3d Porn Lanessa Blood Crown

3d Porn Lanessa Blood Crown


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In late December we released an intro preview for Bloodlust: Lanessa – Blood Crown on our Patreon , and now that everyone’s back from vacation and into the swing of things we wanted to release it on A3D, too. Once you’ve had a watch, let’s talk about Bloodlust.
In our December post, miro estimated Bloodlust: Lanessa – Blood Crown Part 1 to be around 70% done. All the key and most of the in-between animation is done, but the biggest hurdle of the remaining 30% is miro needing to now go through every frame with a fine tooth comb to get it looking just right. But “looking just right” isn’t a matter of miro being a perfectionist (though he kind of is) it’s a matter of if we stopped working and just released part 1 in its current state you’d be able to watch almost all of it, but in many areas it would lack the polish and fantasy A3D aims to deliver.
To finish up this last 30% miro just needs to strap in and give it his undivided attention for a bit. To help facilitate this, the month of January was dedicated to wrapping up some outstanding projects and creating a new production schedule to more efficiently organize miro’s remaining work. In this stage of production, other demands and distractions will be the biggest culprit for delays, so the A3D staff are working to clear as much off miro’s plate as possible. There will always be some things he needs to handle outside of the main production, such as overseeing Patreon content production, but we’re hoping to keep everything else to a minimum.
Anyway, at this stage we can’t say how long it will take to wrap Bloodlust: Lanessa – Blood Crown , but we’ll be providing short updates on our Patreon each month. Because these updates won’t necessarily contain visual content, we will likely wait until there are enough of them to make a substantial post before sharing them on Affect3D.com.
Before we sign off, we also wanted to mention that Bloodlust: Lanessa – Blood Crown Part 2 is probably around 40% done. As many of you speculated, we have been working on both parts simultaneously from the beginning, but part 2 is mostly just sex animation at present. The ending story scene needs to be storyboarded, and the degree to which mo-cap will be involved is still undecided (we’re yet to finalize an efficient process for integrating it into our productions). We will update on the progress of part 2 as we’re able.
Here’s a glimpse at our current Patreon image set: Flying High . This alternate take on Cerene and Lanessa has the two girls zipping around a shining metropolis and battling it out, this time as super hero and villain.
Part 1 was only just released to patrons last month, with part 2 on the way soon. If you’d like to follow along with this set as it’s released, you just need to subscribe as a tier 1 or tier 2 patron .
You may have already seen (and hopefully enjoyed) our most recently completed image set, but in case you missed it here’s the scoop! The Seed of Rebirth is a new, non-canon image set from A3D which takes us deep into the jungle where two hot babes, Cerene and Raven, are in for a big futanari surprise! It’s A3D’s longest image set yet, totaling in at over 200 images. It can be purchased on the Affect3D Store for $10 , or accessed on Patreon if you sign up to be a tier 1 or tier 2 patron.
Ready for some adventure? Well, maybe “misadventure” is a better way to describe it. Not long ago, Cerene caught wind of a rumor that her old rival, Raven, was getting close to tracking down an ancient artifact known as Aya’s Amphora. Cerene knows that if Raven gets her hands on that artifact it will disappear into the black market before week’s end, so it’s up to her to intervene!
Cerene takes a trek through the jungle before coming upon an ancient ruin; this must be it! Unfortunately for her, Raven’s already there and just about to grab the artifact! What Raven and Cerene don’t know yet, however, is the Aya’s Amphora is no mere trinket… The vessel is imbued with the power of a goddess, and whoever holds it will be blessed with a COCK fit for a goddess.
Important for Miro’s patrons: if you are an active (Founders) tier 1 or 2 subscriber of miro’s Patreon, you already have access to this image set via Patreon!
If you’d like to get more more updates from miro and Affect3D, you can follow miro for free on Slushe. On miro’s Slushe gallery we share full-size previews of his current and older projects. You can currently see more from The Seed of Rebirth , as well as other sets like Pure As Sin . Follow the link below to check it out.
Become a Patron! If you’d like to support miro and Affect3D’s creations, we invite you to become a patron. All financial contributions received through Patreon are used to fund the production of our ongoing projects. This includes image sets, sex animation loops, and Bloodlust: Lanessa – Blood Crown .
There are 5 memberships to choose from, ranging from $1 to $10 per month. In return for your pledge, you’ll receive early access to a variety of A3D content, ranging from image sets, sex animation loops, poll, and production updates. Recently, patrons saw the first version of an animated loop that depicts this scene from the Circle of Love image set.
And soon they’ll be voting on outfits for a new image set called Fan Service, which will star Sayako and a new character named Anette.
This week our patron exclusive content includes The Seed of Rebirth Epilogue, an additional part to our latest completed image set. Here’s a couple previews from the epilogue.
The epilogue won’t be added to the A3D Store version of The Seed of Rebirth until next month, so if you want to see it now, check out miro’s Patreon page to find out which membership suits you best!
