2021 Por Com

2021 Por Com


2021 Por Com

Bright Future


Frans Tjallingii
John Farrell
Kenneth Clayton

Rita Andreone
Beverly Clifton Percival

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, the Port of Prince Rupert has demonstrated the critical role it plays not only in Canada’s economic prosperity, but also in the resiliency of its supply chains. Disruptions and congestion experienced during the past year in southern British Columbia and other North American west coast ports have accentuated the need for additional capacity in Prince Rupert.
The Port of Prince Rupert was not immune to the headwinds that the entire supply chain industry faced. Annual cargo volumes declined in 2021, with 25 million tonnes of cargo moving through the Gateway. While the container and dry bulk lines of business experienced declines in their tonnage, the propane terminals saw an increase in volume - AltaGas’ Ridley Island Propane Export Terminal had a 29% increase year-over-year, and the commissioning of Pembina’s Prince Rupert Liquid Bulk Export Terminal on Watson Island added new volume to the Gateway.
The decrease in various lines of business only reinforces the need to sustainably grow and diversify the port complex in order to create stability during times of natural market fluctuations. And the Prince Rupert Port Authority (PRPA) did just that in 2021 - working diligently on plans to diversify and expand the Port’s capabilities to enable Canadian trade. Several projects are underway to enhance the intermodal ecosystem, including the expansion of DP World’s Fairview Container Terminal, the Fairview-Ridley Connector Corridor, and work to advance state-of-the-art import and export logistics facilities. The Vopak Pacific Canada project continued to work through its environmental assessment and required authorizations to support a potential Final Investment Decision in 2022.
Our partnerships with local Indigenous communities, northern BC stakeholders, and the Gateway workforce throughout the Highway 16 region is the foundation of our shared success. Over the past decade, the movement of goods through the Prince Rupert Gateway and employment in port-related industries that support it have more than doubled. This growth is a testament to the 3,700 people working directly in trucking and logistics, rail, marine and terminal operations, as well as the 2,400 others employed in businesses that service and support port-related operations. We thank them for their hard work and commitment. The Gateway workforce’s skills and dedication are contributing to the ever-growing reputation of the Port of Prince Rupert and northern BC as the most innovative and competitive trade gateway in North America.
With global trade in a critical time of transition, supply chains in flux, and pressure mounting to decarbonize, the Prince Rupert Gateway is poised to help Canada’s economy reap the benefits more than ever before. A world-class labour force, combined with investments in leading technologies, smart infrastructure, best practice environmental management and the lowest carbon emission intensity in North America, have all positioned the Gateway as Canada’s leading edge for international trade. By committing to investing in strategic infrastructure, diversifying cargoes and sustainably growing capacity, Prince Rupert is ready to handle the needs of today and the future.
More than ever, we would also like to thank PRPA’s team of dedicated staff, the people propelling our innovation and track record of success.
We encourage you to view our full Annual Report here for a more detailed review of our 2021 activities.
Prince Rupert has a magnified impact on global trade for a community of 12,000 people. The reasons for this start with the geography of our harbour and its natural advantages. When connecting North America to the Asia Pacific, no other port can match Prince Rupert.
Prince Rupert is 1-2 days closer to Asia than any other West Coast port. That
means less fuel, less risk, and more reliable performance.
Following a shorter transit across the Pacific Ocean, commercial vessels and
their cargoes enjoy safe, efficient access to Prince Rupert's world-class
Prince Rupert is home to the deepest natural harbour in North America and is
among the deepest in the world. It remains ice-free year-round. Combined
with direct access to trans-Pacific shipping lanes, we have room to safely
manage growth.
CN's rail network offers premium reach into North America’s resource
economies and consumer markets, while on the flattest available grade
through the Rockies.
Building on those advantages, the Port of Prince Rupert and its partners have created a track
record of excellence in Trade, Community Impact, Safety, and Sustainability.
Decline in port-wide volume to 25.04 million tonnes
Increase in total combined LPG export
Decrease in total volume handled at Ridley Terminals Inc.
Decrease in wood pellet export volume
Decrease in bulk grain export volume
Decline in container volume handled at Fairview Terminal
The next phase of DP World-Prince Rupert Fairview Container Terminal’s expansion got underway, with early site work beginning in late Q1 2021. Marine dredging and in-fill work continued throughout the year. The project aims to reposition the truck gate and reconfigure the container yard to increase efficiency and expand the terminal’s capacity to 1.6 million TEUs.
As part of DP World-Prince Rupert Fairview Container Terminal’s current expansion, a new crane arrived in June 2021 after a month-long journey from Shanghai. The quay crane, which is the largest of its kind in Canada, is equipped to service the largest vessels afloat today and has an outreach of 25 containers. It took 18 months to construct and is the eighth crane at Fairview Terminal.
