3 Ways More Sex

3 Ways More Sex


The Men's Health 30-Day Kettlebell Challenge
Chris Pratt Talks with Men's Health
Why I Took a Bath on Zoom With a Bunch of Men
Welcome to the Summer of the Power Bald
Lululemon Just Launched a New Surf Collection
Our product picks are editor-tested, expert-approved. We may earn a commission through links on our site.
We got women to confess what makes a man irresistible. Follow these tips to become that guy.
1. Play the Name Game
"Say my name, often. It makes me feel as though you're totally focused on me."
2. Pay Up
"Be generous when we're on a date—offer to pay, tip well. It will make me think you're just as giving in bed."
3. Get Your Hands on Her
"Touch me on the arm while talking to me, on my shoulder if standing above me, on my hips if standing behind me, around my waist if walking beside me. It's a subtle but effective way to let me know you're genuinely interested."
4. Ace a Classic Move
"On a cold night, wrap me up in your coat and kiss me on the forehead. It's a movie-style move that makes me go weak in the knees."
5. Excite Her Entire Body
"Sweep the hair away from the back of my neck and kiss me there. It sends sexy tingles everywhere."
6. Be a Gentle Man
"Be gentle when you're touching my clitoris—I can always thrust towards you to show you I need more pressure."
7. Speak Softly
"Whisper in my ear while we're having sex. Tell me how amazing my skin feels, how sexy I am and how good it feels to be inside me."
8. Get Rough with Her
"I love it when a guy is playfully rough in bed—a tender bite, a bit of hair-tugging—it make sex feel even more passionate."
9. Be Her Alarm Clock
"Wake me up at 5 a.m. by heading down under. I may be half asleep, but I'll soon be smiling all over."
10. Say Something
"Make contact the next day. This rule holds true forever."
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The Men's Health 30-Day Kettlebell Challenge
Chris Pratt Talks with Men's Health
Why I Took a Bath on Zoom With a Bunch of Men
Welcome to the Summer of the Power Bald
Lululemon Just Launched a New Surf Collection
Our product picks are editor-tested, expert-approved. We may earn a commission through links on our site.
Add some va-va-voom to your bedroom in 2016
Why It’ll Work: You have a lot of tricks at your disposal when you slip between the sheets. Why not use them all?
According to a study of 3,990 people at the University of Indiana, when couples performed four different sex acts—including different types of foreplay and vaginal penetration—the woman reached orgasm 76 percent of the time.
With five acts, she reached orgasm 89 percent of the time.
(For comprehensive, step-by-step instructions on how to bring her to climax, check out How to Pleasure a Woman.)
Here’s the best part: Both oral and manual stimulation on the guy count as separate sex acts. Return the favor, and you’re already two-thirds of the way there. 
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Why It’ll Work: You probably know that a glass or two of red wine with dinner each night is good for your heart. A study in Italy (where else?) found that it can also spice up your sex life.
The researchers found that women who drank two glasses of red wine each day wanted sex more frequently and experienced better natural lubrication during sex than women who drank less often. The scientists believe the polyphenols in wine may help improve blood flow down below.
Act less like Richard Branson, more like Tom Brady
Why It’ll Work: Sure, sometimes it seems like rich guys get all the babes. In reality, most women only size up your financial situation when she’s ready to commit to a long-term relationship, according to a University of New Mexico study.
(Even then, she’s probably not looking for a billionaire, just a man with his act together).
Prior to that point, women in the mood for a casual fling judge men on impressive physical features, such as height and broad shoulders. You can boost your deltoids with this smart shoulder workout.
And while you can’t change your height, a study in the journal Evolutionary Psychology found that photos of men with their chin tilted slightly up were deemed more attractive by women, because it gives the illusion of looking up at a taller face.
Improve your posture, flexibility, and strength with this 21-Day Power Yoga Transformation challenge. No yogi required!
Why It’ll Work: Conan O’Brien dated Lisa Kudrow. Norm MacDonald dated Elle Macpherson.
A study in France found that when a guy approaches a woman after joking with his friends, he can get her number 43 percent of the time.
Guys who simply laugh at their friends’ jokes before asking a girl out, however, are only successful 15 percent of the time.
Improv classes—which are widely available in both big and small cities—can both help fine tune your funny bone and teach you how to think faster on your feet.
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Set up a guys' weekend for you, girls’ weekend for her
Why It’ll Work: A little time apart can be just the thing to heat up your flagging sex life. In a study at the University of Texas, researchers found that just before women in a long-distance relationship reunite with their beaus, their testosterone levels spike.
Although testosterone is generally much lower in women than in men, it’s an essential component of her libido. Suggest she take a trip to reunite with her college friends over the next long weekend, while you go camping with your bros.
Just make sure you plan to get back early enough to have time to—ahem—“reunite.”
Watch for wide eyes and raised eyebrows
Why It’ll Work: Her facial expressions offer clues to whether or not she’ll be fun in the bedroom.
