3 Ways to Ease Your Pain During the Active Labour Phase of Normal Delivery

3 Ways to Ease Your Pain During the Active Labour Phase of Normal Delivery

Rita Dasgupta

The pain you feel during labour is caused by contractions of the muscles in the uterus and the pressure put on the cervix for the baby to travel down the vaginal canal. This pain can be very strong in various regions, including the abdomen, groin and back. You might experience pain in the sides of the thighs too. The other pain you might experience during labour is when pressure is put on the bladder and bowels when the birth canal and vagina stretch. 

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The pain during labour is different for different woman. Some put the pain as similar to menstrual cramps, while others say it like extremely strong waves of diarrhoea cramps. The good news is that there are both medical and natural ways to ensure a relatively painless experience of normal delivery. 

Take a look at some natural ways to ensure painless delivery

1.    Lamaze Technique

The Lamaze technique is one of the most popular methods used in US. It teaches expecting mothers various ways in which they can approach the process of childbirth with confidence. They are taught ways to decrease their perception of pain with breathing exercises, massage by a support coach or other distraction methods. Lamaze takes a neutral position when it comes to pain medication. Doctors usually encourage women to learn more about the medication to make informed decisions about whether to use it. 

2.    Using Imagery and Visualisation

Focusing on something that makes you happy and helps you to engage your senses might be a good idea. This can distract you from the active labour pain during a normal delivery. You can also listen to soothing voices, recordings of the sound of ocean waves breaking against the shore or even your favourite music. Anything that can soothe your senses and distract you will work. You can also imagine yourself in a surrounding that makes you feel very comfortable, relaxed and safe. 

3.    Gain Knowledge

One thing that could calm and help you during labour is knowing what to expect during the process. Read about labour and different experiences of people through books, magazines, websites, etc., to familiarise you with the procedure. Also express your fears and concerns to your doctor and ask for advice on how to handle the pain. 

While there is no method, apart from anaesthesia, that can guarantee 100% pain relief during delivery, you can certainly ensure a much smoother experience. Apart from the above techniques, you can also practice rhythmic breathing, warm showers, cold compress, moving around and a lot more to help you ease the delivery pain.

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Make sure you choose the people who will be with you during this time. Having people who make you feel safe and comfortable can work wonders in decreasing the stress, which in turn can help you focus on a painless normal delivery. You can even have your partner practice the breathing techniques and other pain-relief methods, so that they can support you during delivery.

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