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Home Comics 13 Best Lesbian Comics 2022
Whether you are a fan of fiction, nonfiction, science fiction, romance, or any other genre or subgenre, there are so many comic book titles in the market nowadays that it is almost impossible to keep track of them. 
However, today we are going to discuss the best lesbian comics specifically. They are available in various genres, shapes, and sizes. Whether you look for something that is finished or ongoing, we got you covered. These comics cover numerous topics and stories about friendship, family, love, and other important subjects of our lives. We have listed some of the most popular lesbian comics that you are bound to enjoy in the section below.
We start off the list with a title that is reader-friendly and highly entertaining for readers that already enjoy Batwoman’s character. In this incarnation, Kate Kane is a badass lesbian, and this comic explores her as an individual and displays how her relationships have affected the paths she has taken. 
This comic book tells us a story about Kim, a college student working a part-time job. However, this job is not at all ordinary or something that you might think of because she works as a grim reaper. Becka, who is also a college student and has a crush on Kim, does not know that her crush helps souls into the afterlife. It is an excellent magical adventure and love story that will surely pick your interest.
This comic book is set in an alternate 1900s Asia, where matriarchal society rules. “Monstress” features steampunk, art deco, and other styles. The story follows Maika, a teenage girl who fights with the actual monster living inside her. The comic is very dark and graphically violent, so it is well worth checking out if you can stomach it and enjoy these types of stories.
This comic book is a brand new Nancy Drew reboot in which one of Nancy’s best friends, George, who was often recognized as queer by the fans, officially gets to be gay in the story. Besides that, Nancy is has a girlfriend, Danica. The comic is queer, feminist, and covers the subjects that we have always loved and enjoyed in the Nancy Drew universe.
“Princeless: Raven, The Pirate Princess” is a comic book that revolves around a group of intelligent lesbian women that are very loyal to each other. Raven and her group of women pirates share fantastic adventures mixed with interesting and compelling love stories while following the whole family and relationship dynamic between them.
This is a long-running comic that follows the story of a group of queer friends. It covers topics about life, love, fighting, family, politics, and various interesting plots. It is an essential lesbian comic book and one of the best depictions of gay womanhood that is funny, honest, and relatable.
This comic’s story is set in a terrifying dystopian future that is controlled by evil patriarchy where non-compliant women are either exiled or sent to an off-world prison colony. “Bitch Planet” is very intelligent, powerful, relatable, heartbreaking, and in some situations, very funny. It covers subjects that we are facing in our everyday lives while exploring friendships and romantic relationships.
The story of this comic book revolves around America Chavez, who was once a Young Avenger. Like most teenage superheroes , she tries to balance her going to college and fighting monsters and other villains. America is a badass lesbian teenager whose stories are surely worth checking out.
The story of this comic book is placed in the world of Black Panther and his homeland, Wakanda. It is a standalone story about Ayo and Aneka , two women bound to join the Dora Milaje, an elite group of women soldiers sworn to protect the crown. It is a beautiful love story that covers interesting subjects that will surely pick your interest.
This comic book has a really interesting form since it is written as the notebooks of 10-year-old Karen Reyes, a resident of 1960s Chicago, who lives with her mother and older brother. The story gets started after Karen’s upstairs neighbor is murdered, and she decides to solve this crime. The comic covers so much more than that, of course, as it delves into history, politics, and family. The story is complex, compelling and the art is truly unique and worth checking out.
The story of this comic revolves around the Empire of Migdal Bavel, where the main character Cherry gets promised to another man by her husband if he can seduce her in one hundred nights. However, Cherry has feelings for another woman, so they decide to trick Cherry’s husband by distracting him and telling him a different story every night for hundred nights. It is a gorgeous graphic novel with an interesting plot, very much worth investigating.
Sugar Town is a sweet, poly, and kinky love story that revolves around Hazel, who has set off to visit home for a couple of weeks. During this visit, she meets Argent, a woman who works as a dominatrix. They engage in a relationship that the story thoroughly follows. It is rich in fantastic dialogues, sexy moments, and gay people taking care of each other. 