Marie is a writer and voice actress at Affect3D. She is best known for her voice work as Tara in Girlfriends 4 Ever and Cerene in Bloodlust: Cerene, but has also voiced Virtual Lusts's Neva, Amusteven's Velna, and Puppetmaster's Brittany.
All I really can say about this upcoming video is that if the pictures and the sequel that came before it are any indication, it has an incredibly hard (no pun intended) act to follow.
Stop juicing your fkn patreon, there’s hundreds of artists who deserve more than you. I had to stop my sub bc of no WIP update, no mini series, and getting bored with looking at your still images. Drop BL Lanessa this year!
Even if they are affected by the COVID, they also delay for too long and should release this project in the second half of the year
It’s been 5 months since the last update… Are you guys bailing on this project? It seems that Miro wants to focus on his Patreon and leave Affect3D. If this thing doesn’t come out on December, I’m giving up
I don’t mind waiting but… could we at least get an update?
My god this is just taking the piss, I understand covid played a part in the delay of the final product but this is just unacceptable. Miro shouldn’t be working on multiple projects if this is what the fan base is given months at a time along with the fact he is milking his patreon and making money from selling the final product. Frankly it’s unfair and insulting to us, in my opinion he should just finish the next installment of bloodlust and then move on to another project, this would satisfy the people the fans and also make it easier to get projects done at an acceptable rate.
miro is just milking his support base at this point.
dude has turned into a leach, shame.
was a supporter, and customer who brought all his work, but fuck that now. just as a bad as wildeer.
Hey Guys, any Chance of maybe at least an Update or something ?
so after almost 3 years of waiting we don’t get much, what the hell!!!!
I don’t quite understand the push for releasing 30min+ videos. Seems like a lot of creators decided to go that route, and it was a bad move. I would much rather see episodes 10-15 min in length coming out in half the time. There’s nothing wrong with adding a “To be continued” at the end, then picking up right were you left off in the next installment. People don’t really complain about a video being too short, unless it’s under 5 min. But they do complain about lack of content ALL THE TIME. I think creators are trying to justify the larger sums of money being asked for a scene. But in all honesty, I think by reducing the price and length of the video, you would appeal to more people. 20 dollars for one 30min video is a bit steep, but 10 dollars for a 15min video won’t sting as bad. Another thing I would like to add, is there is no benefit to replaying the same loop over and over again to make a video appear longer than what it truly is. I’m not saying that you shouldn’t use loops, but people notice when it’s the same exact thing just from a different angle. When you run a loop from a different angle, go through it and make a noticeable change. Like have one of the girls move her arm and hold her leg or something during the next showing. Paying for a video that just shows the same loop from several different angles leaves the viewer feeling like they got ripped off, and I for one, probably won’t purchase from that creator in the future because of it. Final note, then I’ll piss off lol. We love cum scenes! I completely understand that it is probably the most challenging and time consuming event to create. But it’s worth every second of your time. If every position explored ended in a cum explosion, we would not be disappointed. And if you can make it so that the cum doesn’t just magically disappear, that would be amazing. Although I understand there are technology restraints, so I’ll keep dreaming for now.
On a personal note, I love the work being done here. I’ve tried being a creator, and I could never be as good as the worst animator on this site. If you actually read and/or consider my recommendations I do appreciate it. And if I may say, I absolutely love the details put into making the girls feet. It’s my number one fetish and if you started adding more footjobs to your videos I would lose my mind.
will guards take part in that sexy scene.
anyone know what’s the name of the music used in the trailer haha
I’ve been following Miro since like 2014 when G4E first came out, he was fucking slow then and he’s fucking slower now. People have made full blown feature films in the time it takes this mouth breather to put out a fucking dlc lol. I hope everything you do for the rest of your life is fucking trash Miro, there are better artists than you now and they don’t take HALF A DECADE to put out a 20 minute video while also charging fans the entire time lol.
This is going to be a hard pill to swallow for those who havent seen through the bull shit by now, but this has to be said. This comment will be long, and most likely get deleted before anyone sees it because Miro can’t seem to handle the hard truths of the problems he himself created.
Miro doesnt care about us anymore. His money making is coming from the patreon account, and even those numbers continue to drop and fluctuate. He lost over 100 patrons last month, but the numbers seem to be stabilized now. The numbers will no doubt decline into oblivion once he decides to release his next project, because he’s gonna charge the patrons too! He will milk those willing to stick around for months and years to come.
Dont join his patron. Everything there is just getting released here. All the image sets, and wip material. Except for a few half assed 30 second animation with moaning sounds. No cumshots or anything. It’s actually more financially sound to buy his shit from his store than it is to join his patreon. Because like I said, he plans on charging his patrons for Blood Crown too!
He bullshits people by making all these fantastic promises of shorter release times, better work ethics, cutting the production time in half. For reference see this patron post
if you’re a patron, if not, then read this copy and paste.
