2nd Honeymoon for 3?

2nd Honeymoon for 3?

This is not a fictional story. This story is about an actual event that my wife, I and 30 acquaintances saw happen. The location is at Hidden Beach Resort in Quintana Roo, Mexico about 1- and one-half hours drive south of Cancun. Everything in this story was either seen or heard by my wife and I or others who were in attendance. Most of what you will read are the facts and I will inform you of what comments were speculation by those who were there. Since there are real people involved, I will give you the nicknames we gave them, not their real names. The three principals are Woody & Clue (married couple) and Slick (Single guy). I do not have any background information about when they met, fell in love or the other fillers that are required for building a character into a story.

Hidden Beach is a five-star nude/clothing optional resort. This is not a swinger's resort, in fact the resort requires each guest to read, agree and sign to a list of rules of the resort. The first rule is that there will be no sexual contact outside of your room. If you are caught nibbling on your wife's nipples you will be asked to stop immediately and be told that if you do that again you will be removed from the resort and any room credit you have will be forfeited. My wife and I saw one couple start to fuck in the hot tub late one night and security was there within minutes, took them to their room to pack and they left within the hour. No refund was offered. That gives you an idea of the climate of this resort.

This is a two-story hotel only 100 yards from the Gulf of Mexico. The resort is not rated 5 star for the facilities, it is 5 star for the service staff and cuisine. Unlike Desire Resort and Spa, which is just south of the Cancun airport, the atmosphere is quieter and not as popular with the younger, louder party time crowds. The majority of the guests are between 40 and 60 years old, with a sprinkling of 30- and 70-year old's. My wife and I have stayed there over a dozen times over the years because it is a quiet romantic getaway for us. There are only 42 rooms in this hotel so by the end of the week you will have seen and talked to almost everyone in the resort. It makes Hidden Beach a fun safe place to meet and be around other people who enjoy being nude.

One morning I went into the reception room/office to make arrangements for my wife and I to go on the nude cruise later in the week. Rosa, the office manager was not in the office but a clothed couple in their late 20s-early 30s came into the office with their suitcases. They appeared confused as to what was going to happen next. I walked up to them to ask them if they needed assistance. They both took a step back as a 6'2" 200# nude man walked up to them.

I asked "Is this your first time here at Hidden Beach?"

Quietly, they both answered "Yes"

I said "Great, you will love it here. The majority of guests here are repeat customers because we enjoy it so much. Hopefully you will too. Rosa should be back soon. Just take a seat at her desk and I will see if I find her on my way back to my lounge chair." Then I left to rejoin my wife but saw Rosa coming out of the dining room and told her of the new guests.

An hour later my wife and I were on our way to lunch when we saw the young couple, without clothes, discussing where they should go to eat. The main dining room was between the two hotel buildings. Between the dining room and the swimming pool was a wide walkway with tables and a covered canopy. Guests can sit in the dining room or on the walkway and order lunch. The third eating area was a series of picnic tables under the palm trees and nearer the Gulf. It was also next to the outdoor lunch grill. We walked up to them and I said "I see you got checked in with Rosa and are ready for lunch." When they acknowledged the check in, I introduced them to my wife and myself. Clue was almost stuttering as he surveyed my nude wife. She is 5'4" and could have been a body double for Marylin Monroe.

We asked them if they would like to join us for lunch under the palm trees and they accepted. We walked through the buffet line at the outdoor grill and sat at the picnic tables. They gave us their names but as I informed you already, I will not give out names. They lived in Dallas and were at Hidden Beach as a second honeymoon. Woody received that nickname as she weighed less than 100 pounds and had a twig like body, except for her breasts. Her tits were huge and were stretching her brown tanned skin to the limit. From a distance it appeared she had two huge brown wooden bowls tied to her chest. Woody was a secretary and Clue was a fit, strong man who worked with hands as mechanic. We spent a pleasant time with them as we answered their questions. Woody asked my wife about what to wear, if anything. My wife said "Anything you feel comfortable in, whether that is your skin, swimsuit or t shirt. No one will tease you or harass you for what you wear or not wear. Generally, I wear a sarong around my waist to breakfast, nothing on top. Lunch I am always nude as we would have been around the pool nude for hours already. No need to change just for lunch. Just don't spill hot soup on your lap."

She continued "In the evening people wear golf shirts and shorts, night gowns, lingerie, longer sarongs or only your favorite jewelry."

