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Что такое НБОМ? Как действует, какие ощущения и признаки употребления марок

Тема в разделе ' Полезные Статьи ', создана пользователем Nothing07 , 18 ноя Войти или зарегистрироваться. Полный разбор. Nothing07 Модератор-Гарант. Статус: Оффлайн Сообщения: Симпатии: Регистрация: 31 июл Во многих магазинах найти марки 25I-NBOMе можно по относительно смешной цене, а если поискать хорошо, то можно найти чистый реактив или пузырьки с уже разведенным веществом для прокапывания. Такие наборы для производства можно купить практически за копейки. Отчасти, это и послужило популяризации и быстрому распространению марок на отечественном рынке. Изменение молекулярной структуры позволило уменьшить необходимое для эффекта количество вещества в два раза. По задумке нбомы предназначались для изучения биохимических процессов в мозгу. Предполагалось, что их используют при исследованиях, связанных с шизофренией и депрессиями. Но после того, как вещество задокументировали, формулу скопировали подпольные химики и стали продавать нбомы как легальный наркотик. Появление на рынке. В интернет-магазинах их продавали как дизайнерский наркотик, либо же выдавали за ЛСД, чем до сих пор грешат отечественные магазины. Модификаций семейства NBOMe-фенэтиламинов не так уж и мало. В основном на рынке представлены 25i-nbome , 25b-nbome, 25n-nbome , 25d-nbome, 25с-nbome и 25f-nbome. На самом деле их гораздо больше, но они сложнее в синтезе, соответственно — менее выгодные. Иногда продавцы не указывают точное название вещества, но поинтересоваться стоит. Поскольку и эффект и дозировка у них рознится. Эффект от употребления — вещь довольно субъективная, но самые характерные признаки трипа от марок NBOMe — эйфория, обильные шлейфы и искажение визуального и цветового восприятия объектов. Однако, практически все психонавты, употреблявшие до этого другие психоделики, отмечают: марки NBOMe не дают настолько глубокого душевного или мистического опыта, которые могут подарить ЛСД, грибы или ДМТ. Также нередко можно встретить нарекания на скудность визуалов, по сравнению с эффектом вышеперечисленных веществ. Нбомы как раз с большой вероятностью оставят в привычной реальности, правда, слегка видоизмененной. От NBOMe можно умереть, при чем для этого не потребуется заоблачное количество вещества. Сообщения о смертельных передозировках препаратом неоднократно проникали в СМИ, также негативные отзывы, связанные с летальным исходом можно найти на некоторых ресурсах. Говорить о точном количестве передозировки нбомами будет некорректно, поскольку оно колеблется, в зависимости от модификации этой группы. По информации Erowid, минимальная доза для эффекта составляет от 50— мкг, лёгкая - в границах между — мкг, обычная — — мкг, а сильная доза — — мкг. В целом, если Вы таки решились обогатить свой опыт употреблением этого наркотика, то важно соблюдать осторожность, ведь последствия могут быть очень даже невеселыми. Обязательно стоит узнать точное название и ознакомиться с дозировками уже конкретного вещества. Рекомендуем брать марки только у проверенных селлеров, предварительно ознакомившись с репортами на этот товар. Nothing07 , 18 ноя Вы должны войти или зарегистрироваться, чтобы ответить. Показать игнорируемое содержимое. Похожие темы. Alik , 19 авг , в разделе: Сливы. Ответов: 4 Просмотров: 2. Hcyber 20 июн Ответов: 0 Просмотров: Ryu , 1 ноя , в разделе: Сливы. Ответов: 5 Просмотров: 1. Лидер Партии 20 ноя Поделиться этой страницей Tweet. Ваше имя или e-mail: У Вас уже есть учётная запись? Нет, зарегистрироваться сейчас. Да, мой пароль: Забыли пароль?