With the upcoming release we’re trying out a new approach: the 2 part release. Assuming a full release is roughly 20-25 mins in length, we’ll break down the big release into two 10-12 minute parts. The first part will be released with roughly half the content at roughly half the usual price. The second part will complete the full release. Once we have part two, we’ll publish the release at full length and full price. At this point part one of the release will no longer be available. Those who have purchased part one separately will be able to buy the full release for half the price. Let us know in the comments below if you see a good reason to make both parts available individually though. We are intending to produce more quickly and cutting production time in half like this could result in considerably shorter release cycles, meaning less waiting, which is something we’ve been asked about a lot. Additionally, the releases will be more flexible. An interim round of feedback will allow for more fine-tuning, more responsive and stream-lined improvements and there’s going to be more momentum in general around releases that occur in months rather than years. So why not just release an animation short of around 10 mins? Currently the survey and polls are indicating you like longer releases, which allows establishing more of the story, more in-depth character development and coherent content with continuity, which we’re on board with as well. Let us know your thoughts in the comments below
So not only did he promise shorter production times, but also shorter videos to boot. Let that sink in after all the time that’s passed.
Royal Decent came out in October of 2018
You have a serious problem understanding a very simple concept: if you don’t like it, don’t pay and go away.
As you don’t leave and you keep crying, it just shows that you are here to put hate against the page, creator and everything.
Nah, Nyl came out with better looking models while miro was sitting on his ass and ARG beats him just by reliably putting out content. Could’ve stayed the best if he wanted to though
I feel kind of bad for those on the patreon. Because if you do the math, they’ve essentially paid between 7 and 30 percent more than those who just purchase from the site itself. Just watch miro make everything patreon exclusive and just use this site to heavily advertise it. Like he’s already doing right now. Especially on this new update.
Something about this upcoming project doesn’t sit right with me. I feel like it’s going to be around 15 minutes of blow job and tit fucks. And then they’ll just slap all the loops they’ve done over the past 2 and a half years on the end of it to lengthen the run time. The g4e animations do the same thing. And I also have to ask, we know you can work on and release 2 animations at close to the same time. You did it once with the g4e dlc, so why couldn’t you do it here?
Could it be you knew that more time could be spent milking the patreon if you split the animation in half? And then took longer to make each half? Are you going to be doing this with ALL future animations? Why do your customers defend these actions?
30 Months for another 20 min vid? The timing is trash, the giving want the fans want is trash, so many side projects knowing the main product (Bloodlust and G4E) is more worth is trash, and this artist really doesn’t like engaging in negative comments. However, this faggot ass bitch dream killer likes say some shit to everyone though at Miro’s defense. I’ll just wait for the release and pirate it.
its been so long i thought they cancelled it lol
Seems promising. Though I’m more of a fan of G4E than Boodlust.
I’m staying positive for the most part and hoping you guys will release it soon. But I can’t help but notice the mention of Patreon multiple times in the article. Patreon relies on monthly subscription instead of 1 time purchases like on this site. Here I begin to see what I saw with some major companies trends to move from purchase to rent. Off the top of my head, Office 365, EA Play, etc.
One other thing I notice is that Miro’s patreon is named “Affect3d – Miro.” Obviously, on Patreon, a creator/artist/what have you is expected to release monthly content, hence the image sets imo. When the first image sets released, I was confused why Miro would release that and not updates on the movie. At first, I tried to stay positive by thinking that the image sets could be his way of releasing stress from working on Bloddlust Lanessa. But as he released more and more of them and less on the main project (I love them too, don’t get me wrong. But his animations are what I fell in love with. So naturally, I want to see them first), my evil inner self asks the question, are you guys purposely stalling so that you can profit more from Patreon?
I thought I had already commented on it here … It’s great the more I see the more I want to see the final product.
After 2 years of production, need to take a month to make a schedule that will allow to be productive.
(I know comments here are like full toxic but couldnt help myself).
Lol. They don’t even need this site anymore. Their patreon is where their revenue is, and the count will keep growing because miro is putting more of his time into stills and loops than into any actual production. That’s why this one has taken so much longer than the ones he’s made in the past. Hell, its going to take another 2 years at least to see this “part 2”. We all know it. And people will still defend it.
So, another century of waiting for a ending
So… whatever happened to those shorter release times? What happened with the shorter production? Why do people still defend the long waits times for such little content in return? Maybe if miro put more effort into the main production, the thing people actually follow you for, miro wouldn’t have so many distractions. I really hope that this “part 1” has more in it than what’s shown. And I really hope its at least the same length of time as BLC. Because people are going to be beyond livid.
I enjoy Milo’s work, but he doesn’t seem to manage his time that well. Why does it take so long to make a part 1? How much longer is your adoring public going to have to blue ball themselves until part 2? Do you intend to address the glaring issue of the massive gaps between each production? Or just ignore it and talk to us like a company talks to customers through its hr department. We really would like an answer to your long absemses from us. Since, you k
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