Skim is a coming-of-age comic book whose story is set at a private all-girls boarding school. The main character is Skim, a teenage girl that starts to fall in love with her English teacher, Ms. Archer. The story deals with a lot of heavy subjects such as depression and suicide, with a lot of depth and honesty revolving around them.
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Lesbian Decadence: Representations in Art and Literature of Fin-de-Siècle France features a rare collection of illustrations from the "decadent period" which began in Paris in the 19th century. The original collection was compiled by French author Nicole Albert and published in 2005 under the title "Saphisme et Decadence Dans Paris Fin-De-Siécle." After a reprint in 2016 by Harrington Park Press, the book won the Goldie award for Anthology/Collections (Creative Non-Fiction) from the Golden Crown Literary Society. Translated by Nancy Erber and William Peniston, the reissue is an expanded edition that now includes a number of rare photographs and cartoons from the original author's private collection — many are not publicly available anywhere else. Bill Cohen, the cofounder of Harrington Park Press — a publishing group that focuses on less-explored scholarly topics relating to the LGBT community — told BuzzFeed News in an interview that although same-sex activities were not criminalized in France at the time, "lesbians were still viewed by psychiatrists as disordered souls." "Moralists pitied them. In popular society, however, lesbianism was flaunted," he explained. "Some paintings, no doubt, shocked the public in the early 1900s."
The cover of a special issue devoted to lesbians: Jils Garrine, Les Mesdam’messieurs, in L’Assiette au Beurre, March 2, 1912.
"Writers tried to define the cross-dressing phenomenon by using compound nouns and convoluted phrases: Woman-Man, woman masculinized by habit and tastes, or 'mesdam'messieurs' — which happened to be the title of a special issue of satirical magazine L’Assiette au Beurre devoted entirely to lesbians."
"Rayon du Moulin-Rouge" / "Moulin Rouge Department" by Tony Minartz for “L’Article de Paris”/ “Parisian Specialty” in L’Assiette au Beurre, Feb. 8, 1902.
"The vast premises of the Moulin Rouge was famous for its can-can dancers, who kept the audience enthralled. It also had a dance floor where female couples often waltzed in one another’s arms. Tony Minartz depicted the tight embrace of women spinning round in an issue of satirical magazine L’Assiette au Beurre. If the drawing was not clear enough, the caption accompanying it spelled it out:
"Dark and Fair" by Tadeusz Styka (ca. 1908)
"According to the prevailing typology of hair color, a true lesbian was either a brunette or a redhead (red being the epitome of artificiality), and thus golden hair was left to the passive, willing victim. Marthe Barnède, nicknamed Madame Sappho, is 'a stunning brunette, with hair the color of deep shadow,' while Colette, her young and frail lover, is described as 'a pretty girl with lily-white skin and light blonde hair that crowned her pale ivory forehead with a riotous golden halo.'"
"Petites Amies" / "Girlfriends" by Hanafusa Ittcho, an illustration for the novel Poupée Japonaise / Japanese Doll by Félicien Champsaur (1912 edition).
"The term 'inseparables' (which is also a French term for lovebirds) is the title of a chapter in Champsaur’s Poupée Japonaise (Japanese Doll). In the illustrated edition of 1912, a colored engraving by Hanafusa Ittcho called 'Petites Amies' (Girlfriends) represents two lovers’ hands joined like the obis fastening their kimonos, giving the impression that the women are literally tied together."
Pierre Hérault, "L’amour qui n’ose pas dire son nom (The Love That Dare Not Speak Its Name)" in Le Rire, Nov. 29, 1930 .
"'Excuse me, young man, my wife has lost her sex, you wouldn’t have found it by any chance?' Le Rire was a successful French humor magazine published from October 1894 through the 1950s."
Cover illustration by Étienne le Rallic for "Ces Dames de Lesbos" / "These Ladies of Lesbos" by Renée Dunan (1928).
"This little-known novelist retraced the history of sapphism through the ages. After an introduction focusing on Lesbos in antiquity, she backtracked to prehistory, swerved through Babylon, paused with the Amazon women, trekked through Corinth, returned to Lesbos, landed in Rome, paid a visit to the Ottoman sultan and the court of Louis XV, and finally arrived at her destination, the modern-day Lesbos of Hollywood, London, and Paris."
