24 tips on how to sleep better right away

24 tips on how to sleep better right away

Emborg Wheeler

Do you often have trouble sleeping and want to finally be able to sleep better? If so, then you are not alone with your sleep disorders: Around 30% of all Germans have sleep disorders or generally have trouble falling asleep. With this article I would like to help you to get naturally healthy and better sleep. We simply combine the causes of sleep disorders with 24 tips that will help you sleep better in the future. As you can see, these are a lot of tips for better sleep. I hope you don't fall asleep during, but only after the article. 😉 So go for it!

Note: If you want to learn more knowledge for better sleep, I recommend my online course Perfect Sleep - The Online Sleep Training.

Sleep better - eat and drink before sleep
Healthy eating is extremely important for good sleep. Here I show you when you should eat before going to sleep and which foods are ideal for a better sleep.

Better sleep tip # 1 - don't go to bed with a full stomach
So even if you feel that your full stomach has made you really tired, you won't be able to sleep better. Because your body processes the ingested food, so that you either have trouble falling asleep or have trouble sleeping during the sleep phase. Therefore, basically only eat light food before going to sleep.

Sleep Better Tip # 2 - Eat More Bananas
Bananas are rich in potassium and magnesium. This way, you can use calf cramps to contain a typical cause of sleep disorders and hopefully sleep better. Combine the banana with a glass of milk or make a smoothie from the two foods. Milk contains casein, which provides your muscles with protein all night long, so you don't get cramps.

Sleep better Tip # 3 - Get on the cherries
Cherries also promote your body's melatonin production. Like banana juice, cherry juice before you go to sleep can help you sleep better. Best of all freshly squeezed as a smoothie!

Sleep better Tip # 4 - Treat yourself to salmon
The unsaturated fatty acids in salmon make us tired and make it easier for us to fall asleep. One of the many causes of sleep disorders is increased stress. The omega-3 fatty acids in salmon counteract your sleep problem by making you more relaxed and tired. In addition, the unsaturated fatty acids push the formation of the body's sleep hormone melatonin. That screams for a delicious dinner with salmon, doesn't it? By the way, in addition to salmon, herring, for example, also helps you sleep better.

Sleep Better Tip # 5 - Tuna for Healthy Sleep
In addition to salmon and herring, tuna is also ideal if you want to sleep better. Tuna contains the amino acid tryptophan, which promotes quick sleep and minimizes your sleep disorders. In addition, tuna contains a lot of protein that frees you from another cause of sleep disorders: muscle cramps. So treat yourself to a portion of tuna salad before you go to sleep and you will certainly be able to sleep a little better just because of that.

Sleep better Tip # 6 - Eggs, we need eggs!
To be able to sleep really well, eggs are of course a good remedy for sleep disorders in addition to tuna. As with tuna, tryptophan in the eggs helps you sleep better. Melatonin production is promoted so that you get tired faster. Again my recommendation: eat a few eggs before going to sleep. Good night!

Sleep better Tip # 7 - Treat yourself to a warm cocoa
The amino acid tryptophan is also contained in cocoa powder and helps you to sleep better. You can also get a grip on sleep disorders with warm cocoa since cocoa contains phenylethylamine, which increases the body's production of happiness hormones and makes you tired after a while. So ideal for healthy, better sleep.

Sleep Better Tip # 8 - Don't drink alcohol before sleeping
Alcohol certainly makes you fall asleep better. Without doubt. But there is also a very high probability that you will be wide awake in the middle of the night and then unable to sleep. So there is difficulty sleeping through alcohol. Follow the rule and stop drinking alcohol at least 3 hours before going to sleep. This is also a good rule to prevent a severe hangover the next day.

Sleep Better Tip # 9 - No pushing drinks before sleeping
If you want to sleep better and get your sleep disorders under control, you shouldn't consume caffeinated drinks such as coffee, black and green tea and cola in the afternoon. Because caffeine doesn't just work in your body for 10 minutes, but for several hours. Instead, drink milk so that you can sleep better in the future.

Sleep Better Tip # 10 - Drink an herbal tea before sleeping
It has been scientifically proven that the classic bedtime herbal tea helps you fall asleep. They are special plant substances that relax and make you tired. Avoid green and black tea and instead drink a relaxing tea with chamomile, lavender or mint. Cheers and good night!

By the way: There are also special bedroom plants such as aloe vera or the rubber tree, through which you can sleep healthier.

Sleep better in the perfect environment
The sleeping environment has a direct and indirect impact on your sleep quality. Here I give you some tips for better sleep that have to do with your bedroom and the sleeping accessories.

Sleep better Tip # 11 - lights off, sleep mode on!

The light on the computer screen or on the power strip can actually cause sleep disorders, even if the entire room is otherwise dark. If you want to sleep better, you should extinguish these beacons before going to sleep. Alternatively, of course, there is also a sleep mask that has already helped many people sleep better. Always take a technical break before going to sleep by completely switching off all technical devices.

Sleep Better Tip # 12 - Paint your bedroom soothingly
Beige, light yellow, white or green shades generally have a calming effect. But basically it is just important that you paint your bedroom in a color that calms you down and helps you sleep better. It can also be black. Switching to a quieter color works wonders, believe me.

Sleep Better Tip # 13 - Adjust the room temperature
About 17 ° C to 19 ° C should be perfect for a healthy sleep. It should not be too cool, as it promotes mold growth. In summer, however, implementing this tip can be more difficult, I admit. Nevertheless, pay attention to the ideal room temperature if you want to sleep better in the future.