Clue asked "What is the schedule for this afternoon?"

I answered "Co-ed water volleyball until 4 pm, then a lot of people move to the large hot tub under the palm trees south of the pool. That's a great place to meet and talk to other people especially since you are new. The beach is always ready for you to sun, sleep or read. Many of the ladies not playing volleyball will gather on the sun shelf at either shallow end of the pool and watch the games."

Woody exclaimed "Perfect for me to sun myself while my husband plays volleyball." That appeared to match Clue's plans for the afternoon.

One side of the very large pool was a large tiled area with two rows deep of loungers facing the entire length of the pool. The other side was a swim up bar, completely stocked and tended by a very funny bartender. If someone's volleyball hit went into the swim up bar the hitter was punished with having to drink a shot of tequila, but not the good stuff.

As we set up the first volleyball game of the afternoon I was on the opposing team to Clue. During one game I was looking at Clue, who was ready to serve the ball. In the background I saw Woody, sitting by herself watching the game. She had her cell phone and typed something into it then spread her legs real wide for a few seconds then closed them and looked across the pool, but not at Clue. Clue had his back to her. I turned my head to the other end of the pool and saw only one man there. He was a slender, fit, young Hispanic man and he was looking directly at Woody. All the time Clue was on the back-line, Woody was providing pussy shots for the guy we called Slick. Between games everyone congregated at the swim up bar for drinks and conversation. Clue retrieved two drinks and spent his time with Woody. As soon as we started the game again, Woody left to go back toward the hotel rooms. I turned and watched Slick also leave. This was when Clue got his nick name. He was Clueless as to what Woody was doing , thus the nickname. We did not say this to his face but as resort guests started to figure out what was going on. As our game ended and the pool emptied, many of the volleyball players moved into the hot tub. Since Woody was not around, Clue appeared to be going back to their room. Simultaneously, Slick came back into view and entered the hot tub just as Clue rounded the corner. Neither man acknowledged the other.

WRTTERS NOTE: I did not go into the tub that afternoon but I knew people who did. They told me Slick was not very friendly and was not very communicative, even to the point of being rude. When asked his name he said "None of your business!" When asked if he was alone at the resort he said "Sort of" and then moved away. With a max of 42 rooms in the resort the guests enjoy getting to know the other guests, that is part of the fun. We have found that generally nudists are a very friendly and social group. That is why Slick was viewed with suspicion.

As my wife and I talked, she told me that the other ladies around the pool's sun shelf were talking and they wanted to include Woody. One detail of this conversation came jumping out. Woody confided that she and Clue were separated and this was Clue's attempt to reconcile with her. He wanted a romantic, exotic resort to rekindle the fires. Woody also said that if Clue was not taking her here, she probably would not have gone on a second honeymoon trip with him. She acted like she was moving on in her life without Clue.

During dinner Woody and Clue were together on the covered walkway outside the restaurant but Slick ate by himself in the adjoining dining room. After dinner the guests are invited to go the Moonlight Lounge for that evening's entertainment. The lounge is on the landward side of the hotel and is a large open structure with a full bar and stage. There is room for all 84 guests for dining or entertainment. That night's entertainment was a rock band and many of the guests were dancing and socializing. Another rule at a nudist resort is that a man does not dance with another man's wife without permission. And you better know both of them well to even ask. Dancing with a fast song is ok but a slow dance could cause a problem. Dancing with another man's wife as she drags her nipples across your bare chest, could create an embarrassing problem for both of the dancers. Imagine the husband's rage when his wife comes back from a slow dance with another guy's precum on her midsection. But Slick did not know this commandment as he asked several women to dance with him. The only one to accept was Woody but the two of them did not give themselves away even though many of us were watching for some fireworks. After Slick was rejected by all the other women for a dance, he went over to the bar to spend some time reducing the cost of his vacation by consuming the free drinks. One of the nosey guests struck up a conversation with him and found out he was also from Dallas and worked as a personal trainer. Apparently, this tropical liaison between Woody and Slick was planned from the start.

The next morning Woody came to breakfast with a sarong around her waist that hid her boney hips but made the two wooden bowls even more ridiculous. The rest of the day was much like the first. Woody flashing Slick ever time Clue turned his back. They also spent a lot of time texting each other. I made sure I was on the side opposing Clue so I could watch the interaction between Woody and Slick.

