2 Vagina Girl

2 Vagina Girl


2 Vagina Girl
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Youtube star Cassandra Bankson recently surprised her followers by revealing that she was born with two vaginas. The makeup guru, who has more than 750,000 followers to date, only learned of her condition recently.
The condition is known as uterus didelphys, and there are fewer than 100 known cases around the world. The male equivalent, which we introduced you to recently , is even rarer. In typical embryonic development, a female fetus will have two vaginal tubes which later fuse together. With uterus didelphys, this fusion does not occur, and the fetus continues to develop with two uteruses, two cervixes, and often two vaginas. It's not known why this occurs. The condition is often asymptomatic, and sufferers may not realize they have it at all.
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Getting, and staying, pregnant could have been an impossible feat for Evelyn, a 31-year-old Australian woman who has two vaginas and two uteruses — each of which leads to its own fallopian tube and ovary . 
For one, she can't precisely track ovulation since doctors don't know if both her ovaries release an egg each month or if they alternate. Plus, her extra reproductive tract means there's not a lot of room in her abdominal cavity for a fetus to grow.
On top of that, her partner had a low sperm count. Doctors pushed the couple to use IVF and prepare for a very premature delivery. 
So when Evelyn, a former sex worker who uses a pseudonym to protect her safety, got pregnant naturally after just a few months of trying, she said she was "ecstatic." She talked to Insider about her unusual conception, pregnancy, and birth to her now seven-week old son. 
Evelyn, a nurse by training and OnlyFans creator, knew she was different when she first got her period, and tampons didn't work. When she began having sex, "it felt really, really different each time." 
But she didn't learn what was different until her early 20s, when she sought an abortion and clinicians couldn't find the embryo. When they did, revealing another reproductive system, "it felt good knowing what was wrong with me," she said.  
Her condition, uterus didelphys, affects about 1 in 3,000 women worldwide. Reproductive "anamolies" like it can manifest in many ways since the reproductive tract forms from two groups of cells on each side of the body, Dr. Stephanie Ros , an OB-GYN at the University of South Florida, told Insider. 
The cells are supposed to fuse in the center in utero, but that "can go wrong in many ways," Ros said. Evelyn's two never fused, but her outward anatomy is "normal." Some people have one vagina and two cervixes, and some have the reverse.  
A double uterus doesn't always affect fertility, but it can increase the risk of miscarriage, early birth, and placental complications. After birth, some new moms lose a lot of blood and tissue if they shed the lining of the non-pregnant uterus, Ros said.
Ros said she knows of one patient who was mistakenly told she wasn't in labor because the clinician checked for dilation in the wrong cervix. Other women don't even know about their double anatomy until they're in labor.
Evelyn and her partner only used her right vagina when trying to conceive. Getting pregnant in both sides is risky. Plus, her right side is more pleasurable. (During her sex work days, she saved it for her personal life while using the left for work.)
Her pregnancy was high-risk mostly because doctors didn't know how much her right uterus could expand. They worried she'd go into preterm labor, and that it could be dangerous for the baby to navigate traveling out of her off-center vagina. 
So Evelyn rested a lot and had two doctor appointments a week. Her bump grew, but off to one side. "I think there's a lot of pressure on women to love [pregnancy] out of guilt of not being appreciative of falling pregnant when some people can't," she said. "But I didn't like it at all." 
It was worth it in the end, she said. She made it to her scheduled 37-week c-section, and her son weighed about 5 lbs, 3 oz. Before stitching Evelyn up, clinicians pulled out both uteruses to photograph. "Everyone was fascinated by it," she said. 
Her baby needs his joints checked out ("he was so squished in there," Evelyn said) and is just now over 8 pounds, but is otherwise healthy. "Just looking at him and realizing that you created a little person, it's quite incredible," she said. 

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Brittany Jacobs didn't realize she had two vaginas until she gave birth to her first child.