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It is strongly discouraged to take large amounts of this substance or to insufflate snort it. Please see this section for more details. WARNING: Always start with lower doses due to differences between individual body weight, tolerance, metabolism, and personal sensitivity. See responsible use section. It is not a recommendation and should be verified with other sources for accuracy. It is a member of the 25x-NBOMe series, a recently discovered group of potent psychedelic compounds derived from the 2C-x family. Subjective effects include stimulation , open and closed-eye visuals , time distortion , euphoria , and ego loss. However, it is reported to have stronger visual effects and less cognitive and emotional effects like ego loss and introspection. Serious side effects are more common and include nausea , muscle tension , anxiety , cardiovascular effects, and seizures. However, this route of administration is highly advised against due to the difficulties of measuring and handling substances that are active in the microgram range as it significantly increases the risk of overdose. However, it has been associated with many deaths and hospitalizations which suggests that it has a significantly worse toxicity profile than classical psychedelics like LSD or psilocybin mushrooms. Along with its highly sensitive dose-response and unpredictable effects, many reports also suggest that this substance may be overly difficult to use safely. It is highly advised to use harm reduction practices if using this substance. This chemistry section is incomplete. You can help by adding to it. It differs from 2C-C structurally through a substitution on the amine NH2 with a 2-methoxybenzyl BOMe group as shown in the image to the right. This pharmacology section is incomplete. In comparison to 2C-C , the addition of an NBOMe group to the structure results in a sixteen fold increase in potency, allowing even the most extreme of dosages to fit in liquid form onto tabs and blotter paper, which people often mistake for LSD. Disclaimer: The effects listed below are cited from the Subjective Effect Index SEI , which relies on assorted anecdotal reports and the personal experiences of PsychonautWiki contributors. As a result, they should be taken with a healthy amount of skepticism. Likewise, adverse effects become much more likely on higher doses and may include serious injury or death. They can be comprehensively described as algorithmic in geometric style, intricate in complexity, fine and zoomed out in detail, fast and smooth in motion, structured in shape, colourful in scheme, glossy in colour, sharp around the edges and mostly rounded across their corners. In comparison to other more commonly used psychedelics, they can be described as significantly more intricate than the visual geometry found within 2C-I and most of the 2C-x family in general as well as completely on par with LSD , Psilocin and DMT at appropriately high dosages, which seem lower in proportion to the accompanying physical effects when compared to that of 25I-NBOMe. They also seem to consistently build up in visual intensity when the user stares at a central point. This eventually envelopes the visual field and creates the sensation that the user has broken through into a continuously shifting geometric landscape or structure with a vast sense of immersive physical size attributed to it. However, level 4 - 5 hallucinatory breakthroughs are reported but very uncommon and inconsistent in comparison to other more commonly used psychedelics such as psilocin , 2C-E and DMT. Anecdotal reports which describe the effects of this compound within our experience index include:. This toxicity and harm potential section is a stub. As such, it may contain incomplete or even dangerously wrong information. You can help by expanding or correcting it. We also recommend that you conduct independent research and use harm reduction practices when using this substance. The LD 50 has not yet been determined although it can be fatal at heavy dosages. It is strongly recommended that one use harm reduction practices when using this substance. It is most often self-regulating. After that, it takes about 7 days for the tolerance to be reduced to half and 14 days to be back at baseline in the absence of further consumption. Due to the very high potency and seemingly unpredictable effects the margin between a normal and an overdose of NBOMe compounds is extremely small when compared to many other substances. The exact toxic dose is unclear since it seems to depend a lot on personal physiology, rather than predominantly dose. Reports of other people surviving much higher doses, sometimes even without any major side effects have been documented as well. There is also the uncertainty of dosage on blotter paper since it is rather difficult to lay such an exact dosage. Insufflating, vaporizing or drinking tinctures of this substance is highly discouraged because of this and has been tied to many documented deaths \\\\\\\\\[13\\\\\\\\\] \\\\\\\\\[14\\\\\\\\\] \\\\\\\\\[15\\\\\\\\\]. The overdose effects of NBOMes are typically a dangerously high heart rate , blood pressure , hyperthermia and significant vasoconstriction \\\\\\\\\[17\\\\\\\\\] \\\\\\\\\[18\\\\\\\\\] also accompanied by confusion , delusions , panic attacks , aggressive behavior, numbness or pain, amnesia and often seizures. The risks in an overdose include anything from organ failure to cardiac arrest and death \\\\\\\\\[ citation needed \\\\\\\\\]. There are also multiple reports of people lethally injuring themselves or falling to death \\\\\\\\\[19\\\\\\\\\] \\\\\\\\\[20\\\\\\\\\]. Benzodiazepines or antipsychotics can help with the psychological effects during an overdose although medical attention should always be called in even a possible overdose of 25I-NBOMe. Although many psychoactive substances are reasonably safe to use on their own, they can quickly become dangerous or even life-threatening when combined with other substances. The list below includes some known dangerous combinations although it cannot be guaranteed to include all of them. Independent research e. Google , DuckDuckGo should always be conducted to ensure that a combination of two or more substances is safe to consume. Some interactions listed have been sourced from TripSit. Due to the highly unpredictable nature of the NBOMe series, it is generally advised to avoid mixing them with other psychoactive substances. Further information: Serotonergic psychedelic. Physical effects. Visual effects. Cognitive effects. Auditory effects. Multi-sensory effects. Transpersonal effects. Entwicklung eines neuen Struktur-Wirkungskonzepts. Retrieved Bundesanzeiger Verlag. Retrieved December 11, N г. Misuse of Drugs Act S. London: The Stationery Office Limited. Navigation menu Personal tools Create account Log in. Namespaces Page Discussion. Views Read View source View history. Community Network YouTube Good vibes.

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