When researchers at Florida State University watched a woman and a man alone in a room, they found that opening her eyes wide and lifting her eyebrows, along with sidelong glances at the man, were correlated with a high level of sexual openness in a survey.
Surprisingly, while plenty of other flirty behavior might indicate she’s interested, it didn’t correlate with more adventurous sexuality.
That includes the typical hallmarks of touching her hair, touching the man, smiling, laughing, sitting close, and dressing provocatively.
Why It’ll Work: Want her to know you’re interested? Simply maintain eye contact.
A study in the journal Psychological Science found that women don’t like it when you come right out and say you’re into them; they prefer guys with a little mystery.
Think of it like the show Lost: She spends more time thinking about you if your feelings are unclear.
But a separate study at Purdue University determined that if you keep glancing off to the side while chatting up a woman, she’ll interpret it as a lack of respect.
The solution: Look her in the eye while she speaks (of course, it helps if you also listen), and when you speak, glance to a spot a little bit behind her head so you seem intrigued but not obsessed.
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Why It’ll Work: Al Bundy could rely on his curated stack of Playboys forever. Women, on the other hand, get tired of the same erotic scenes.
In a Dutch study of genital arousal, men (not surprisingly) were consistently turned on by watching 18 similar X-rated scenes, while women’s arousal dropped over time. A new or different type of clip, however, usually made her arousal spike again.
Don’t just call her over to watch some new video you found—let her do the surfing to pinpoint exactly what turns her on.
Why It’ll Work: Both Seinfeld and When Harry Met Sally declared that men and women can’t have sex and still be friends.
In a study at the University of South Alabama, women said the top two reasons they would accept a booty call is if they’re already friends with the guy, and his sole reason for calling is sex—meaning, this isn’t a part of telling your kids how you met their mother.
(Number three on her list: The guy’s physical attractiveness.) Just don’t bring up your past exploits—the main reason women reject a hookup is if they feel a guy is a player.
Why It’ll Work: Only 25 percent of men use lubricant when they have sex, according to a study at Indiana University.
And while we’d all like to think that our foreplay skills are sufficient for lube to be unnecessary, another Hoosier study revealed that two thirds of women say that a little dab of lube makes sex more pleasurable and makes orgasm easier.
Pick up a good quality, water-based lubricant like Astroglide or Swiss Navy.
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Why It’ll Work: Your sweat glands release a testosterone derivative called androstadienone. When researchers at the University of California, Berkeley had women sniff the chemical, their levels of cortisol, a hormone involved with sexual arousal, increased by 40 percent.
That, in turn, boosted their feelings of sexual arousal increased by a whopping 200 percent.
We’re not saying you should forgo deodorant, but it’s wise to be gentle with the cologne. Then share a fun physical activity you both enjoy, like dancing or going for a long run, and let her get close.
Why It’​ll Work: Ladies love a winner. So much so, in fact, that watching someone you’re rooting for come out ahead can give you both a boost of sexual energy.
The evidence: A study at Villanova University found that the number of porn searches originating in Democratic-leaning states jumped after President Obama’s win in November 2008.
And the same was true in Republican districts in 2004 when George W. Bush was re-elected.
The next election isn’t until November, but that doesn’t mean you can’t get in on the fun. Instead, you can cheer on her college team during March Madness.
Why It’ll Work: For guys, the goal of sex is generally to have sex—meaning vaginal intercourse—and reach orgasm.
And while women want to have sex too, of course, a British study found that women were more likely to orgasm during foreplay than during intercourse.
Put her over the top with manual stimulation (that is, using your hands and fingers), oral sex, or by using sex toys, and she’ll return the favor on you.
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Why It’ll Work: Athletic women tend to be less choosy with a guy’s looks than women with curvier figures, according to a study in Poland.
It comes down to estrogen: Greater amounts of body fat in voluptuous women produces more estrogen, which in turn triggers her maternal instincts.
Those motherly urges tell her to seek out a guy with great genes, and from an evolutionary standpoint, that means symmetrical features and a strong jaw.
Which is to say that if you’re not a ringer for Don Draper, you might have better luck with a slim, sports enthusiast. Sign up for a softball league, ultimate frisbee, or even join a rock climbing gym.
Why It’ll Work: One feature women find sexy above all: Stoic calm.
And it will show plainly on your face whether you’re feeling cool like Fonzie or as nervous as a cat in a room full of rocking chairs.
In a study at the Abertay University in Scotland, women gave the highest ratings of attractiveness to photos of men who also had low levels of the stress hormone cortisol in their blood—a sign that they were chilled out.
Work out stress by hitting the weights, taking a quick run, or learning how to meditate.
Meet a woman by hanging out with your female friends
Why It’ll Work: When other women appear to like you, it makes you more of a catch. Researchers in Scotland found that women rated pictures of a guy more attractive if he was shown with a woman smiling at him.
Since most women will likely assume that a guy and a girl hanging out together are a couple, head out with a co-ed pack of friends and let the ladies in your group act as wingwomen.
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Sacrifice lifting higher weights for performing more reps
Why It’ll Work: Women prefer a Spiderman over Thor, at least when it comes to physique.
