24 7 Bdsm Slave

24 7 Bdsm Slave


24 7 Bdsm Slave
Copyright © 2022 The Ethical Dom Privacy Policy | Signify Dark by WEN Themes
24/7 Master/slave. With added ethics.
Control and no compromise: that’s my m.o. I am the Boss, they are my slaves. Sound unfair? Don’t care. It’s who I am. But, and it’s a big but: I am an ethical dom. 
Control is intrinsic in all aspects of my daily life. The 24/7 master/slave dynamic is a lifestyle I wouldn’t trade for anything. What’s point in turning it off and on at a whim? That wouldn’t be true to the needs of myself or my bois. When I am in control I expect to be so for life. 
I’m not here to control those who don’t wish for it. I own two slaves (one in containment) and have three in training, each committed to a life of submission. All have dedicated themselves to serving my wants, my needs, my whims; pledging to love, honour and obey. For life.
My slaves entered into this relationship under full negotiation and consent. I respect their limits and they respect mine. Compromise may test my patience – it’s a waste of time. But it’s a necessary evil, when developing new relationships with potential slaves. If I have to compromise too much with a prospective slave, it is not for me. A little bit of compromise goes a long way. My bois know that once they submit to ownership, the compromise ends and their work begins. Limits, strengths, weaknesses, the inner workings of its submissive self: these are all known to me before I accept a slave as property. It is then branded, collared and accepted at my feet. 
In return, I see the human being behind each of my slaves – this is where my ethics kick in. I don’t treat any one of my bois the same. They are all submissive, yes. They are all here for the same thing, yet each of them got here through singular means and not one of them are the same. You could say that through adaption comes compromise, but I am willing to adapt my style when it comes to my bois. That is my job, to know them inside out. It doesn’t mean they get much of a say. They get downtime, they are free to live the lives they wish outside of my house, as long as they fulfil my needs first.
We are a family. We function as a single unit with me at the top. I control everything: appearance, finances, social interaction, what they eat, et al. I’d like to think, on an unconscious level, that I choose what they think and believe.
 This blog is here to document the inner workings of our lifestyle. Making connections within the wider BDSM community is another plus.
I have some exciting plans for the site, which we will reveal in the coming weeks and months. The bois have instructions to introduce themselves in due course. Hope you enjoy the experience.
You can reach out to us at theboss@theethicaldom.com and find our social media here .
May I ask where is this house located Sir?
Sir thank you for the insight to your lives and the Master/slave dynamics that obviously work so well.
Sir this slave wishes it was part of your stable Sir.
Sir this is a excellent site, wish I was Your slave
Thank you, lad. If you ever wish to offer your services, visit the contact page.
This is amazing, I wish this could be the standard of social norm. I can’t wait to see you and your family grow Sir
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