4 tips on how to write better!

4 tips on how to write better!

Nicoline Launister
"To live is to feel, to think, to suffer..."

No matter how much you love to write or how well you do, there are always days when creating a simple paragraph becomes torture. You write a sentence, but it doesn't sound good, so you delete it and write it again. Erase, rewrite ... it can be repeated many times. When you see, hours have passed and [...]

No matter how much you love to write or how well you do, there are always days when creating a simple paragraph becomes torture.

You write a sentence, but it doesn't sound good, so you delete it and write it again. Erase, rewrite ... it can be repeated many times. When he sees it, hours have passed and the text hasn't flowed.

Creative blocking is every creative professional's nightmare. But we bring good news: there are several ways to stimulate creativity and get more writing ideas.

The truth is that the right stimulus is enough to get our minds to start producing. Knowing this, essayshark have highlighted 7 tips to help you overcome blank screen syndrome without losing your head.

Check it out!

1. Create playlists.

It has been scientifically proven that music helps creativity and provides tremendous benefits to the body and mind.

This is due to a phenomenon popularly called the Mozart effect, in which music stimulates or relaxes certain parts of the brain. Of course, this can be used as a tool to enhance performance.

According to the researchers of this phenomenon, the ninjaessays, the music we hear affects our moods and reasoning. So there is no "right music" for improving your performance, it depends a lot on how you are feeling in the moment.

If you usually write in the afternoon, for example, feeling sleepy is natural, then it would be ideal to make playlists with more upbeat songs or "up."

On the other hand, if you need peace of mind for work, instrumental playlists are a great option.

The interesting thing about this alternative, however, is that according to some studies, music triggers stimuli in the brain related to pleasure.

It's a great way to get your head working, isn't it?

You can create your own playlists on various online platforms such as Spotify, MixCloud, 8tracks and even YouTube. Pick your favorite tracks and get to work!

"Man has always been and will always be the most curious phenomenon for man"

2. Record

Good ideas don't have good manners: they appear at the worst moments when we're busy doing other things and disappear when we need them. This will no longer be a problem if you develop the habit of writing down your thoughts.

In a cell phone pad, on a napkin, in your hand, it doesn't matter: if something occurs to you that you think might be helpful, write it down. There are great apps for this such as Evernote , OneNote and Laverna .

There are even techniques for optimizing your productivity with notes. Want to know how to do this? The " Hacks for Productivity" course on the Rock Content Community blog can help you.

After all, it's worse than looking at a blank page knowing you missed a great idea because you didn't bother to save it!

3. brainstorm.

Sometimes a sentence, even a single word, is enough to trigger your creativity mechanisms.

When you read or hear a strong, contextual and emotional word, use it as a starting point for brainstorming. This will help organize your thoughts and develop a first draft of the text.

Brainstorming is also useful for filtering ideas. Putting it all out there will get rid of that jumble of possibilities that will keep the writing flowing. Then check your notes, highlighting the ones that work best for your purpose.

After all, blockage is not always due to a lack of ideas. It can also come from an overabundance of them.

Over time, this practice will develop your critical sense, identifying the best ideas and ways to use them in your writing.

4. Get out of a rut.

Creating a routine is good because it helps us manage our time better. However, it can also get in the way of creativity .

Overly averaging your daily habits is a common mistake many professionals make.

In this sense, getting out of a routine can broaden your horizons as you also step out of your comfort zone. Stopping repeating patterns is always inspiring, whether it's a new genre of reading or a new trip home.

So, if you're feeling bored, how about going to that new bakery or taking a risk for another series on Netflix?

These small changes provide a renewed perspective, which is a very important factor for creative professionals!

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