"Faute de Venise—II y a le lac du Bois de Boulogne." Illustration by Joseph Kuhn-Régnier, in the satirical magazine Fantasio, Aug. 1, 1923.
"The Bois de Boulogne is a public park in Paris (bigger than Central Park) that was a reputed meeting place for lesbians, as well as lesbian prostitutes. Two fashionable ladies in a nighttime amorous adventure, with the less rarefied caption: 'If Venice is too far, there’s always the lake in the Bois de Boulogne.'"
Raymond de la Nézière, "Quelques femmes à Bicyclette" / "Some Women on Bicycles" (detail), in La Vie Parisienne, Sept. 16, 1893.
" Parisian Life was a French weekly magazine founded in Paris in 1863 and was published without interruption until 1970. In 1905, the magazine evolved into a mildly risqué erotic publication."
Maurice Radiguet, cover for Mlles Saturne by Charles Virmaître (1898)
"Charles Virmaître had intended to give his study about sapphic Paris at the end of the nineteenth century the title 'Les Marchandes d’ail' (The Garlic Sellers). The expression is related to 'mangeuse d’ail' (garlic eater), considered an obscene euphemism for 'pussy eater.' He eventually titled the study 'Mlles Saturne' (derived from Saturnus, the Roman god of fertility). The cover, illustrated by Maurice Radiguet, retained a trace of this preliminary title, since a head of garlic is hanging above the doorway."
"Boîtes de Nuit (Night Clubs)" by Zyg Brunner in L’Assiette au Beurre, Sept. 4, 1909
"The caption reads, 'Yes, my dear Prince, there are only two men who understand women in Paris: You . . . and I.'"
"L’Embarquement pour Lesbos" / "The Departure for Lesbos" by Armand Vallée in Fantasio, June 1, 1929
"The two women in a drawing by Armand Vallée have the long-limbed charms of 1920s flappers, and their voyage 'to a different land / Where love, they say, is more beautiful' resembles a sporty jaunt."
"Le Sémiramis-Bar" by Édouard Touraine, an illustration for Colette’s article “Le Sémiramis-Bar” in the magazine La Vie Parisienne, March 27, 1909.
"Sémiramis was the Queen of the Amazons, the mythological tribe of women warriors."
"Ferdinand Bac, the illustrator of Femmes honnêtes! (Decent Women!) , daringly drew the two lovers Lucie and Berthe embracing in such a way that their arms formed a bridge of flesh in the form of a hyphen, like the punctuation mark that joined their names."
"Sexes autonomes: Les bars parallèles — Rétablissement" / "Autonomous Sexes: Parallel Bars — Restoration" by Gerda Wegener in Fantasio, July 15, 1925.
"Édouard Chimot, fascinated by this working-class and artistic neighborhood in Paris, sketched some of these female couples, many of whom were actually poor women living off prostitution. Jean-Louis Forain and Toulouse-Lautrec captured the habitués, both famous and anonymous, of the cafés that they also frequented. In the 1920s the glamorous Gerda Wegener gave these local dives a more sophisticated allure and called them Bars Parallèles / Parallel Bars, suggesting a pun with 'barres parallèles' and 'parallel bars' in gymnastics."
"Gravelures de mode pour 1895" / "[Naughty] Highlights of the Fashions of 1895," by Albert Guillaume in Gil Blas illustré, Oct. 20, 1895.
"Cartoonists took aim at a presumptuousness that they considered as sacrilegious as it was ridiculous. In one of his comic sketches Albert Guillaume focused on eccentric women who took their fashion cues from men’s wardrobes. One panel has the image of an intrepid-looking woman, a cigar in her mouth, in men’s evening dress: a coat and tails, a starched shirtfront, and a high collar.
Below is the caption, 'The Two-for-One—The Latest Fabulous Outfit for Dinner Parties. Does Not Wear Out. Ground Floor at the Louvre Department Store.'”
Lesbian Decadence: Representations in Art and Literature of Fin-de-Siècle France won the Goldie award for Anthology/Collections (Creative Non-Fiction) from the Golden Crown Literary Society. A previous version of this post misstated the name of the award and the organization.

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