19 Year Old Girls Chatting

19 Year Old Girls Chatting


19 Year Old Girls Chatting
Can a 19 year old date a 33 year old?
Answered 1 year ago · Author has 95 answers and 115.9K answer views
I'm a 19 year old, and I have been cuddling / spending nights with a 35 year old for many months now. He is super nice and treats me right, and we are considering a relationship but the age gap scares me for social situations. What should I do?
I’m 29 and fell in love with a 19 year old, is this okay or should I not pursue a relationship due to age?
Is it predatory for a 28 year old woman to sleep with a 19 year old man?
Is it ok to be a 34 year old man and date a 19 year old girl?
Is it okay for a 10-year-old girl to be with a 12 year old girl?
Updated October 5, 2020 · Author has 813 answers and 199.4K answer views
Updated December 17, 2020 · Author has 121 answers and 12.6K answer views
Should I feel 'dirty' for dating an 18 year old? I'm 30. I feel the age gap is too large. Will people consider me a dirty old man?
Why is it wrong for a 32 year old man to ask a 19 year old on a date, after all it is perfectly legal?
What if a 90 year old man dates a 19 year old girl?
My neighbor’s 15 year old is dating an 18 year old. Should I report the 18 year old for dating a minor?
I'm 36 year old man and in love with a 19 year old woman. Should we date and see if it's right for marriage?
Answered 5 years ago · Author has 128 answers and 464.7K answer views
Answered 2 years ago · Author has 1.9K answers and 5.9M answer views
Answered 3 years ago · Author has 218 answers and 592K answer views
Answered October 5, 2020 · Author has 79 answers and 40K answer views
Answered 1 year ago · Author has 580 answers and 171.6K answer views
Answered 5 years ago · Author has 3.8K answers and 9.2M answer views
Answered 3 years ago · Author has 1.8K answers and 1.1M answer views
I'm a 19 year old, and I have been cuddling / spending nights with a 35 year old for many months now. He is super nice and treats me right, and we are considering a relationship but the age gap scares me for social situations. What should I do?
I’m 29 and fell in love with a 19 year old, is this okay or should I not pursue a relationship due to age?
Is it predatory for a 28 year old woman to sleep with a 19 year old man?
Is it ok to be a 34 year old man and date a 19 year old girl?
Is it okay for a 10-year-old girl to be with a 12 year old girl?
Should I feel 'dirty' for dating an 18 year old? I'm 30. I feel the age gap is too large. Will people consider me a dirty old man?
Why is it wrong for a 32 year old man to ask a 19 year old on a date, after all it is perfectly legal?
What if a 90 year old man dates a 19 year old girl?
My neighbor’s 15 year old is dating an 18 year old. Should I report the 18 year old for dating a minor?
I'm 36 year old man and in love with a 19 year old woman. Should we date and see if it's right for marriage?
If a guy is 35 years old and his girlfriend is 19, is it OK for them to get married?
Is it inappropriate for a 28 year old woman to be in a sexual relationship with a 19 year old man?
I'm a 29 year old woman and I'm falling in love with 19 year old guy. He loves me yoo. Is that ok?
I’m 19, dating a 40 year old man. He’s handsome, funny, smart, wealthy, etc. When I told my mom she said it’s likely he has girls all over the world and is manipulating me. I’ve been crying about it all night, she’s probably right. Should I end it?
Is it weird for a 19-year-old and a 31-year-old to be together?
I'm a 19 year old, and I have been cuddling / spending nights with a 35 year old for many months now. He is super nice and treats me right, and we are considering a relationship but the age gap scares me for social situations. What should I do?
I’m 29 and fell in love with a 19 year old, is this okay or should I not pursue a relationship due to age?
Is it predatory for a 28 year old woman to sleep with a 19 year old man?
Is it ok to be a 34 year old man and date a 19 year old girl?
Is it okay for a 10-year-old girl to be with a 12 year old girl?
Should I feel 'dirty' for dating an 18 year old? I'm 30. I feel the age gap is too large. Will people consider me a dirty old man?
To be honest, that’s way too young for me, for a several factors:
Lets start with things in common: I’m almost positive that it’ll be hard for you two to find anything in common except for maybe food, and even then, probably not. Music is a great one. I grew up listening to certain kinds of music, to include rap. If someone brought the latest and greatest mumble rap to me and I turned around and said “Yeah, but try this” and put on Tech N9ne, I’d probably get a weird look.
Ability to drink: I don’t suggest contributing to the underage drinking. Socially, it’ll be hard for you to go ou
I am real tempted to say only if she is stupid.
A 19 year old woman should be looking for a marriage partner. she does not have time to fool around with this fool. sorry. It will not take long until she finds that the good guys are taken. Her value will start to decrease in a few years unless she spends time increasing her value with education and work experience. Work experience only counts if it is new experience. Spending 5 years doing what you learned to do the first month on the job is really only 1 month of experience. At 19 if she has not found someone for a permanent relationship she should be playing the field and realizing she is a commodity whose value will peek about 25 unless she works to increase it but the longer she wait the harder it is to keep from losing value. By 30 she
Technically speaking, there are no laws against dating, regardless of age. Additionally, both of these people are above the age of majority and can therefore participate in sexual intercourse with each other. However, I think it is better to ask the question should a “19 year old date a 33 year old?”. Just because you can do something doesn’t mean that you should. I would definitely argue that this is the case here. The main reason I say this is because the maturity of each partner is a large factor in having a healthy relationship. If each person has a similar level of maturity and are in similar life stages, then the there is less likely to be a significant power imbalance in the relationship. In the case of this relationship, there likely would be a power imbalance. Why? Well, one perso
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Police spoke with the woman, who said she turned suspicious after she noticed her boyfriend Vickers spending lots of time on-line recently. While he was sle