Extensive work was completed on the Fairview Ridley Connector Corridor in 2021, a new five-kilometre private haul road, with two additional rail sidings. Construction on the critical piece of infrastructure has been undertaken by the Coast Tsimshian Northern Contractors Alliance, a local First Nations joint venture. The route will provide private access for drayage between transload facilities and Fairview Container Terminal. The road is set to be paved and operational by July 2022.
In 2021, PRPA made strides towards the expansion of its intermodal ecosystem and the development of large-scale import and export logistics operations. Preliminary work continued on the Ridley Island Export Logistics Project, a port infrastructure project designed to host integrated large-scale bulk transload facilities, integrated large-scale breakbulk facilities and an integrated off-dock container yard. A Final Investment Decision is expected in 2022. PRPA also continued to work with the Metlakatla Development Corporation on the South Kaien Island Import Logistics Project, with groundworks commencing in early 2021.
In October 2021, Wolverine Terminals ULC formally announced Final Investment Decision on its Marine Fuel Terminal at the Port of Prince Rupert and work began to prepare the new site. The rail-serviced facility and marine operations are scheduled to be operational by Q1 2023 and will be the first-ever marine fuel distribution service at the Port, potentially reducing the number of vessels routing south to refuel.
Commissioning of Pembina’s Prince Rupert Terminal was completed in March 2021, with the first shipment of liquified petroleum gas (LPG) destined for international markets loaded in April 2021. Located on Watson Island, the small-scale terminal has the potential to move 25,000 barrels per day. The LPG export facility will strengthen supply chains, increase competitiveness for Western Canadian producers and advance the nation’s position as a supplier of low-cost energy.
Natural attributes paired with industry-leading innovation and efficiency have translated into years of solid performance for Prince Rupert—and the promise for much more in the years to come.
$60 billion in annual trade moved through the port *based on 2020 data
$1.4 billion in economic activity generated in northern British Columbia
3,700 direct jobs in port-related businesses
$147 million in government revenues, including over $12 million for local governments
The Port of Prince Rupert faced a 23 percent decline in overall cargo volumes compared to 2020. The setbacks were largely due to unprecedented global supply chain strain and industry-specific issues impacting exports from Ridley Terminals, which lost a key coal customer, and Prince Rupert Grain Terminal, which faced fewer shipments because of a poor crop year for producers. Other terminals saw stronger performances. AltaGas’ Ridley Island Propane Export Terminal shipped 1.49 million tonnes and Pembina’s Watson Island LPG Bulk Terminal exported 370,525 tonnes between April and December. Westview Pellet Terminal, owned and operated by Drax Group, had a strong year, exporting 1.44 million tonnes of wood pellets. DP World-Prince Rupert’s Fairview Container Terminal’s volume declined slightly to 1,054,836 TEUs handled through the year.
A new Economic Impact Assessment, conducted on behalf of the recently established Prince Rupert Gateway Council – a group comprised of the employers, industries, and labour organizations that make up the trade Gateway – found employment in port-related activities has more than doubled over the past decade. The study revealed work in the marine, terminal, rail, trucking, and logistics sectors through the Gateway directly supported 3,700 jobs, up three percent from 2018 levels. The average annual wage for a fulltime worker directly employed by a gateway business rose by 14 percent to approximately $95,000. Overall, the direct Gateway workforce earns a total of $360 million annually, which helps support local communities throughout the northwest and advance the nation’s position as a supplier of low-cost energy.
Recognizing market demand for fast and reliable service, DP World-Prince Rupert, COSCO, and CN, worked together to offer priority speed service between Shanghai and Toronto. The first train was built and left Fairview Terminal on October 29, 2021, after the COSCO XIN CHONG QING berthed at Prince Rupert and was unloaded via expedited service. This new priority train service is in addition to the Shanghai to Chicago express service launched in September 2021.
In November 2021, as historic weather events severed key supply chains in southern British Columbia, PRPA worked in partnership with supply chain partners to provide assistance to ease transportation issues and support recovery. The Port’s east/west corridor through BC and Alberta remained fluid throughout the ordeal, providing critical linkages for supplies between BC and the rest of the country. Some cargo was redirected amid the emergency, with shipments of coal and grain exports routed through the Port of Prince Rupert.
Through a funding partnership with Northern Development Initiative Trust, PRPA published an interactive web platform that illustrates the critical role that international exports play in underpinning local economies in communities from the Cariboo region to the Yukon border. Combined production values of the region’s forestry, mining, petrochemical and agricultural sectors was $17 billion in 2019, down from $19.8 billion in 2018. The Northern BC Export Profile aims to broaden visibility for community, business and economic policy leaders on the diverse resource export industries and serve as an important tool to identify new export and economic development opportunities for the region. Find out more about the Northern BC Export Profile at Northern BC Export Profile .
A coordinated effort between the Prince Rupert Port Authority and its many partners ensures management over every vessel, ensuring round-the-clock safeguards. The result has been the evolution of a global reputation for navigational safety. As the number of vessels calling on the Port continues to grow, maintaining that reputation continues to be a top priority.