A study at the University of California, Los Angeles revealed that women prefer to date men with lean, toned muscle over guys who are stacked like champion bodybuilders.
The reason: Women assume those big pecs and traps were earned by spending long hours in the weight room—probably true—and that translates to less time the man will spend with her.
Why It’ll Work: The nipples are wired directly to her clitoris, neurologically speaking. Scientists at Rutgers University (who obviously live very difficult lives) performed brain scans on women who were masturbating.
The scans revealed that nipple play lit up the same region of the brain as when the women stimulated their clitoris. The researchers believe the shared connection may explain why some women can orgasm from nipple stimulation alone.
Why It’ll Work: Whether she speaks with a slow Southern drawl or a fast East Coast patter, match the pace and rhythm that a woman uses.
Tha’s because people who talk at the same rate find each other more attractive than if one person speaks more slowly than the other, according to a study at the University of Maryland.
But just because you’re following her conversation speed doesn’t mean you should try to mimic her accent—Hugh Laurie you are not.
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Why It’ll Work: You might think women like to hear all about your accomplishments and achievements. After all, isn’t that what Facebook was originally for?
But when researchers at the University of New Mexico had women listen to high-achieving men “talk” about themselves (the scripts were actually pulled from stand-up comedy routines), the ones who were the most self-deprecating were rated as sounding twice as attractive as guys who made fun of other people.
Turns out that showing you don’t take yourself too seriously is actually seen as a better sign of intelligence than talking about your graduate degree or how much you make.
Why It’ll Work: Weightlifting, running, swimming, golf: All are great ways to stay in shape, but they won’t impress the opposite sex.
As it turns out, women favor guys who participate in team sports over those men who pursue solo athletic endeavors, according to a study at Laurentian University in Canada.
The researchers believe that playing on a team, whether it’s soccer, softball, or kickball, allows women to see guys assert their social dominance along with demonstrating physical prowess, which are both desirable traits in a mate.
Why It’​ll Work: A romp under the open sky is a common fantasy among women—and one that’s easy for you to indulge.
Researchers at Wayne State University had women watch a variety of porn scenes, and revealed that 55 percent of women felt the outdoor scenes were both physically arousing and mentally appealing.
That’s more than the number of ladies who liked watching missionary sex, men performing oral sex on women, bondage scenes, and threesomes.
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Why It’ll Work: Here’s how to find out if a woman you’re chatting up is attracted to you: Without pausing the conversation, alter your body posture—cross your arms, lean forward, or shift your weight to the other foot. Wait a few seconds, then look to see if she matches your pose.
Women show attraction by mirroring your fidgeting and posture changes, according to a Dutch study.
It’s a tendency that’s hardwired into our brain, the researchers say, because we subconsciously want to mimic the people who hold our attention.
When you ask a woman out, gently touch her arm
Why It’ll Work: Your touch helps form the beginnings of an emotional connection, and the forearms are both particularly sensitive and a socially acceptable body region to make first contact.
In fact, women at a nightclub were 50 percent more willing to accept an invitation from a guy to dance if he touched her arm as he spoke, according to a study at the University of South Brittany in France.
Why It’ll Work: Women say sex should only last between 7 and 13 minutes, according to a study at Penn State.
Any longer than that, and your partner may feel that her inadequacies are the reason you’re not reaching orgasm.
Keep in mind that the clock only starts ticking once you begin vaginal intercourse. Spend some extra creativity on foreplay and kissing to make the full run of the bases more fun.
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Why It’ll Work: With superheros on the big screen, statisticians running major league teams, and macroeconomics in the news, there’s never been a better time than the present to be a nerd.
As the icing on that Yoda-shaped cake, when psychologists at Elon University had 200 women watch videos of men speaking about various topics, the men who were rated as both the best boyfriend material and a great potential hookup turned out to have the highest IQ scores.
The good news is that women were fairly accurate at guessing which men were the sharpest knives, so you don’t have to memorize pi to the 100th place.
Just don’t play dumb and let your true self shine.

And if you want to up your sexual smarts, check out The Men’s Health Big Book of Sex.
Why It’ll Work: Women with very cold personalities have up to five times as many sexual partners as women with mild personalities, according to a study at Villanova University.
Since standoffish women aren’t as inclined to form a romantic connection, the psychologists say, they have more hookups and fewer long-term relationships.
Why It’ll Work: When psychologists at the University of Rochester asked women to rate pictures of guys wearing different color shirts, the men garbed in crimson always came out on top.
That’s because the color red is subconsciously associated with power and status, researchers say.
Before you toss out your cool-hued wardrobe and dress like Santa, aim instead to subtly accessorize with red utilizing a patterned tie, pocket square, belt, or layered shirts.
And be aware that this is a two-way street: Men also rated ladies in red as more attractive in a separate study.
Practice downward dog to improve your sexual endurance
Why It’ll Work: Guys who suffer from premature ejaculation can find help in yoga.
A study in India (naturally) found that men who spent an hour each day practicing ordinary yoga—not any marathon-sex Tantric techniques
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