIG PP IN MY MOTTHH OH
Slag off fans of Classic PokΓ©mon with the word "Genwunners"
Especially "Connection error." when trying to search.
It's like they're implying that they haven't made a single mistake in their lives!
if purgatory exists, /b/ is life's purgatory

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