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Систематическое название — 2,5-диметоксийодофенэтиламин. Наркотик используется для развлечения или в роли энтеогена ; в медицине и промышленности не используется. Чаще всего встречается как гидрохлорид — в виде белого порошка или спрессованный в таблетку. Также может встречаться в виде светло-коричневого кристаллического порошка. Средняя дозировка для перорального применения у 2С-I составляет мг. Действие его начинает проявляться через минут после употребления. Пик активности длится около часов, после чего идёт спад продолжительностью 4 часа. Войти Нет учётной записи? Дозировка и продолжительность действия Править Средняя дозировка для перорального применения у 2С-I составляет мг. Обнаружено использование расширения AdBlock. Викия — это свободный ресурс, который существует и развивается за счёт рекламы. Для блокирующих рекламу пользователей мы предоставляем модифицированную версию сайта. Викия не будет доступна для последующих модификаций. Если вы желаете продолжать работать со страницей, то, пожалуйста, отключите расширение для блокировки рекламы.

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Always start with lower doses due to differences between individual body weight, tolerance, metabolism, and personal sensitivity. See responsible use section. It is not a recommendation and should be verified with other sources for accuracy. It has been explored as a potential stimulant nootropic in the mg dosage range. It is commonly sold in its hydrochloride salt form, which is a fluffy, sparkling, white powder that is sometimes pressed into tablets for distribution on the street. However, the role of these interactions and how they result in the psychedelic experience continues to remain elusive. The effects listed below are based upon the subjective effects index and personal experiences of PsychonautWiki contributors. The listed effects should be taken with a grain of salt and will rarely if ever occur all at once, but heavier doses will increase the chances and are more likely to induce a full range of effects. Likewise, adverse effects become much more likely on higher doses and may include injury or death. The visual geometry that is present throughout this trip can be described as more similar in appearance to that of LSD or 2C-B than that of 2C-E , psilocin , or ayahuasca although it is much blander and less detailed. They can be comprehensively described as unstructured in their organization, algorithmic in geometric style, intricate in complexity, large in size, fast and smooth in motion, colorful in scheme, glossy in color, both soft and sharp in their edges as well as equally rounded and angular in their corners. They seem high in algorithmic visuals such as fractals and at higher doses are significantly more likely to result in states of level 8A visual geometry over level 8B. Like LSD , while 2C-I is capable of producing a full range of low and high level hallucinatory states, this is extremely rare and inconsistent at higher levels but common at lower ones. Anecdotal reports which describe the effects of this compound within our experience index include:. The toxicity and long-term health effects of recreational 2C-I use do not seem to have been studied in any scientific context and the exact toxic dose is unknown. This is because 2C-I is a research chemical with very little history of human usage. Anecdotal evidence from people within the community who have tried 2C-I suggests that there are no negative health effects attributed to simply trying the substance by itself at low to moderate doses and using it very sparingly but nothing can be completely guaranteed. Independent research should always be done to ensure that a combination of two or more substances is safe before consumption. It is strongly recommended that one use harm reduction practices , such as volumetric dosing , when using this substance to ensure the accurate administration of the intended dose. It is most often self-regulating. Tolerance to the effects of 2C-I are built almost immediately after ingestion. After that, it takes about days for the tolerance to be reduced to half and days to be back at baseline in the absence of further consumption. Although many psychoactive substances are safe on their own, they can become dangerous and even life-threatening when combined with other substances. The list below contains some common potentially dangerous combinations, but may not include all of them. Certain combinations may be safe in low doses of each but still increase the potential risk of death. Sveriges riksdag added 2C-I to Schedule I 'substances, plant materials and fungi which normally do not have medical use' as a narcotic in Sweden as of March 16, Possession, production and sale is illegal. Dose-independent occurrence of seizure with tramadol. Journal of medical toxicology, 5 2 , Retrieved from ' https:

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