200 Cause and Effect Essay Topics You Must Consider While Writing

200 Cause and Effect Essay Topics You Must Consider While Writing


Are you looking for an interesting essay topic?

Well, look no further! In this blog post, we'll give you 200 cause and effect essay topics to help get your writing juices flowing. Whether you're interested in discussing the effects of global warming or the reasons behind teenage angst, there's sure to be a topic that piques your interest. 

So, either you're a fan of the classics or prefer more modern topics, sit back, relax, and let's get started!


Table of Contents
  • Cause and Effect Essay Topics 2022 
  • Good Cause and Effect Essay Topics for Students 
  • Cause and Effect Essay Topics on Psychology 
  • Fun Cause and Effect Essay Topics 
  • Persuasive Cause and Effect Essay Topics 
  • Cause and Effect Essay Topics About Sports 
  • Personal Cause and Effect Essay Topics 
  • Environmental Cause and Effect Essay Topics 
  • Interesting Cause and Effect Essay Topics
  • Best Topics for Cause and Effect Essay 
  • Argumentative Cause and Effect Essay Topics 
  • Easy Cause And Effect Essay Topics
  • Medical Cause And Effect Essay Topics 
  • Cause And Effect Essay Topics for Self Development 
  • Cause and Effect Essay Topics About Education 
  • How to Choose a Cause and Effect Essay Topic? 

Cause and Effect Essay Topics 2022

  • Social media and its effect on human interaction.
  • Effect of technology on communication skills.
  • Working from home affects office culture.
  • The effect of the internet on our ability to focus.
  • Online dating and its effect on traditional dating culture.
  • The effect of social media on our sense of self-worth.
  • Effect of living alone on society.
  • How the rise in tuition fees has affected university students.
  • The increased cost of living affects people's ability to save for retirement.
  • How climate change affects people's decisions about the future.

Good Cause and Effect Essay Topics for Students

Looking for a good cause-and-effect essay topic? Check out this list of interesting topics to help you get started on your next research paper.

Cause and Effect Essay Topics for College Students

  • The Effects of Social Media on College Students 
  • The Effects of Social Media on Relationships 
  • The Causes and Effects of Obesity 
  • The Causes and Effects of Smoking 
  • The Causes and Effects of Stress 
  • The Effects of Technology on College Students 
  • The Effects of Social Media on Body Image 
  • The Effects of Social Media on Mental Health 
  • The Effects of Social Media on Self-Esteem 
  • The Effects of Social Media on Physical Health 

Cause and Effect Essay Topics for Elementary Students

  • The effects of watching too much television. 
  • The effects of eating fast food. 
  • The effects of not getting enough exercise. 
  • The effects of bullying on the victim.
  • The effects of moving to a new city or town.
  • The effects of taking a gap year before college.
  • The effects of going to boarding school.
  • The effects of being the eldest child in the family.
  • The effects of being the youngest child in the family.
  • The effects of being an only child in the family.

Cause and Effect Essay Topics for High School

  • The effects of social media on teenage girls.
  • The effects of cyberbullying on teenagers.
  • The effects of social media on body image.
  • The effects of social media on academic performance.
  • The effects of social media on sleep.
  • The effects of social media on self-esteem.
  • The effects of social media on anxiety.
  • The effects of social media on depression.
  • The effects of internet addiction on teenagers.
  • The effects of video games on young children.

Cause and Effect Essay Topics for Middle School

  • The effects of social media on teenage girls
  • The causes of bullying in schools
  • The effects of technology addiction on teenagers
  • The causes of anxiety in children
  • The effects of divorce on children
  • The causes of obesity in children
  • The effects of poverty on children
  • The causes of racism in society
  • The effects of sexism on women
  • The causes of violence in the media

Cause and Effect Essay Topics for IELTS

  • The causes of unemployment
  • The effects of deforestation
  • The causes of climate change
  • The effects of the use of fossil fuels
  • The causes of obesity
  • The effects of smoking
  • The causes of cancer
  • The effects of war
  • The causes of poverty in developed countries
  • The effects of immigration

Cause and Effect Essay Topics on Psychology

  • What is the connection between mental illness and substance abuse?
  • How can we deal with anxiety disorders effectively?
  • What are the long-term effects of trauma on our mental health?
  • How does depression affect our physical health?
  • How can we overcome eating disorders?
  • What are the causes and effects of social anxiety disorder?
  • How does post-traumatic stress disorder affect veterans?
  • What are the effects of ADHD on children and adults?
  • How can we deal with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder effectively?
  • What are the causes and effects of bipolar disorder?

