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Some of these sentences are correct, and some have a word which should not be there. If it is incorrect, cross the unnecessary word out of. I rang my friend in Australia yesterday, and she said it………………….. The last time I saw Jonathan, he looked very relaxed. Read the news report and write the missing words. Use one word only in each space. Sometimes there is more than one possible answer. The men called on Mrs Iris Raine and said 1 …………………….. They asked if 3 ……………………… would mind letting them into her house. The men explained that they 6 ………………………… just discovered the problem but that it was very simple and 7 ………………………… take long to check. The woman asked 8 …………………………the. They 9 ………………………… to know where the water tank was. While one man ran water in the kitchen, the other went upstairs and took several hundred pounds from a drawer in a bedroom. The men then left saying that they would return the 10 ………………………. Complete each sentence by reporting what was said to you yesterday. When I saw Polly yesterday, she said she was really tired. I feel quite excited. When I saw Tessa yesterday,. When I saw Nigel yesterday,. When I saw Robert yesterday,. When I saw the twins yesterday,. When I saw Michelle yesterday,. We would like to be in the show. When I saw my friends yesterday,. When I saw Adrian yesterday,. My sister is coming to see me. When I saw Susan yesterday,. They were all spoken last week. Use the verbs in brackets. What time will the office close this evening? Robert asked what time the office would close that evening. I ate all the cake yesterday, admit. Would you like to join me for lunch? Did someone ring you an hour ago? I really must leave, insist. The girl who plays the piano? Natalie is the student who dropped out of college, the one who never did any studying. The relative clauses in this conversation identify which person or thing we are talking about. The clause who plays the piano tells us which girl Melanie means. The clause that sells very expensive clothes tells us which shop Emma means. Sometimes we can use an adjective or a phrase to identify someone or something. The relative pronouns who, which and that go after the noun and at the beginning of the relative clause. Nick is the man who owns that enormous dog. The little girl who sat next to me on the coach ate sweets the whole way. Sarah is pretty annoyed with the person who stole her mobile phone. We can also use that, but it is less usual. The woman that lived here before us is a romantic novelist. That and which refer to things. That is more usual than which, especially in conversation. The children saw the actual spacecraft that landed on the moon. There are several restaurants which do Sunday lunches. We do not use another pronoun like he or it with the relative pronoun. In all these sentences who, which and that are the subject of the relative clause. For who, which and that as object, see Units f 38 and f Use the shortest way of identifying where possible, e. Put in who, which or that. There is always more than one possible answer. Yes, but not here. It looks expensive, one of those places 1 ……………. Combine the information to make news items. Make the sentence in brackets. Start each sentence with the, e. He shot two policemen. It went off this morning. He discovered a new planet. She had been missing since Tuesday. It owns Greenway Supermarkets. She did a parachute jump. FAQ Обратная связь Вопросы и предложения. Upload Опубликованный материал нарушает ваши авторские права? If it is incorrect, cross the unnecessary word out of the sentence and write it in the space. Test 23 B Decide which word is correct. She said she 5 …………………….. The woman asked 8 …………………………the service was free, and they said yes. Test 23D Complete each sentence by reporting what was said to you yesterday. Use said and change the tense in the reported speech. When I saw Nigel yesterday, 3 Robert: When I saw Robert yesterday, 4 The twins: When I saw the twins yesterday, 5 Michelle: When I saw Michelle yesterday, 6 Your friends: When I saw my friends yesterday, 7 Adrian: Stop shouting, tell 2 Tessa: I ate all the cake yesterday, admit 3 Adrian: Shall we have something to eat? We just passed a cafe 5 ……………….. Make the sentence in brackets into a relative clause with who or which. The man who shot two policemen has gone to prison. When I rang Tessa some time last week, she said she was busy…………………… day. But when we need a longer explanation, we can use a relative clause.

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