


happy anniversary aaarrr, hehehehe awet ya, i'm really happy about this. aku takut kamu bosen sama aku, but i hope not. makasih ya.. i really want to apologize profusely. lewat waktu yang selama ini, pasti salah aku juga ga sedikit. aku beneran minta maaf kalo ada salah, sama apaaaa ya? i swear that the things about us all along would be too long if it was just a single sentence.

i want you to remember something. know that no matter what comes our way, i will never stop loving you. you give me feelings that nobody has ever given me. feelings of the purest, most genuine happiness that anyone could ever have. you have the ability to make everything okay even if it's not. you are my home. i could be anywhere in the world, but as long as i'm with you, i know i'll be okay. i know i'll be safe. i know i'll be happy. i love you in ways i never knew were possible and i hope that never changes. i want to thank you for making me the luckiest girl in the entire world.

i love u so much ar.

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