Fun Cause and Effect Essay Topics

  • The effects of sleeping too much or too little.
  • The effects of spending too much time on the internet.
  • The effects of drinking too much caffeine.
  • The effects of smoking cigarettes.
  • The effects of taking drugs (legal or illegal).
  • The effects of being a workaholic.
  • The effects of being a perfectionist.
  • The effects of always being busy and never having time to relax.
  • The effects of living in a city versus living in the countryside
  • The effects of watching too much television

Persuasive Cause and Effect Essay Topics

  • The causes of the obesity epidemic
  • The causes of the opioid crisis
  • The effects of gun violence on American society
  • The causes of police brutality
  • The effects of poverty on education
  • The causes of homelessness
  • The effects of racism on mental health
  • The causes of the gender pay gap
  • The effects of the Trump presidency on American democracy
  • The causes of income inequality in America

Cause and Effect Essay Topics About Sports

  • The effects of concussions on young athletes
  • The impact of media coverage on sports
  • The use of performance-enhancing drugs in sports
  • Gender inequality in sports
  • The role of social media in sports
  • The influence of money on sports
  • The commercialization of college sports
  • The importance of athletics in schools
  • The impact of Title IX on women's sports
  • How racism affects athletes and sporting events

Personal Cause and Effect Essay Topics

  • The effects of poverty on education.
  • The effects of single parenting on children.
  • The effects of divorce on families.
  • The effects of racism on mental health.
  • The effects of sexism on women's mental health.
  • The effects of ableism on disabled people's mental health.
  • The effects of ageism on older people's mental health.
  • The effects of heterosexism on LGBTQIA+ people's mental health.
  • The effects of social media on body image
  • The effects of social media on overall happiness

Environmental Cause and Effect Essay Topics

  • The effect of water pollution on the environment 
  • The effect of plastic pollution on the environment 
  • The effect of nuclear waste on the environment 
  • The effect of oil spills on the environment 
  • The effect of factory farming on the environment 
  • The effect of overfishing on the environment 
  • The effect of coral reef bleaching on the environment 
  • The effect of soil erosion on the environment 
  • The effect of invasive species on the environment 
  • The effect of global warming on the environment

Interesting Cause and Effect Essay Topics

  • The effect of overpopulation on the world's resources
  • The effect of overpopulation on the environment
  • The effect of overpopulation on human health
  • The effect of war on the world's economy
  • The effect of war on the environment
  • The effect of war on human health
  • The effect of poverty on the world's economy
  • The effect of poverty on the environment
  • The effect of poverty on human health
  • The effect of technology on the world's economy

Best Topics for Cause and Effect Essay

  • The Effects of Climate Change on the World's Population
  • The Causes and Effects of Drug Addiction
  • The Causes and Effects of the Holocaust
  • The Causes and Effects of 9/11
  • The Causes and Effects of the American Revolution
  • The Causes and Effects of World War I
  • The Causes and Effects of World War II
  • The Cold War: Causes and Effects
  • The Industrial Revolution: Causes and Effects
  • The French Revolution: Causes and Effects

Argumentative Cause and Effect Essay Topics

  • The Causes of the Syrian Civil War
  • The Effects of Racism on Young People
  • The Causes of Obesity in America
  • The Effects of the Internet on Society
  • The Causes of Homelessness in America
  • The Effects of Drug Use on Teenagers
  • The Causes of the Great Depression
  • The Effects of 9/11 on America
  • The Causes of the Holocaust
  • The Effects of Gun Violence in America