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For 25 years, Brittany Jacobs had no idea she had two vaginas — until she went into labor.
“Oh honey, you have two vaginas, two cervixes and two uteruses,” a nurse finally told her while Jacobs was in the process of giving birth to her first child, the now-26-year-old recounted in a viral TikTok video which has racked up over 2.7 million views. 
While Jacobs didn’t realize she had double anatomy, she had noticed that something was off in her nether regions, where she’d first observed as a young girl that she had two openings. “I always believed it was my hymen, and as I got older, I thought it was just really tough and maybe would break one day,” she told BuzzFeed .
She also had another sign that her body was unique. Despite considering herself to have a “really high pain tolerance,” she always had excruciating periods which were “so bad I would cry,” she said in the video. Jacobs posted the revelation in response to another TikTok user’s prompt clip asking, “What is something a doctor completely ignored you about when clearly there was something wrong?” 
She’d bleed through tampons in mere minutes, sex hurt terribly and her menstrual cramps were debilitating — but her doctors never told her she was in any way different, so she accepted the discomfort as a part of life.
Really, though, her problems were likely all symptoms of having what is called uterus didelphys, or double uterus, which is not such a rare occurrence. 
“Basically, all gynecologists who get to be old see some patients with it in their lifetime,” Yale University School of Medicine clinical professor Dr. Mary Jane Minkin told BuzzFeed. “My take-home message is you’re not a freak, you’re not weird, and by definition: If I’ve seen something a few times, it’s not rare.”
The condition can occasionally complicate reproductive ability and cause kidney problems, Dr. Minkin added. In Jacobs’ case, her labor doctors cut the septum dividing her two vaginas — “meaning now I only have one hole” — so she could give birth. 

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Talk about separating business and pleasure!
An Australian woman has gone viral on OnlyFans after fans and subscribers discovered her interesting and unique biological trait: she has two vaginas!
Evelyn Miller , a 30-year-old from Queensland, reportedly learned that she had what’s called “uterus didelphys” during a doctor’s visit more than a decade ago. According to the Mayo Clinic , that very rare condition occurs when the two small tubes that make up the uterus in a fetus fail to fuse together prior to childbirth and instead remain separate, creating two tubes that don’t join completely.
Several years after Miller was told of her condition, and following a failed relationship, she started working as an escort. In her sex work, she found that it was easier for her mentally to quite literally separate business and pleasure, if you will. Physically, she found it “handy for endurance,” too. Wow!!
As she explained in an interview with Australian media, escorting work eventually led to an opportunity with OnlyFans — where she’s become a big star! Miller said:
“”When I got into a relationship it was better for me to separate the two — to use one vagina for work and one for personal life, which made the work a lot easier emotionally and physically for me. After I quit this, I started OnlyFans, filming adult content with both vaginas — and it’s been very, very successful.”
Good for her! Get paid, girl! She explained more about her experience in sex work with her rare condition, saying:
“To me it’s my normal and I never really thought it was that intriguing, but apparently it’s very intriguing. I guess not many people can say they use one vagina for work and one for personal life. It was helpful with work to be able to have a whole other vagina. It was handy for endurance — if I had a lot of bookings and I was getting uncomfortable in one, I could just use the other one.”
FWIW, Miller says her “right vagina” is slightly more comfortable during sex. News.com.au reports that “she can orgasm using that one,” too, so she generally reserves it for her personal relationships.
Throughout her work escorting, she found that clients were “mind blown” with her anatomy, explaining:
“Some clients I will tell and they don’t believe me at first until I show them and then they’re completely mind blown. They ask to try it out, look at it and put their fingers in it — all of those things. I had a couple of clients find out — one was a gynecologist and he was able to feel the difference and he then turned it into a medical exam.”
Miller, who the outlet reports also owns an advertising business, found viral success on OnlyFans, where paying subscribers have been interested in seeing her:
“A lot of people want to see it on Only Fans because it’s strange — they [subscribers] can’t believe it — they say that they had to sign up to have a look, it’s crazy. People want novelty and something different — I don’t think anyone’s ever made porn with two vaginas before.”
And now, Miller has a child — and is pregnant with her second one! Back while pregnant with her first child last year, the former escort explained:
“I’ve had so much more intrigue than I thought — people have just been completely taken back by it. After I got pregnant I thought I’d talk about it more because the condition won’t affect me having a child — so I don’t really hate it. If I’d had complications I probably wouldn’t have been so open about it.”
Wow! Definitely a unique situation!
[Image via Evelyn Miller/ Twitter ]
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