3 Protection Tips That Make You A Stronger Woman

3 Protection Tips That Make You A Stronger Woman

The world is not an ideal place to live, particularly for women. Every day, women from across the globe are forced to confront unimaginable challenges that prove it's not safe for women. Yet, deflecting reality will get us nowhere. We need to take the safety of our children into our own control and do what we can keep ourselves safe. when we don't take care of ourselves, no one else will.

Let us come together and vow to protect our women in all ways possible. Don't turn a unblinking eye or turn a ear to a woman facing trouble. In fact, we should never overlook when a person is in trouble. whether woman or man!

The International Women's Day approaching, we'll take a look at the most essential self-defense methods for females that you may employ to defend yourself in any situation. You can get more information about self-defense by browsing Stay Ready site.

1. Self-defense Training

One of the first things that every woman needs to learn is the most basic self defense strategies. Self defense training will allow you to feel confident and be able to overpower someone if God would it be so, you were ever assaulted.

Once you have memorized these sensitive spots, then you can focus your efforts on them to defeat the attacker. The most effective and simple self-defense techniques include:

The wrist should be grabbed: Grab your ring finger and pinky finger using one hand, then use the other hand to grasp the middle finger and index finger. Then bend the wrist forward and this will cause any big person to feel pain!

Then, strike between the collar bones or into Adam's apple. Make use of your fist or fingers for this and you'll be in a position to confuse the attacker. This should give you plenty of time to escape before they return to sense.

Try to hit the groin area: This one is simple. It'll stop the attacker from attacking providing you with time to sprint.

Hit the Nose If you've been assaulted with a frontal attack, use your fists to create room in between and then smash the nose of your attacker using your forehead. Next, with your knee to hit him, you can do it in the region of his groin!

2. Carry a Pepper Spray on You

A pepper spray could come to the rescue in a situation such as this. All women should keep Pepper sprays in their purses to ensure to ensure that God to God, should they ever be in that they are in a similar situation it is possible to spray the attacker with it in order to defend themselves. The cost of pepper spray in Bangladesh is very reasonable and therefore you don't need anxiety about having invest a lot of money in it!

3. Usage 'SOS' Function on Phone to Alarm Others

A lot of people aren't aware that they can enable the SOS function on their smartphones that can be used to notify others if they're in trouble.

And here's how you can activate your iPhone


ency SOS

Always keep it activated

Include trustworthy contacts

The phone activation feature of SOS lets you transmit an SOS message in the event of an emergency. For most phones, you need to tap the power button numerous times until the system is activated. Each phone will provide information on its page of features how many times you'll need to press.

Self-defense training for women is extremely important for women. Women must take Stungun weapons, or at the very least be equipped with some simple techniques they can use in the event of need (God to the contrary!). Additional tips we've mentioned above, particularly ones like the SOS feature, could be really helpful!

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