Easy Cause And Effect Essay Topics

  • The effects of social media on self-esteem 
  • The effects of social media on sleep 
  • The effects of social media on productivity 
  • The effects of social media on diet 
  • The effects of social media on exercise 
  • The effects of social media on learning 
  • The effects of social media on work 
  • The effects of social media on politics 
  • The effects of social media on the economy 
  • The effects of social media on society

Medical Cause And Effect Essay Topics

  • The effects of smoking on the human body
  • The effects of alcohol on the human body
  • The effects of drug abuse on health
  • The effects of sleep deprivation on health
  • The effects of a sedentary lifestyle on health
  • The effects of air pollution on health
  • The effects of water pollution on health
  • The effect of climate change on health
  • The effect of nuclear radiation on health
  • The effect of electromagnetic fields on health

Cause And Effect Essay Topics for Self Development

  • The effect of peer pressure on self-development
  • The role of family in shaping self-identity
  • How personal experiences can affect self-development
  • The importance of setting goals for self-development
  • The impact of failure on self-development
  • The role of mentors in self-development
  • How to overcome procrastination and develop better time management skills
  • How to deal with envy and jealousy in a constructive way
  • How to develop a positive mindset
  • How to find your passion and purpose in life

Cause and Effect Essay Topics About Education

  • The effects of standardized testing on students
  • The causes of the high dropout rate among college students
  • The effects of homeschooling on children
  • The causes of the rising cost of college tuition
  • The effects of online education on students
  • The causes of cheating in school
  • The effects of bullying on students
  • The causes of teacher burnout
  • The effects of No Child Left Behind on schools
  • The effects of charter schools on public education

How to Choose a Cause and Effect Essay Topic?

So you've been assigned a cause and effect essay topic. And more importantly, how are you supposed to write even the thesis statement that will affect the paper? 

If you're panicking, don't worry! 

Let's talk about how to choose a great topic for your essay. The best topics for cause-and-effect essays usually have one or two things in common:

  • They should be happening right now (or have recently happened).
  • They should be controversial or interesting in some way. 

Avoid topics that are too general or too specific. A good rule of thumb is to choose a topic that's specific enough to be interesting but not so specific that there isn't much room for discussion. 

Step 1: Define Your Purpose

Before you can choose a topic, you need to know what kind of essay you're writing. Cause and effect essays come in two different varieties: explanatory and argumentative. 

  • If you're writing an explanatory essay, your goal is to explain the factors that led to the event or situation. 
  • If you're writing an argumentative essay, your goal is to take a stance on the issue and support your position with evidence.

Once you know the type of essay you're writing, you can move on to Step 2.

Step 2: Choose an Event or Situation That Interests You

Ideally, you should pick something that's been on your mind lately or that has had a significant impact on your life. The event doesn't have to be major—it could be something as small as converting to a vegan diet. But it should be something that's meaningful to you. 

Once you've chosen your event or situation, make sure it meets the requirements for Step 3 before moving on. 

  • If you're writing an explanatory essay, check to see if there's enough information available about the event or situation for you to write a comprehensive explanation. 
  • If you're writing an argumentative essay, look for controversial information about the event or situation so that you can take a strong stance in your paper. 

Step 3: Define The Scope Of Your Paper

Now it is the time to define the scope of your topic by choosing specific causes or consequences. By narrowing down your focus in this way, you'll be able to write a more detailed paper—and have more fun doing it! 

Step 4: Do Some Preliminary Research

Research to make sure there's enough material out there for you to move forward with your project confidently. That’s how you'll know you've chosen the right topic for a great cause-and-effect essay. If you find credible sources that cover all sides of your topic and that present information in detail yet easy-to-understand way, then that’s a great topic!

Let’s Start Writing the Essay!

A cause-and-effect essay can be a really fun type of assignment to write. These types of essays usually center around current events or controversial topics. It makes them perfect for essay writers who want to make an impact with their writing. 

Choosing the right topic is essential for writing a great cause-and-effect essay. With a great topic idea in hand, writing your essay will be a breeze!

And if you are not confident enough about your writing skills, there is always a rescue! Contact any paper writing service. Their professional writers cannot only give you a topic to write about but also write the whole essay for you.

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