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DOC 2,5-диметоксихлорамфетамин или доктор — химическое соединение класса амфетаминов, психоделик действие которого напоминает действие ЛСД. DOI 2,5-диметоксииодамфетамин — химическое соединение класса амфетаминов. Все перечисленные химические соединения относятся к синтетическим амфетаминам, а именно к 4-замещённым 2,5-диметоксиамфетаминам. Однако подобную экзотику не встретишь в свободном обращении. Все они характеризуются длительным и изнуряющим действием от 14 до 30 часов , небольшими дозировками 0. Основной повреждающий эффект от данного класса наркотиков связан с серотонинергическим действием, то есть изменяется нейромедиация головного мозга. Обычно просыпается спящая шизофрения, депрессия или биполярное расстройство. Есть информация, что высокие дозы веществ могут спровоцировать вазоконстрикцию сосудов конечностей, что может привести к возникновению гангрены. Также применение следует исключить для людей с проблемами кровообращения, болезнями сердца, печени или почек, глаукомой, эпилепсией. Существуют сообщения о развитии цианоза кожных покровов у здоровых людей при применении доз препаратов от 3 мг. Антидепрессанты вещества блокирующие распад или обратный нейрональный захват моноаминов серотонина, норадреналина, дофамина, фенилэтиламина и др. Ингалянты ЛНДВ Летучие наркотически действующие вещества в форме газа или летучих жидкостей, которые вдыхаются в целях достижения эйфории и галлюциногенного эффекта.

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A solution of Removal of the solvent from the pooled extracts yielded This nitrostyrene has been periodically available commercially from a number of sources. This solution was added slowly to a well-stirred suspension of The mixture was then brought up to a reflux and maintained there for 20 h, cooled with an external ice bath, and the excess hydride destroyed by the cautious addition of H2O. Finally, a total of mL H2O was added, followed by the addition of g potassium sodium tartrate, and sufficient aqueous NaOH to bring the pH above 9. The two phases were separated, and the ether phase dried by the addition of anhydrous MgSO4. The drying agent was removed by filtration, and the clear filtrate saturated with a stream of anhydrous HCl gas. The formed crystals of 2,5-dimethoxyamphetamine hydrochloride 2,5-DMA were removed by filtration, washed with anhydrous Et2O, and dried to constant weight of The qualitative information on 2,5-DMA is very sparse. A seizure of capsules reported by the drug law enforcement authorities some 20 years ago found that each contained some milligrams of the hydrobromide salt. This is equivalent to milligrams of the hydrochloride salt, and suggests that level may be an effective dosage. An intriguing, but little studied, analogue of 2,5-DMA is the compound with methyls in place of the methoxyls. The 3,4-isomer, 3,4-dimethylamphetamine or xylopropamine, is an adrenergic agent and it has been found to be an analgesic in man at as little as 10 milligrams. This was assayed, rather remarkably, by attaching electrodes to the tooth fillings of the experimental subjects. But with this base, cardiovascular effects were not observed until doses of about milligrams were administered, and toxic effects nausea and vomiting were reported at milligrams. There was no suggestion of anything psychedelic. All three isomers of monomethylamphetamine have also been looked at in man. The ortho- and meta-isomers, 2-methyl- and 3-methyl- amphetamine are weak anorexics. At doses of up to milligrams orally, there were signs of stimulation noted--talkativeness and loss of appetite. The para-isomer, 4-methyl-amphetamine or Aptrol, is more potent. At 75 milligrams orally, in man there is clear adrenergic stimulation, and at twice this dosage there are signs of mild toxicity such as salivation, coughing and vomiting. There is a mystery, at least to me, concerning the commercial production of 2,5-DMA. At regular intervals, there is a public announcement of the production quotas that are requested or allowed by the Drug Enforcement Administration, for drugs that have been placed in Schedules I or II. In the Schedule I category there are usually listed amounts such as a gram of this, and a few grams of that. These are probably for analytical purposes, since there are no medical uses, by definition, for drugs in this Schedule. But there is a staggering quantity of 2,5-DMA requested, regularly. Quantities in the many tens of millions of grams, quantities that vie with medical mainstays such as codeine and morphine. I have heard that this material is used in the photographic industry, but I have no facts. Somewhere I am sure that there is someone who has to keep a lot of very careful books! In the area of psychedelic drugs, the value of 2,5-DMA is mainly in its role as a precursor to the preparation of materials that can come from a direct electrophilic attack on the activated 4-position. The radio-halogenation of N-substituted homologues of 2,5-DMA with hypoiodite or hypofluorite is part of an extensive study underway in the search for radio-labeled brain blood flow agents. In essence it has been found that the N-substitution or N,N-disubstitution of 2,5-DMA where the 4-position is unsubstituted and thus available for the introduction of a radioactive nucleus can give rise to potentially useful drugs. Most of these 2,5-dimethoxy exploratory compounds were made by the reductive alkylation of 2,5-dimethoxy radio iodophenylacetone, using various mono or dialkyl amines. However, the study of various direct iodinations and fluoridations that would have the N,N-dimethyl substitution on the amphetamine nitrogen atom, would require the 4-proteo- analogue, and this was made from the above nitrostyrene. A solution of the above nitrostyrene, It has also been prepared by the N,N-dimethylation of 2,5-DMA directly, with formaldehyde and formic acid. The commercially available 2,5-dimethylbenzaldehyde was converted to the nitrostyrene with nitroethane 1- 2,5-dimethylphenyl nitropropene, yellow crystals with a melting point of It gave poor yields of the 4-fluoro analogue with acetyl hypofluorite. All of these latter materials remain unevaluated in man. Archived by Erowid with permission of Publisher and Author.

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