2b Hot Cosplay

2b Hot Cosplay


2b Hot Cosplay

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2B is one of the most iconic game characters out there. These amazing cosplay really bring the character to life.
Having first been introduced a few years ago, 2B has quickly become a recognizable and iconic character in modern gaming. The character has resonated with fans through her journey and development along the way. Though the success of Automata certainly plays a role in her popularity up to date, 2B stands on her own as an intriguing character who has a story that’s actually interesting and fun to follow.
As you’d expect with a character this popular, plenty of 2B tributes exist online. While there’s plenty of fan art you can find out there, one that stands out are the various cosplay done in honor of the character. There’s a lot of great work to choose from, so while it was hard to pin it down, this should be a pretty good collection of truly outstanding cosplay. Check out 10 amazing 2B cosplays that look just like the game.
This first one is from cosplay artist Chihiro-千尋 gets things started in the right direction. The focus of the shot is clear, bringing focus to the attention put into getting every detail right. Everything from the bandana, dress and sword look absolutely true to the original.
Though it’s not a focal point of the shot, the background certainly helps add to the image. It’s a little ambiguous to the exact nature of the location, but it certainly has an industrial quality that fits with the character.
With 2B cosplays, the action shots are always going to be popular. A good cosplay will get the feel and pose right, and this next one from cecinee does both of those easily. The framing of the shot is beautiful and the action itself looks incredibly fluid.
The shot really shows how passionate cecinee was when getting it just right. It’s very true to its source material – and something all fans of the game can appreciate.
This next cosplay is from 水月鏡花-Nasu茄兒Cosplay’s and it looks great. Compared to others on this list it’s a bit of a simple shot, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t on the same level of quality.
The choice of background here is nice, and while it’s not the most visually engaging it does work well in the shot. With so many 2B cosplays focused on capturing the actions of the character, it’s nice to see one going a different route.
This next one from Yazuki really stands out. What really strikes you when it comes to this shot are the eyes. While a popular choice with cosplayers is to keep them obscured, you can see here just how much they can make a cosplay stand out when done right.
Other than that, the framing and the idea for the pose itself are great. They feel like they really fit the character well, and certainly present us with something we haven’t seen so far.
This next cosplay really goes out there in recreating the gaming experience visually. Costume design and poses are important parts of cosplay sure, but what really makes a great cosplay stand out is the attention to detail – which means what’s around a cosplayer is just as important as what they’re wearing.
ClaireSea really does a great job in these. It look like it’s taken right out of the game, and the clashing visuals of nature and machine are a highlight she perfectly recreates.
Next up is this amazing cosplay by Helly von Valentine . It doesn’t have a lot going on, and is a pretty standard shot. But it’s these more minimalist cosplays that really show off their attention to detail by still managing to put out an amazing display.
The choice of setting for this shot really does fit nice with 2B’s character, and it does remind you of certain sections of the game to some degree. Just another really outstanding job.
This cosplay makes more use of visuals and more detailed backgrounds – something we’re seeing more and more of as we go through this list. This time by Fenix.Fatalist , this cosplay stands out from others with the detail that went into it to the stunning visuals it offers.
It really seems like it was taken right out of the game. From 2B to her sword and the Pod next to her, this might as well be a screenshot. No way it’s just a cosplay.
Yet another example of what we were just talking about, this cosplay by rizzyun really embodies the positive traits the last cosplay had to offer. It’s highly realistic looking, and obvious had a lot of effort and attention to detail put into it.
What really makes this such a great cosplay though is the action pose, and the visuals and setting that make it feel so authentic to the original experience. The Pod, swords and glare in the distance all really jump out at you.
This next cosplay is just stunning, and really seems like a lot of effort was put into making it as authentic to the original as possible. MilliganVick is the cosplayer for this one, and she really pulls off the 2B look well, as well as getting the design right.
Though not as focused on action movements as other pieces on this list, this cosplay really stands on its own when you look at it. It’s obviously a high quality effort and in the end that’s one of the best parts of cosplay. You can see such incredible artists bring these characters to life.
Yet another cosplay by the talented ClaireSea , this next one steps its game up in the realism department – in a way that really makes it stand out. Action shots are always going to be king – especially with cosplays of games like Nier: Automata . But this one really stands on its own.
Not only are the details and effort put into making the whole thing seem authentic awesome, but the fact that there’s a Biped in the background getting demolished is too cool to ignore.
Adriano Valente is a writer from Montreal, Quebec. He attended Concordia University, studying Journalism & English Literature. When he's not writing, Adriano enjoys playing music, watching anime, and catching up on his massive JRPG backlog.

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