20 Things You Need To Know About Live Well Mobility

20 Things You Need To Know About Live Well Mobility

Live Well Mobility Offers a Full Range of Mobility Solutions

Live Well Mobility is a Houston-based company that provides a wide range of mobility solutions. Their products include wheelchair ramps, stairlifts and bathing aids.

A constant flow of fresh water through a livewell gives fresh oxygen and helps eliminate ammonia accumulation from fish excrement and skin. To keep bait or fish alive, it is vital to aerate the water.

Home Improvements

The team of home modification at live well mobility is comprised of factory-trained professionals including carpenters, installers, technicians, plumbers, electricians and general home maintenance personnel who have all passed a thorough background investigation. They are also professionals who work directly with customers using a consultative approach. This allows them to provide the most up-to-date solutions and technologies in a way that prioritizes the needs of customers. For example, having doors widened can help people who use a wheelchair, walker or wheelchair move around the home more easily. It can also help those who live alone. The team is dedicated to helping older adults "age-proof" their homes.


Stair lifts are a well-known mobility solution to help people to safely navigate their home and staircases. These devices consist with a footrest and a seat that are attached to a "carriage" that runs across the straight or curved rail installed in your staircase (indoors or outdoors). The majority of them are powered by batteries therefore they'll still function in the event of a power failure.

Every stairlift must have a seatbelt and obstruction sensors. These sensors prevent the lift from moving when obstructions are in its way. They also make sure that you are in the seat prior to it moving. Other optional safety features include a manual swivel at the top landing of the staircase, which allows you to exit or enter without turning your body or climbing over the wall. Certain brands also come with the option of calling that allows you to move the chair back to the spot you're at, even if you're not riding it.

Stairlifts are available for both new and old houses. They provide safe mobility access to anyone who is having difficulty climbing the stairs. Stairlifts are a great option for those who want to remain in their home following an injury or age. They can also be used to prevent visitors from having to climb up the stairs of your home.

It is best to talk to an expert to learn more about a access lift or any other equipment for accessibility. A no-cost consultation at home is a good place to begin and will provide the information you require to make an informed choice on the best product for your home.


A wheelchair is a great option for those who are unable walk or need assistance with mobility. The joystick control system is much easier to use than the handlebar controls on a scooter. They also come with adjustable leg rests. Many accessories are available, including tray pads, armrests and seat cushions. They come in various sizes to meet the needs of the requirements of the user.

They carry the Vive Health powered mobility units. These are highly regarded in the market and are among the most affordable prices on the market. They are a new company in the market, but are quickly establishing themselves as a leader in the market, providing superior products and exceptional service to customers.

Bath Lifts

For those who are frail or injured, or suffer from poor balance, it can be difficult to safely get into and out of in a bathtub. A bath lift can help. This device essentially lowers the seat in the bathtub and allows you to sit comfortably while bathing. Bath lifts are utilized in both private and professional health care settings.

There are four major types of bath lifts - battery powered, water, air and manual crank-style units. The most common are battery powered units. They are portable and simply plug into existing water pipes that connect to your bath tub. They can provide anywhere between 4-20 lifts without needing to recharge.

Consider the following factors before deciding on the right bath lift:

Do you want the bath lift to remain in place or do require it to be removed so that other family members to use it? If the latter, an option that attaches to the sides of your tub could be a better choice.

Certain models of bath lifts offer accessories like headrest attachments for taller people or chest straps, as well as seat belts for individuals with poor sitting balance or wedges to stop them from sliding forward. Some models also feature removable hygienic covers that can be washed to keep the lift clean between uses.

The most important thing is to select a bath lift which is simple to install. These devices are usually packaged with clear instructions, and require a few minutes of installation before they can be utilized. Ensure that the bath lift is compatible with your bathtub and is a snug fit to prevent it from sliding and sliding during operation. You should also test the bath lift in your tub to see how easily it can be raised and rises.

Mobility Scooters

Mobility scooters are a great alternative for those who have trouble walking long distances or need help with everyday activities. live well mobility scooters can cover a much greater distance on a single charge than a wheelchair and can carry many different accessories such as baskets for groceries, headrests and speakers to improve the user's experience.

Mobility scooters are more maneuverable than power wheelchairs. They can navigate narrow spaces, like badly designed kerbs and narrow hallways in public facilities. They are also generally more viewed as less stigmatized by people who are able to walk than power wheelchairs. They can be ridden outdoors and transported in vehicles in the event that a user isn't allowed to drive due to medical reasons.

Scooter owners can choose between three, two, or four-wheeled models. Three-wheeled scooters are lighter and can be used indoors while four-wheeled models be used on a wider range of terrains including unpaved roads. Some scooters are even equipped with all-terrain tires that are able to be used on a variety of surfaces which can be difficult for a wheelchair to navigate.

When shopping for a scooter, make sure to look at how compact the scooter is when folded. This can make it easier to store it into your car or in a storage space at home. It is important to consider the capacity for weight that can differ from model to model. In addition, it could be helpful to review the warranty and maintenance records. These records can give you an idea of the model's upkeep and how it will perform in the event of heavy use.

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