3 key Fundamentals Which google looks for when Rank your site to the Major

3 key Fundamentals Which google looks for when Rank your site to the Major

How Search Works

Let's step back and ponder how the search process works on Google and other search engines. Customers turn to Google first to find new products and services, new companies, and consultants. They tend to ignore ads, and they tend to read and click through on the organic listings that show on page one of Google, especially the top three positions. Looking at it from the perspective of a small business, Google is the beginning of a chain of very valuable marketing events.

Ranking on Google for free means you are getting free advertising seo services and smm services , free advertising means free clicks from Google, free clicks from Google mean free web traffic, and free web traffic means more sales inquiries and, ultimately, more sales.
SEO essentially turns "free advertising" into "paid sales," which if you think about it for a moment, is an incredible return on investment! (Note that for most of the book, I will refer to Google rather than search engines in general, or Google, Bing, and Yahoo specifically. (By the way, Bing powers Yahoo's search results, meaning there are really just two search engines in the USA, Canada, and Western Europe: Google and Bing). The good news is that the SEO methods to rank on Google will generally work just as well for Bing and Yahoo, and with some variations, SEO applies to Amazon, eBay, Yelp, and other niche search engines).

An SEO Checkup Some questions for you:

1. Do your potential customers use Google or Bing to find companies, products, or services like yours? 2. Taking a common search query relevant to your company (e.g., "industrial fans," or "best pizza in Tulsa"), do you see your company on Page 1 of Google, positions 1, 2, or 3? High on the page, or low on the page? Do you see yourself in the "local" results which occur for "local" searches such as personal injury attorney, CPA, or sushi? 3. Taking a whole bunch of relevant keyword search queries to your business (the "universe" of search terms by which customers might search for your company, product, or service), do you generally show up on Page 1 of Google, positions 1-3? Positions i-io?, or not at all?
If you generally appear on Page 1 of Google, and especially in the top positions 1, 2, or 3, for all your relevant keywords, you can stop reading this book. You pass with an A+. If you generally do not appear, then keep reading. Or if you appear only on some search queries, but not others, or if you're not really sure what your search queries are, then you need help. If you have no idea what search word "queries," "positions" on Google, or "high" vs. "low" on the page mean, don't worry. Don't feel stupid. You need help, and I am going to teach you.

Isn't SEO Hard? our should i use a search engine marketing company ? Well, that's what Google would like you to think (so spend money on Google Ads ...) And that's what many in the SEO industry would like you to think (so pay us big consulting fees, and don't ask any questions!)
I don't agree. SEO isn't easy, but it isn't exactly hard either.
I've taught thousands of people in my online classes, in classes at Stanford Continuing Studies and throughout the San Francisco Bay Area, and in corporate workshops, and I can confirm that there is a lot of confusion about SEO. People think it's hard, or impossible, or mysterious, and that's simply not correct.


You see, is a lot like physical fitness. Although everyone can conceivably run a marathon, for example, few people make the effort to learn how and even fewer take the disciplined steps necessary to train for and ultimately finish a marathon.
Does that make running a marathon easy? No. But does that make running a marathon hard? Not really.
Like running a marathon, SEO is conceptually simple (exercise a lot, train with discipline, don't give up) but practically hard (you have to work at it nearly every day). And, of course, the Olympic champions don't just work hard, they work smart. That's the beginning of the good news. If you just learn how to work smarter (not harder), you'll find that SEO isn't really that hard. And it gets better. For one thing, you probably aren't really aiming to run an SEO marathon. You're probably aiming just to "get in shape," meaning to get to the top of relevant keywords that narrowly fit your industry and/or your geographic area. Your more modest goal of helping your business to get free advertising on Google via SEO means only basic knowledge is required, and only modest effort. Indeed, once a small business website is in decent SEO-friendly shape, my guess is about five hours a week on "Internet marketing" will suffice to keep you at the top of Google. Results vary, of course, as every situation is unique. But SEO is much, much easier than you'd think.

You're Smarter than Your Competitors! Even better, in most industries, you'll find that your competitors are not that smart. Most industries are not as competitive in SEO as you would think, and metaphorically speaking, you don't have to run faster than the bear; you just have to run faster than your buddy.
Let me rephrase that. You are not competing against Google. You are competing against your competitors, and they aren't that much smarter than you. In fact, I bet they might even be dumber.
Indeed, I'd wager that 9o% or more of your competitors are doing little to nothing in terms of SEO. If you just make a modest effort, and if that effort is channeled with the effective knowledge I will teach you in this book, I'll wager that there's a very strong possibility that you'll be on page one of Google, if not in the very top positions.
The smarter Steps to SEO Success guides you through the seven steps to successful SEO. Along the way, we'll set goals, understand technical details, and have fun. Along the way, I will be your "fitness coach" to explain how it all works and to motivate you to keep trying.

You're Smarter than Your Competitors! Even better, in most industries, you'll find that your competitors are not that smart. Most industries are not as competitive in SEO as you would think, and metaphorically speaking, you don't have to run faster than the bear; you just have to run faster than your buddy.
Let me rephrase that. You are not competing against Google. You are competing against your competitors, and they aren't that much smarter than you. In fact, I bet they might even be dumber.
Indeed, I'd wager that 9o% or more of your competitors are doing little to nothing in terms of SEO. If you just make a modest effort, and if that effort is channeled with the effective knowledge I will teach you in this book, I'll wager that there's a very strong possibility that you'll be on page one of Google, if not in the very top positions.
The Seven Steps to SEO Success This workbook guides you through the seven steps to successful SEO. Along the way, we'll set goals, understand technical details, and have fun. Along the way, I will be your "fitness coach" to explain how it all works and to motivate you to keep trying.

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