The reality is that most 18 year olds are in a different phase of life than most 31 year olds. Someone who is 18 is still developing his or her frontal lobe. The frontal lob helps you achieve all that you do – to think, to plan, to reason, to manage your emotions, to make decisions, and to problem solve – is a major feat of your frontal lobe. High-level thinking skills that you so often take for granted -- such as determining what home to buy, what job to pursue, what medical advice to take and what investment to make -- stem from the brainpower of your frontal lobe. A 31 year old’s frontal lobe is developed. Eventually the 31 one year old will see evidence of this from the 18 year old. This will probably cause problems in the relationship. It isn’t the 13 year difference that raises conce
As other commenters have said, a 19 yr old is not fully grown. Your brain isn't even fully developed for a few more years. Someone who is 33 is likely to have more money, status, et cetera, and even if not, there is likely to be a power imbalance, especially if the older person is a man. This could be very damaging.
I would also consider why a 33 yr old would want to date someone so much younger. It's not necessarily a deal-breaker, but it's a big red flag. Is it to feel younger? Is it to be with someone they can mould and shape into their perfect partner?
There are exceptions to the rule. If these people are the exception, go for it. But if I had a friend who was in this situation (either side), I'd feel unsettled at best.
If she’s 39 and he’s 50, then it’s not a big deal because both are experienced and emotionally mature.
A 19 years old girl may be legally adult but she’s not emotionally mature to be an equal partner with a 30 years old man. Yes she’s young and many men prefer a younger body but going for younger women also shows his need for control and maturity level.
An emotionally healthy and intelligent 30 years old man is ready to get married given his career is on track and his life is not a mess. He’s looking for a partner and a wife. If he goes for someone under 25, he’ll have issues and it won’t be a balanced partnership as he’ll always be more mature than her. If the relationship fails, she’ll be so damaged by that it will be hard for her to ever recover. Therefore the a
Honestly. You are legally old enough to decide that however keep in mind that there is a world of difference in life experience between the ages of 18 and 30. That and emotional growth and development could possibly make it an unequal relationship which in itself could cause complications. Relationships with power imbalances usually occur because the person with more power is either looking to nurture someone or because they are looking to control someone. It’s up to you to decide which one this 30 year old person is seeking.
Also keep in mind that our emotional and mental abilities are not fully developed until we around the ages of 23 to 25. This means that someone who is in their 30’s is done developing in every way. Physically/Emotionally/Mentally. They are at a point in their lives whe
In America, I as 29 and 30 years old tried to “date “ 19–20 girls, ending up hook up 30 girls in a year when I am not a hookup seeker. I had sex with most of 19 years old friend, unable to establish single committed and marriage-ready relationship. (AKA, friends with benefits situation. It’s not dating in a committed relationship. )
They might like you physically, mentally, intelligently. They might spend money, efforts, mental investment on you. However, they tend to not have a “settle down mindset”, but only want to have funs and explore, no matter how hard you try; they use you for neutralizing the learning curves in life or sex. This is the general difference of feature in such age distance, although admittedly, outliers might exist.
In conclusion, I would say hook up or one night stand
I assume you are the 30 year old woman.
I mean I guess you “could” but — why would you want to date someone who is more like a/your “child” or younger cousin? Is he very attractive physically? Otherwise, I have no idea why you are eyeing him. even the more “mature” young adults I know are still trying to stand up financially independent and learn about the world. Heck, the 18 year old hasn’t even gone to college or started a real career. I’m 25 and 18 year old seem like “the past me” before I had some life experience under my belt. The same 18 year old thoughts, beliefs, lack of income, complaints — and I cannot stand it unless it is someone I care about like my actual cousin and I am in a mentor like role to put up with their younger (or my former younger) years/age.
I dated at 19-year-old when I was 33. A year later, we were married.
I wouldn't recommend the latter. Marriage is a big ask unless both persons have pragmatic expectations regarding married life.
People change radically between 19-27. I was happy, but she grew miserable living with a 'boring old man', as I must have appeared (working 60 hour weeks or more).
Nineteen-year-olds often become a different person by the time they are in their mid-20s.
I say this will full-respect to my ex. She was an amazing person, but our differences only magnified with time.
Dating is fine. Enjoy it, but if you are considering marriage, be very blunt about the romantic expectations of marriage.
Romance is a roller coaster. Love is a merry-go-round. Marriage is working to pay for the ride.
My brief answer is no. However if you are twenty-five years and decide to date or partner with someone much older than you and have reached a developmental milestone to make that kind of decision. Dr. Jean Clinton has states that a young brain does reach full maturity until the age of twenty-five years. Of course, there will be individuals that are exceptions to this but I think that overall, it is safe to say that a nineteen year old is still in the process of formulating who they are as a person and where they want to be in the next couple of years. I think permanently attaching your drone to the tale of an old kite is limiting.
acourse, there are always going to be people that will be the exception to this development. At my ripe old age, I believe that May-December relationships are not
Since the girl is over 18 I will say it is legal but not to smart. A 19 year old is still really a girl and not a woman and has totally different ideas, likes and dislikes than a 31 year old man. At 31 the man is already to settle down and should have his life pretty much under control and a 19 year old female is just leaving the nest and is ready to stretch her wings. 9 times out of 10 she would quickly get bored and soon start to pick fights just so she can go off and do what she wants with her friends her own age. A 31 year old man hopefully will be smart enough to realize that some one more his age will end up be a way better decision.

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