6,924 hours of coverage for Harbour Patrol vessels
Nov 24, 2021 vessel incident occurred due to adverse weather conditions. No injuries, environmental damage, or cargo loss took place.
11 local mariners equipped with Class B AIS units
300+ seafarers vaccinated at mobile clinic at Northland Cruise Terminal
Adverse weather put the Port of Prince Rupert's marine safety partners to the test on the afternoon of November 24, 2021, when a container vessel became grounded during an intense windstorm. The MSC Altair broke free from its moorings at Fairview Container Terminal and was pushed east toward Digby Island. Working together, SAAM Towage, BC Coast Pilots, Canadian Coast Guard, Transport Canada, PRPA, and other marine organizations coordinated a swift emergency response that helped prevent any injuries or damage to the environment.
In September 2021, the Scotch Cap and Fairwind, two derelict vessels that had been illegally abandoned on PRPA property in Port Edward, came off their moorings in stormy weather, and the former became grounded. PRPA coordinated with Canadian Coast Guard to secure the vessels and mitigate damage to the surrounding area through continuous monitoring. The Scotch Cap was later demolished and removed by PRPA contractors. Canadian Coast Guard is handling the remediation of the Fairwind as part of the federal government’s Abandoned Boats Program.
In summer 2021, PRPA implemented new safety practices for Very Large Gas Carriers (VLGC) calling on Prince Rupert, shifting the Port’s dedicated VLGC anchorage in the outer harbour from Anchorage 9 to Anchorage 27. The report that recommended this change was conducted on behalf of PRPA to address concerns about the propensity of VLGCs to drag anchor in high winds.
In collaboration with the Pacific Pilotage Authority, MarineLabs and CoastScout, PRPA launched a new sensor near Triple Island in early 2021. It provides Pilots and vessel operators with reliable data on current conditions, so they can assess the situation as they prepare to board incoming or disembark outgoing ships. Though it is located outside PRPA’s navigable waters, the data collected from the monitoring device will play an important role in informing future marine safety practices at the Port of Prince Rupert, particularly regarding potentially delaying vessels if wind speeds reach a certain threshold.
In 2021, PRPA installed 11 Automatic Identification System (AIS) units on local commercial vessels that operate in Prince Rupert year-round. PRPA’s annual operations budget includes funds to equip between 10 to 15 vessels each year with the GPS technology that allows them to be identified by other vessels and marine safety partners like Canadian Coast Guard. Since launching the program in 2016, PRPA has provided 55 Class B AIS units to local mariners.
PRPA has come to the aid of seafarers visiting the community in numerous ways, addressing both their physical and mental health. PRPA was part of an initiative that included Northern Health, Ceres Terminals, BC Chamber of Shipping, Immunize BC, and various shipping agents, that aimed to provide free vaccinations to mariners calling on BC ports. Through this program, more than 2,200 vaccinations were delivered to seafarers either on board their vessels or on shore. In Prince Rupert, PRPA’s Harbour Patrol team helped shuttle more than 300 mariners from their ships to a mobile immunization clinic at Northland Cruise Terminal. To help lift spirits, PRPA also teamed up with volunteers from the Seafarers Mission to revive their annual BBQ on the International Day of the Seafarer. Following strict health and safety protocols, nine mariners came ashore for a special meal and celebration. PRPA’s Harbour Patrol crew also continued their holiday tradition of delivering special packages to all the ships at anchor on Christmas Eve.
