Third Universal Theory solves the problems facing humanity

Third Universal Theory solves the problems facing humanity

Green Charter Movement

Here are some examples of problems which no other political or revolutionary theory solves but which are definitively solved by the Third Universal Theory advocated by the Green Charter Movement:

Let us look, briefly, at each one of these problems in turn, and the solution offered by the Third Universal Theory.

After these brief summaries the reader is invited to do further studies and research via the links provided.

Unity in resistance

There are millions of people around the world opposed to the current dictatorial system yet there is no unity for two main reasons: there is a lack of a shared vision which all are aiming for and see as their own property and mission; and there is a lack of a shared method of working to make that vision a living reality.

The shared vision of a "Freepublic" where true human rights and freedom are protected as well as the ways and means of achieving this, are provided for in the Third Universal Theory and its Green Charter Movement. A very detailed road map is provided for, which expands upon the fundamental problems facing humanity and their solutions.

Religious legitimacy

The issue of religious legitimacy, the divide between individuals of different faiths, the problem of secularism versus non-secularism, are all solved by the Third Universal Theory, with all religions being able to see its legitimacy in the light of their own faith, with each exercising their faith without compulsion or interference from others.

Human rights

The issue of human rights is a serious one: on the one hand it is a label that is widely abused and on the other hand human rights are promised but not delivered because people lack the power to enforce their rights when those rights are violated. The strong simply impose their authority, irrespective of the violation of human rights.

This is solved by a legitimate charter of human rights which was drafted by millions of free citizens themselves, and thus included those necessary rights to not only make them a theoretical list of rights but also how to guarantee and protect and enforce those rights, something the world human rights bodies have deliberately omitted.

Democracy and power

Freedom, democracy, responsibility, accountability, power and authority: these are all intertwined with one another. Only when these aspects of reality are resolved in favor of the people can there be true freedom and justice, peace and progress. The neglect of this issue has allowed small minorities to take advantage of the ignorance of the masses and impose their will. It is only the Third Universal Theory that has found the solution to these conflicting issues to bring them into line at the service of humanity.

Abuse of science

The monopoly of the sciences and their abuse by that monopoly has caused immeasurable harm to humanity and increasing suffering with each passing day. The Third Universal Theory when put into practice in its various aspects including the human rights, power and authority, and breaking of monopolies, solves this problem by placing the sciences under the control of the people and increasing their involvement.

Law and Justice

The absence of justice is everywhere, man is born free but is everywhere in chains. Law serves the wealthy who can afford access to limited justice via the legal system and capable lawyers who will fight their corner rather than looking for the easy way with the most pay and profit. Those in the Green Charter Movement, and those in the new structures of people's authority that emerge in the Freepublic, have access to the best advice and mechanisms irrespective of their wealth.

Poverty and need

Solving the problem of needs and liberating them, reducing poverty and dependance, securing rights and freedoms, redefining economic relationships and bringing the old structures down on the heads of the exploiters, is an arduous task which is however the result of implementation of the Third Universal Theory within communities.

Social harmony

The social engineering harms that the minority have used to control the majority, are undone by a return to the Natural Law principles of human relationships from the family, to the tribe, to the nation and humanity. The driving force of history, the social factor, harmony between minorities, communities and nations, man and woman, the real purpose and methods of education, all these are addressed in the Social Basis of the Third Universal Theory.


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