4 Benefits of Building a Mobile App for Your Small Business

4 Benefits of Building a Mobile App for Your Small Business

Less than half of small businesses have a mobile application, but to build mobile applications can be a valuable investment. Here are four benefits that can help you determine whether an investment in a mobile application is right for your business.

In 2018, we came to expect that the majority of large companies have mobile applications.

It would be shocking to search the app store and did not find the option to Facebook, Netflix, or Amazon. These companies have the resources to pay for mobile app development and maintenance and customer base to know they will be used.

But, what about small businesses? Is it worth it to invest in mobile applications?

If you wish to attract new customers, increase sales, build your brand image, or improve your customer's experience, the answer is yes.

Application has many benefits, especially for companies that want to stand out of the 27.9 million small businesses in the USA.

This article presents the top four benefits of building mobile apps if you're a small business.

1. Engage Customers With Unique Features

mobile app development opportunities to engage with your customers uniquely - mobile scheduling, notifications, and loyalty programs.

mobile sites, while necessary and useful, do not have the features that keep users coming back to interact with your brand.

Mobile Scheduling and Reminders

If your business requires customers to make appointments or reservations, such as salon, exercise studio or restaurant, you can facilitate the process by scheduling in-app as well.

You can then use push notifications or text messages to send reminders or prompt customers to confirm or cancel an appointment

For example, ClassPass, a popular fitness company, has a scheduling tool that allows customers to sign up for a fitness class through the app.

ClassPass in application scheduling tool

ClassPass mobile app aims to make it easier for people to register and attend fitness classes - classes to remind them to come and share the directions to a nearby gym.

Notifications for sale or offer

A mobile application business opens a direct line of communication between you and your customers by allowing you to send a push notification, alerting subscribers and users of the application for sales or special offers.

Nearly 85% of consumers say that they tend to opt-in to receive push notifications when a notification offering a discount.

For example, a cafe in California uses push notifications to encourage people to attend the happy hour - offering 20% ​​off drinks.

Push notifications from

To send push notifications to offer rewards to loyal customers and attract new ones that might need an extra push to try to drink or buy your product.

Reward loyalty program

customer loyalty programs and incentives App involve new download gamifying how customers use your product.

Examples of successful programs, awards based applications-are Starbucks Rewards star '.

example of loyalty Starbucks' award application

Starbucks offering rewards to users who purchased several beverage applications or food through the application of Starbucks.

Once you collect 125 stars, Starbucks provides free drinks, that motivates customers to keep coming back.

2. Provide Personalized Interactions With Your Brand

The application ensures your customer interaction with your brand personalized.

For example, the fitness company YogaGlo has a mobile application that allows users to a favorite yoga class they prefer and access them quickly from the home screen.

YogaGlo customized application user profiles for personal interaction with the brand YogaGlo application shows the user's favorite class

This feature ensures that each user can quickly access his / her favorite class with a tap of the screen.

3. Make Involved With Your Company More Efficient

Application reducing the number of points of contact between your company and potential customers, making it easier to convert your audience into paying customers.

For example, when Domino Pizza creates a mobile application that allows customers to order for delivery or in-store pickup, application-based command-rose more than 41%.

examples of online booking through the app features Domino's Pizza

Domino application makes it easy to order pizza immediately after the attacks of desire, rather than forcing customers to pick up the phone or drive to the nearest restaurant.

Another example of an application that allows customers to get involved is OpenTable (for restaurant reservations) and ZocDoc (for doctor appointments), both of which allow customers to use their services entirely through the application.

4. Build Brand Recognition and Awareness

Application increases brand recognition by creating your brand image - colors, logos, type, and tagline - on other platforms.

According to Inc., 80% of customers think that color increases brand awareness, to have a consistent, recognizable design for your application and other products are very important.

For example, think about a company or product recognizable online - Facebook, Instagram, and Google Maps.

facebook Instagram logo icons Google Maps

This application company serves ads as smooth.

Obtain the name, logo, or slogan in front of the repeat customer is a common advertising strategy, and you can include your application in this strategy.

Even if customers do not regularly use the app, Americans still spend an average of 2 hours and 41 minutes per day on their mobile phones. So, if your application "on the road" when people look through their phone, logo and company name might still stand.

Investing in Mobile Apps Perhaps Useful for Your Small Business

Doing time (and money) to create a mobile app for your small business can have a big advantage.

If you are still debating whether it is a worthwhile investment, consider these four benefits of building mobile applications:

Engage your customers with unique features such as online ordering, scheduling tools, and push notifications

Providing personal interaction with your brand

Make involved with your company more efficient

Build brand recognition

Reach us at sales@dxminds.com if you are looking for mobile app development company in Bangalore

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