As we started the last three game set of the afternoon, I saw Woody and Slick leave and go different directions back to the hotel rooms. After the match concluded about a dozen people went to the hot tub. Slick appeared and also crawled into the hot tub. My wife and I went to our room that had a small patio facing the hot tub and had a drink delivered to us.

Then we saw Clue storming his way toward the hot tub, dick waving back and forth with each stride. I nudged my wife and told her to watch. As he stood on the lip of the in-ground hot tub he pointed at Slick and shouted "You son of a Bitch. You are a dead mother fucker!" This caught everyone's attention.

Slick pushed up from the water and said "You are right dumb shit, I am a Mother Fucker, I am fucking the mother of your kids."

Clue roared and jumped into the hot tub to get at Slick. Women started to scream, men shouted, drinks went flying and people tried to clear out of the hot tub. Many just rolled over the edge onto the grass. Some went for the now crowded steps. From our vantage point it was hard to see what was happening with water splashing and naked people slipping and sliding over each other to get out of the hot water. Clue took a wild swing and Slick made a quick move to evade the blow and fell as his feet slid on the wet tile floor.

The screaming brought the security guards to the hot tub at full speed. There are two guards at the front gate so no one can enter unless they are a registered guest. The guards on both the south and north ends of the beach came running. They were on their walkie talkies calling for assistance. The guards in their black leather shoes, black slacks, white starched jackets and pith helmets all got there at the same time. Seeing the two combatants trying to slug or drown each other they jumped into the fray, losing their hats in the water.

I don't know if you have ever tried to wrestle a wet, angry, naked man, but it is not an easy thing to do. The guards could not hold their grip on either man as their skin was so slick. Several of the first set of guards were pushed under water trying to get between the two men. It was the biggest cluster fuck I have ever seen as some guests were still not out of the hot tub and were falling and flailing trying to exit the brawl.

Lost in the commotion and out of the corner of my eye I saw Woody running toward the hot tub shouting "Stop it". Of course, neither fighter paid any attention to her. I did not know a tit that full of silicone could flop that much. I thought one of those tits would fly up and knock her unconscious.

It was not until 5 more security men showed up that they could separate the fighters. Both continued to hurl insults at each other amid making wild swings in the others direction. Four guards pushed Clue to his room and 3 moved Slick toward his room. Woody stood next to the hot tub for a moment. I think she was making up her mind which man to go to and she chose Slick.

Now that the armistice was in place, the quiet romantic setting got back to normal. An hour later my wife and I went to dinner and saw a number of our friends having a lively conversation. Several guests had seen Clue dressed in his clothes and pulling his suitcase, hustling to the reception office. Not wanting to miss out on any excitement they followed him into the office. There he turned in his key card and lock to the in-room safe and shouted "I'm out of here." The receptionist called him a complimentary cab to get him off the property as soon as possible. No one dared ask Clue how he knew that Slick was fucking Woody. The presumption was he found some evidence on or in her as he returned from volleyball. My wife and I did not actually see or hear this commotion, other guests told us this.

Of course, this was the topic of conversation for the balance of the evening. Neither Slick nor Woody were seen any time that evening. Planned entertainment for the evening was a Mexican dance troupe but they were not as exciting as Woody, Clue and Slick.

About midnight my wife and I were awakened by a large "Crash". It was the heavy hurricane proof door to the room directly above us being slammed. Then came the dropping of a full suitcase onto the tile floor and the clack, clack, clack over the floor to the door then another crash. Her skinny arms could not carry the suitcase so we listened to the suitcase being drug down the tile stairway with a clunk on each step. We figured out it must have been Woody and Clue's room above us and Woody was leaving.

The excitement continued as the midnight partiers got to see the clothed Woody as she came down the stairs. She was shouting "Clue, you mother fucker. I hate you."

One of the guests asked her what was the matter.

Woody screamed "That asshole cleaned out the in room safe. He took my purse, my credit cards, my driver's license and my passport!" She then went out the front gate to get a complimentary ride to somewhere. We presume to go to Cancun, find and maybe kill Clue.


After her departure none of us heard anything else about Woody or Clue. Slick left early the next morning.

Just like our friends at Hidden Beach; you too can think of all kinds of possible endings; from the couple reconciling, to Woody to being sold to a Mexican whore house. We will never know the ending for sure. But the middle of the story was interesting.











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