2020 年 6 月 30 日

2020 年 6 月 30 日

The Sociologist






Hong Kong



News agency

China passes sweeping HK security law, heralding authoritarian era - Reuters

China imposes feared Hong Kong security law - AFP

Hong Kong security law criticized abroad, defended by China - AP

China Approves Hong Kong Security Law - Bloomberg


National security law: tough new reality for Hong Kong as offenders face maximum sentence of life in jail - SCMP

Hong Kong braces itself for repression by China’s Communist Party - The Economist

New China security law could stifle research in HK, say analysts - FT

香港国家安全法、スピード可決 一国二制度の形骸化懸念 - 朝日新聞


視點31:港區國安法通過;討論「二次回歸」;以公義之名-打擊本土恐怖主義 - RTHK

港版國安法 中國人大常委會今無異議通過 - PTS

China approves contentious Hong Kong national security law - PBS

China enacts Hong Kong national security law - NHK

Anger as China passes controversial Hong Kong security law - France 24

China passes Hong Kong security law, deepening fears for future - Aljazeera

China condemned after passing law to curtail Hong Kong protests - Channel 4 News

Hong Kong security law: Life sentences for breaking law - BBC

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