3 Months since 721 Yuen Long Terrorist Attack, Police only arrested 34 people and charged 6 of them

3 Months since 721 Yuen Long Terrorist Attack, Police only arrested 34 people and charged 6 of them

It has been three months once the ‘7.21 Yuen Long Terrorist Attack’, in which hundreds of white-lad thugs rushed into the MTR station and indiscriminately beat up citizens while the police has arrested only 34 people up till now. Apply Daily had reached a ‘white-shirt’ who was arrested but no chagrined were pressed against him. He admitted to having ‘reinforcements’ near the West Rail on that night, and he leaked that ‘teaching the protestors a lesson’ was the idea of the ‘six villages of Yuen Long’ (Ping Shan, Ha Tsuen, Shap Pat Heung, Pat Heung, Kam Tin and San Tin). However, the development into indiscriminate attacks on citizens was unexpected. Even so he still insisted that the incident is not big deal’ and denied the man caught on camera, wielding a weapon and chasing after citizens is himself.

According to the police’s reply to Apple Daily, 34 arrests were made after the 7.21 Incident up until now. The arrested ranged from 18 to 60 in age and are on suspicion of ‘illegal assembly’ and ‘participating in a riot’. The New Territories North Regional Headquarters Regional Crime Unit had pressed changed of ‘participating in a riot’ on 6 of the arrested. The next trial would be on Oct 25 in Fanling Magistrates’ Courts.

As for the remaining 28 arrested, the police are stilling investigating the case and thus they were not prosecuted yet. 58 years old Shui Tsiu San Tsuen resident Chau Sui-seung was one of the arrested. Previously he was involved in an investment fraud with an estimated amount of hundreds of millions, and was exposed by Apple Daily before being arrested by the authorities. The case is still under investigation and he was released on bail currently.

His head of white hair is very easy to recognise. On the day before 7.21, he wore a light purple shirt that was impossible to miss in a pro-police rally, and he said that ‘there will be a great show in Yuen Long on July 21’ when interviewed by a TV station, inviting reporters to broadcast the event. On the next day, a white-haired man, wearing a shirt of the same type and a large jade pendant strikingly similar to that of Chau’s, was caught wielding a stitch and chasing citizens to beat them. After the incident, he was arrested by the police on August 29, and is now released on bail at $1000, and must report to the police station monthly.

Three months after the ‘7.21 Yuen Long Terrorist Attack’, Chau’s hair turned from white to black. A few days ago, he was interviewed by Apple Daily, and he denied that the man caught on camera was him. ‘Reports from Now TV said it was me, so the police arrested me, but that guy was wearing a face mask, you can’t say definitively that he is me. Leung Yiu-chung (a LegCo member) also had white hair!’ He also claimed that he had dyed his hair black after being interviewed on July 20, and insisted that ‘hair dyes are simple’ and that hair dyeing ‘could be done in no time’.

However, he admitted to joining the event to show his support since he grew up in a walled village. There were rumours that the protestors would go to Yuen Long to provoke the villagers and disturb the ancestral halls. Representatives from the six villages and the rural committee held emergency meetings to discuss the matter, with the meeting ending in someone proposing to mobilise 1000 people to ‘teach the protestors a lesson’. ‘Several hundred canes were bought for this, and they were of good quality too; the idea was teaching them lessons so they would tone their activities down, not killing them or breaking their limbs. If killing or breaking limbs had been the intention, we would not have used canes as thin as your thumb.’ He stressed that the village elders had reminded the participants to only ‘teach the black-clad protestors a lesson’, and not to attack other citizens.

He recounted that at 2pm that day, villagers assembled in a number of place as instructed.

‘We would call of backup if there is trouble, and if there is no trouble, we would just leave.’ It was quiet for a long time, so he returned home at half last 10. But then he received a call saying ‘help is needed in Nam Pin Wai, so I went out of my house, because they called for aid and an amassed force is needed resist the attack, so we stood there in standoff.’ He said he left again when Yau Nai-keung, the Assistant District Commander (Crime) (Yuen Long) entered the village with his team. Yet he stressed that ‘when he (Yau) entered the village he said that everything is fine. They just jotted down our ID card numbers for placation (of the white-shirts).’ As far as he knew, a hundred or so had their ID card number jotted down, and some were brought to the police station to assist with their investigations, ‘and they were released soon after.’

Although Chau did not have his ID card number noted, he was arrested on suspicion of participating in the 7.32 incident on August 29 when he reported to the police station for another case. He said that he did not worry that he will be prosecuted, ‘being it on if you have evidence!As to the development into indiscriminate attack on citizens, he pointed the finger to the protestors, ‘(the LegCo member) Lam Cheuk-ting led a large group here to people us. They used fire hydrant and fire extinguishers to spray at bus, so some young people (white-shirts) were provoked and rushed out attacking whoever they see!’ And he does not think that the incident was violent, ‘you could see it for yourself, how many were injured? How badly were they injured?’

The ‘7.22 Ying Long Terrorist Attack’ was said to be a turning point of the ‘resistance movement’, and it was joked that the ‘collaboration between the police, villagers and thugs’ destroyed any and all reputation of the police force. However, Ching Chan-Ming, the rural committee chairman of Shap Pat Heung, holds a different opinions that the 7.21 incident was not a riot. ‘It was merely a fight, no knives were involved and it was too severe that the police prosecuted the arrested for ‘rioting’.’ He even said that the police arresting 34 people is too many. ‘In the videos, there were only 10 or so people that really rioted. Those currently arrested might only be passers-by, and they were arrested only because they were not wearing masks, making them very easy to recognise.’

LegCo member Lam Cheuk-ting criticised that there were at least a hundred attackers and yet the police had only arrested 34 people, only a tip of the iceberg. As for being accused as the leader and provoking white-shirts by Yuen Long residents, he said that the accusation was fabricated. He clarified that he had only brought 2 colleagues with him to Yuen Long and that he did not lead any groups. The citizens used fire hydrants to spray water only used it for self-defence, and he had not instructed them to do so. ‘I have it all in Facebook live video. They would not admit that they were the attackers so I was made the scapegoat. If I were the one causing trouble, the police would have arrested me, and yet the police is now asking to be a witness and to do identification in lineups!’

#721Attack #PoliceState #Thugs

Excerpt: https://hk.news.appledaily.com/breaking/realtime/article/20191021/60175740

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