Sleep Better Tip # 14 - Sleep with little clothing
A pajamas is basically unnecessary. Because if your organism has to regulate your body temperature yourself, you will automatically sweat less and wake up much more relaxed. If you want to sleep better, you should go to bed in your underwear.

Sleep Better Tip # 15 - Calm Down
Your bedroom should be quiet so you can sleep better. If you live on the street or your partner snores, it's probably already very loud. Often, ear plugs are enough so that the sounds from your surroundings can no longer disturb your sleep and you can simply sleep better. But it shouldn't be too quiet if you don't have a snoring partner and don't live directly on the street. A slight hum of the connected boxes or a ticking clock ensure that you have a minimal background noise and can sleep better.

Sleep Better Tip # 16 - The mattress is the foundation
I can give you so many tips here, but the basis for a healthy, good sleep is your mattress! I know that my mattress has been around for a few years now and I will have to replace it soon. Every 5 - 10 years you should change your mattress because it is just worn out at some point. For me, a hard mattress is perfect for sleeping better. But everyone has to try it out for themselves. A wrong mattress is one of the most common reasons for poor sleep.

Sleep Better Tip # 17 - Pets not in the bedroom
It is certainly a little hard not to have your loyal companions with you, but if you want to sleep better, dogs, cats and the like should not be in your bedroom. Because your body reacts subconsciously to every movement and every sound. If you want to minimize your sleep disorders, you shouldn't have your pets around you in bed.

Sleep better Tip # 18 - Try two blankets
If you sleep alone, this tip is currently superfluous for you. For couples, the switch to two blankets can be optimal in order to sleep better. Because as well as you fit together as a couple, the sleeping habits can be completely different. Two blankets can be the solution to say byebye to sleep disorders.

Sleep better Tip # 19 - War ’no cold feet now
Have you ever slept with socks? Many people get cold feet quickly, which can also be a cause of sleep disorders. If you want to sleep better, just leave your socks on and give it a try.

Sleep Better Tip # 20 - Scent Therapy for Better Sleep
Fragrances have an incredible effect on your mind and also help you relax and sleep better. Scented candles are ideal, and you can often get them plastic-free. Just make sure to turn off the candle long before you go to sleep, because the scent will stay in your bedroom long enough. The following scents have a calming, relaxing effect and can help you sleep better:

Lavender: The scent of lavender alone can relieve cramps and help you relax. Many people drizzle lavender oil on their pillows to help them sleep better. This lavender scented candle can be a good solution for your sleep problems.
Melissa: The scent of lemon balm also relaxes your body and mind. Try this scented candle with lemon balm scent. I am not 100% sure with this provider that the candle will come to you completely plastic-free.
Rose: The scent of the rose is sensual and relaxing. Perfect for romantic hours together and a good night's sleep. With the purchase of this plastic-free scented candle you support my project 100%.
Vanilla: Vanilla scent is super relaxing and lifts your mood. Vanilla creates a cozy atmosphere and helps you sleep better. Here I can recommend this vanilla scented candle. Plastic-free in the reusable glass.
Lemon: Lemon scent has a stimulating and refreshing effect. In combination with lavender scent, this plastic-free scented candle in the glass will help you.
These are far from all scents for a better sleep, but first try to get your sleep disorders under control with these scents. Make sure you make out the candle in time before you go to sleep! I can't say that enough.

Sleep Better Tip # 21 - Do You Have The Perfect Pillow?
Are you a stomach, back or side sleeper? Because then you should also choose the right sleeping pillow.

Recommendation for belly sleepers -> Such a thin, flat pillow *.
Ideal for back sleepers -> this normal pillow *.

My tip for side sleepers -> Such a harder, stable pillow *.
You can wash your pillow as often as you like, dust mites nest in your pillow and can lead to severe sleep disorders, especially for allergy sufferers. This pillow with bamboo fiber cover is also packed plastic-free for sleeping on the train, in the car or on an airplane *. With the purchase of the pillow you support my project 100%.

Your body needs this for better sleep
It's not just a healthy diet and the ideal environment that are important to help you sleep better. You can also specifically adjust your body to sleep at night. That's how it's done:

Sleep better Tip # 22 - Get enough exercise
Technological progress makes us increasingly comfortable. We use the escalator or the elevator in the office and ride an electric bike instead of a normal bike. Our body is made for movement. Exercise is ideal against sleep disorders and just to be able to sleep better. It doesn't have to be a 10 kilometer run every day. Just go for a walk during lunch break or avoid escalators, elevators and other things that prevent you from moving enough. So you are automatically tired in the evening and can fall asleep better. TIP: If you still do sports in the evening, you should wait 1-2 hours before going to sleep. Because then the tiredness only really arises because your circulation shuts down.

Sleep Better Tip # 23 - Take a warm bath
During sleep, our body temperature drops and the recovery process begins. Your body experiences a similar process of cooling off after a warm bath in the tub. The warm bath also relaxes you and helps you sleep better.

Sleep Better Tip # 24 - Stay on the sleep rhythm
This tip against sleep disorders is admittedly not easy to implement. But in order to be able to sleep better, you should not only get up and go to bed during the week, but also on the weekend. So your body can adjust to it and you can sleep 100% better. Even if it is difficult, give it a try.

Can I sleep better now?
I hope you didn't fall asleep while reading! 😉 If you take the tips against sleep disorders to heart, I am 100% certain that you can sleep better from now on. You can also get a perfect explanation in my online course “Perfect Sleep - Online Sleep Training. Because often it is the little things that disturb our sleep. If I have more tips for falling asleep, I will of course write them down.

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