One trade we'll never make: exchanging our future for short-term gain. Our current success is rooted in decades of ambitious yet practical planning and is reflected in the careful consideration we apply to every project and program we activate. The result is a growing gateway that supports an extensive workforce, abundant opportunities and a robust regime of environmental safeguards.
GHG intensity at inventory boundary
Decrease in NOx intensity (kg/t) within PRPA jurisdiction since 2010
Decrease in PM2.5 intensity within PRPA jurisdiction since 2010
Decrease in SOx intensity within PRPA jurisdiction since 2010
Percentage of unique vessels qualifying for Green Wave program
GHG emissions avoided by 28 vessels that qualified for Green Wave through RightShip’s GHG rating criteria
Four companies have been honoured for their outstanding participation in PRPA’s Green Wave environmental incentive program for their 2021 performance. They include intermodal shipping companies COSCO Shipping Lines and MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company, liquefied gas shipping company Navigator Gas LLC, and BC Ferries. The Green Wave program rewards shippers by offering discounted harbour fees to vessel owners who voluntarily invest in sustainable practices. Commercial vessels are scored on air emission controls and underwater noise reduction measures and allotted savings through a tiered system. In 2021, there were 163 vessel calls that met the strict criteria to qualify for the Green Wave program, including ten different vessels that qualified for the top tier and earned the greatest savings on each call.
PRPA, DP World, and BC Hydro collaborated to install shore power infrastructure at Fairview Container Terminal. This will allow container vessels to use hydroelectric power while at berth and shut down their main engines, significantly cutting the ship’s emissions. This project is a key part of PRPA’s Carbon Reduction Strategy, which aims to shrink emission intensity by 30 percent by 2030 and reach net-zero by 2050. Once the infrastructure is fully operational, emissions savings from shore power are expected to account for half of PRPA’s aggressive reduction target.
To compensate for fish habitat impacted by the development of the Fairview-Ridley Connector Corridor, PRPA has overhauled a waterfront site in an area of Prince Rupert that has suffered decades of degradation from industrial activity. Through a partnership with the City of Prince Rupert, PRPA has undertaken $4 million in restoration work to regenerate the Seal Cove Salt Marsh including regrading the intertidal areas and transplanting eelgrass and other aquatic vegetation.
Efforts to improve and monitor wild Coho and Chinook salmon stock productivity in northwest BC have received a significant financial boost from PRPA’s Skeena River Salmon Enhancement Program. The Toboggan Creek Salmon & Steelhead Enhancement Society received $60,000 to help upgrade aging infrastructure at the Toboggan Creek Hatchery northwest of Smithers. These improvements have ensured the volunteer-led organization can carry on their operations safely and sustainably for years to come and allows them to continue to directly contribute to Fisheries and Oceans Canada’s management of Pacific Northwest salmon fisheries.
During the Environmental Effects Evaluation for the Ridley Island Export Logistics Project, the review noted the potential presence of the Little brown myotis. This species of bat is considered endangered in North America due to the spread of whi
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